Coping with Cancellations/Closures and Managing Your Wellness

Dear Brothers,

These are confusing and tough times. As we adjust to this new normal of closures and cancellations, we want to assure you that your safety and health are our top priorities. The recent changes in our organization’s programming and across campuses throughout the nation are leaving many with strong emotions. We want you to know that it is ok to feel anxious and stressed. If you have been forced to unexpectedly leave your campus and to disengage from your community, then you may be experiencing fear and anger. It is ok to feel this way. Some of our graduating seniors may be feeling disheartended because they didn’t get to attend their last convention or concert – there’s no closure. It is ok to feel this way. These are natural reactions that we are all coping with. The important thing to note is that everyone reacts differently to change and uncertainty.

As many of our Active members are transitioning to online classes, we wanted to share with you some practices that can help you cope with these changes and manage your wellness. These suggestions were collected from several articles, including the NIH, NPR, and various wellness sites.

Build a Schedule and Routine

  • Going from in-person classes to all online courses can be difficult for some. You may experience restlessness and anxiety because it is different and not what your brain/body is used to. Some may be stressing out because they don’t have internet at home to even take online classes. Whatever it is that you have to do to adjust to these changes, try to build a schedule that reflects your normal routine. It may seem enticing to try to take all your classes in one sitting or to wait until later, but this could lead to burnout or further procrastination. One strategy is to time block all of your classes and set timers for each class.

Make Time to Unwind and Relax

  • Without the breaks and physical movement between classes, it is important that you make time to unwind and relax. This means something different for each person. It could mean take a quick nap, taking a walk, or listening to music. Whatever it is that helps you unwind, try to make time in your daily schedule to relax. You may feel the need to take more breaks as you adjust to your new environment and that is ok. Give yourself the time to adapt and learn. 

Practice Healthy Habits and Self-Care Activities

  • More than likely, your environment will be different from what you are used to at college. It is important that you take the time to make a list of healthy habits and self-care activities you want to practice in your new space. Even if this is back at home or in your regular living space, being stuck inside and staring at one primary screen is difficult for most people. One important example of a healthy habit is maintaining a regular eating and sleeping schedule. 

Maintain Awareness of Safety Recommendations

  • Most of our student members are safe and healthy and we hope to keep it that way. It is extremely important that everyone maintain a healthy awareness of COVID-19 and preventative measures. You can visit the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health to check out their safety recommendations. This generally includes practicing social distancing, consistent hand washing, and avoiding crowded areas. It is also important to point out that it is healthy to limit your exposure to general news coverage on COVID-19 and to double-check your sources.

Stay Connected and Engaged

  • Being removed from your community is never easy to cope with. Luckily, we have access to some pretty powerful tools that you can leverage. It is important for your health to practice interconnectedness. Utilize social media, video calls, and phone calls to stay connected and engaged with one another. We are social creatures and just because events/classes are canceled doesn’t mean that our relationships should be too. 

We recognize that for many college students campus is the only safe space they have. This makes life harder to adjust to when you don’t have the resources or space to take care of yourself. There are no easy solutions to these issues, but there are people out there that can help you. If you need help, please reach out to fellow Brothers and community members. At the end of the day, the most important concern for your National Council is your safety and health. We are here for you and we want to help.

If you need someone to talk to or help you get connected, please reach out to your National Vice President for Student Affairs, Bang Co. If you feel that you need to or would like to speak to a professional, there are several resources at your disposal. Here are a couple that you can try today:

Crisis Text Line – Text “HOME” to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor. Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via a medium people already use and trust: text.

SAMHSA HOTLINE – Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889. SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.


Bang T. Co

National Vice President for Student Affairs

(317) 370-6057


Read more about Convention Cancellations.

Read more about Chapter Operations During COVID-19 Statement.

Student Advisory Committee February 2017 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the February Student Advisory Committee meeting on February 12, 2017. Si Si Ni of the WD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—February SAC – Minutes 2/12/2017—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: none
    • North Central: Danielle Francis – Sec/Treas
    • Northeast: Shanon Rubin – VP for Membership
    • Southeast: Evan Schlameuss – VP for Programs
    • Southwest: George Ishii – President, Arjun Jeetan – MAL
    • Western: Si Si Ni – Sec/Treas
    • National Leadership: Jack Lee, Marco Krcatovich, Zac Humphrey, Jessica Lee (Curriculum Committee)
  • District Updates
    • Midwest
      • no update provided
    • North Central
      • Block presentation
        • More attendance from the norther school
      • Large number of people registered for convention
    • North East
      • 2/3 precinct meetings
      • Central – end of January
      • Northern precinct – next week
      • Both had 150-200 people attend
      • Registration is up on the website!
      • The workshops for convention are being planned beautifully.
    • Southeast
      • DLC was at Vanderbilt

        • Attendance was higher than usual
      • Website for SED convention is up!
      • New chapter in the district! Iota Nu – Alabama A & M

        • 75% of Iota Nu
    • Southwest
      • Convention planning is under way
      • Workshop season began yesterday
      • Accepting submissions to the district publications
    • Western
      • DLC – UCLA helped the district council gain a better understanding of the district to better-prepare WDC.

        • Attendance was higher than previous years.
      • Presidents are working efficiently in their planning for WDC.

        • Website and registration are both up!
      • The guidebook app used for DLC will make its reappearance at WDC to be a more efficient form of communication and cut down the costs by not printing excessively.
  • SAC Topic #1: Curriculum Development Update with Jessica Lee, member of the Curriculum Development Committee
    • Now onto 2nd round of pilot chapters
    • Currently using Ed Moto – interface similar to Facebook

      • Posts for chapters to access
      • A way to communicate to VP of pilot chapters
    • The committee met in January for updates.
    • Now beginning the refinement process

      • Feedback from Dos is really important
    • Committee will meet in April

      • Weekly feedback form on each lesson
      • Review feedback
      • Something different this time
    • After the meeting in April, committee will meet in June
    • Candidate guidebook & Teaching manual format
    • Finalized draft in June, then sent to committees for review at National Convention
    • One member from Curriculum will be present at every district convention
    • Goal: Ask pilot chapters to speak during the Curriculum presentation time block
    • Feedback

      • Chapters actually have a lot of control of the product (MEP)
      • Curriculum Committee development the content guideline (minimum)
      • Activities (in alignment with their policies) are up to chapter discretion.
      • Understand the values of Kappa Kappa Psi as an organization
      • Misconception:
    • At TMEA – Texas Southern might pilot
    • Q&A

      • Portfolio/project option
      • Memorizing information isn’t conducive
      • Rubric for discussion questions
      • Tests are not the best way to measure success.
      • Live the values of the organization
      • More MC responses
      • Activities
      • Should recruiting members that have the qualities of a members
      • Recommended votes after every degree
      • Learning disabilities/Dyslexia
      • Values based education
      • Rubric for vice presidents for evaluations
      • Think about the qualities you want to see in a Brother
      • How do we “measure” the success of a membership candidate without tangible data (i.e. tests/quizzes)?
      • Why do we need a test to be a standard?
    • Listen to Zac’s last two podcasts!

      • Upcoming podcast: Membership Selection

        • Recruit quality members and then think of the MCs as Actives in training rather than probationary members.
    • Email Jessica at or for any questions you may have
  • National Council Updates
    • Homework for March Meeting:

      • Reach out to chapters that piloted the National MEP
      • Find out what their concerns are
      • What they like/dislike
      • This helps prepare the National Curriculum committee prepare for National Convention
    • Chapter Leadership Finalists

      • Chapter leadership finalists will be announced on 2/13/17
      • There will be a press release on campus announcing
      • There are leadership finalists in every district!
      • Let these chapters know they’re outstanding!
      • There will be feedback in town hall to be thinking about in the future.
    • If you don’t know which national officers are attending your district conventions, ask Zac for the complete list.
    • (Shamelessly) Plug the Kappa Kappa Psi Presents podcasts
    • Awards:

      • The national officers will present national awards at district conventions.
      • These are awards that students can apply for.
    • Three Colonies

      • Jarvis Christian College
      • Old Dominion  
      • Cal Poly – Pomona
  • SAC Topic #2: Alumni Involvement: What does it currently look like and what would you like to see when you become an alumni?
    • Western District shared that there is very little encouraged alumni involvement and that there is actually some exclusion happening. Would love for more positive ways for alumni involvement.
    • The NED shared that they have a good relationship with their district alumni association. They are used for presenters at conventions and NEDAA presents some awards at convention, but they would like to see more awareness in general re: alumni events on a local level.
    • The SED shared similar experiences re: district alumni involvement but would like to see more alumni focused events similar to active workshops
    • One issue that SWD noted that chapters frequently face is getting updated alumni info from their universities. A lot of time there isn’t good coordination between the chapter and university due to privacy laws. They were wondering if this is something that the national level could help out with?
      • Zac will reach out to HQ and find out if there is more that the national org can do

Student Advisory Committee January 2017 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the January Student Advisory Committee meeting on January 17, 2017. George Ishii of the SWD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—January SAC – Minutes 1/17/2017—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: Sarah Person – Sec/Treas
    • North Central: Abigail Johnson – VP for Membership
    • Northeast: none
    • Southeast: Ariel Clouse – VP for Membership, Evan Schlameuss – VP for Programs, Jerome Hall – Sec/Treas
    • Southwest: George Ishii – President, Arjun Jeetan – MAL
    • Western: Alyssa Maher – VP, Jake Rocco – MAL
  • District Updates
    • Midwest
      • no update provided
    • North Central
      • Winter Council Meeting week and a half ago
      • Convention in Columbus, Ohio
      • Met all FOUR host Chapters (All chapters located in Columbus)
      • DLC is next Saturday, in Hope,Indiana
    • North East
      • n/a
    • Southeast
      • Winter Council MLK Weekend
      • SED Con 2017 Tampa Florida, University of South Florida
      • DLC at Vanderbilt February 11th
      • Iota Nu Colony at Alabama A&M will be installed
    • Southwest
      • Busy with convention planning
      • Workshop season is about to get underway
        • going to be hosting a signing competition
    • Western
      • DLC – UCLA MLK Weekend (200 People!)
        • Had guest presentations with some National Officers
        • Tailored workshops to the age of the membership
        • Used an app as a digital schedule
        • Carpool Karaoke district-wide compilation video
        • Workshop to help sec/treas plan certain projects, contact for more info
        • Music Leadership Building Project – able to bring up problems and solutions together
  • SAC Topic #1: Do chapters in your district have local dues in addition to national dues? What are they used for and when are they collected?
    • Reach out to Chapters in your District and find out how much their local dues are and what that money goes towards, report back to VPSA
    • How does your own Chapter handle local dues?
      • The total varies per chapter: $5, $40-$50, $100
      • Money goes to:
        • General Service Funds
        • Chapter Polo shirt
        • Buying stoles for graduating seniors
        • Sending Delegates to Convention
        • Candidate Scholarship (pays for dues)
        • Beginning of Year Startup Funds
        • Determined to Chapter Vote
      • Many chapters have payment plans and priority is given to getting national dues in on time.
    • How do you feel about local dues?
      • Chapters should vote to approve local dues
      • Guidelines for payment plans would be welcome
        • Could setup payment plans during the last meetings of the year
          • guidelines for how to set these up would be welcome
      • Service funds should be fundraised by Chapter, local dues are for personal Chapter expenses
  • National Council Updates
    • Met in Orlando, FL for Winter Council at NatCon Hotel
    • Marco and Zac are working on a budgeting tool with Headquarters to get Chapters to NatCon
      • Rough estimate for 4 people in a hotel room for week with registration is $125 for Convention and $132 for hotel room
      • Parking is  $16/day
      • More to be included in the tool
    • February 1st is date for NatCon Website to go live
    • Curriculum Committee
      • Recorded hour and a half of audio for the KKPsi Presents Podcast
      • Will be a part of the National Town Hall at District Conventions
    • 75-80% of the way through budget, on track
    • Due to growth of National Organization, discussion on whether to suspend the automatic dues increase at NatCon
    • KKPsi Presents Podcast to be reformatted into segments
      • Will be asking for submissions from all Brothers about their own stories
    • Awards
      • Jack and Marco have reviewed Leadership Funds
      • Solicitation for Boh Makovsky Award, for an outstanding conductor
      • Gold Star Recognition – Brothers who have served/passed away during Military Service
    • Chapter Petitioning Documents are being scanned into an online database for Chapters to be able to access
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • Curriculum Pilot Chapter Feedback:
      • Candidates enjoy being able to plan and execute their own fundraiser and service project
      • Has given Candidates a more collaborative and inclusive experience
      • Western District got feedback that they felt they were growing as leaders, but were less sure of the identity of the fraternity
        • lack of focus on chapter, district, and TBS identities
  • Announcements and Wrap up
    • J. Lee Burke are open to all Brothers, not just District Presidents
    • A. Frank Martin given to someone with a regional impact
    • DSMM top award given to someone with life-long contributions to music

Student Advisory Committee December 2016 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the December Student Advisory Committee meeting on December 17, 2016. Michael Bradford-Calhoun of the SED took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—December SAC – Minutes 12/17/2016—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: no representative
    • North Central: Justin Jensen – VP for Programs
    • Northeast: Shanon Rubin – VP
    • Southeast: Michael Bradford-Calhoun – President
    • Southwest: George Ishii – President
    • Western: Mitch Mikuchonis – President & Alyssa Maher – VP
  • District Updates
    • Midwest: n/a
    • North Central
      • Finalizing Convention plan
      • Winter meeting here soon
    • North East
      • Still looking for location for convention
      • Winter Council MLK weekend in Lancaster, PA
      • Focusing on precinct meetings
      • Future discussion on how to get students more involved
    • Southeast
      • Convention Plan turned in
      • Winter Council MLK Weekend
      • DLC February 11th @ Vanderbilt
      • Moving to Convention Center system after this year for District Convention
      • Honda Battle of the Bands – Atlanta, GA Jan 28th
      • Big event for bands and KKPSI will have a table present
    • Southwest
      • Convention Plan in
      • MLK weekend for Winter Council
      • Spring chapter leadership workshops
      • Application for students to present at workshops
    • Western
      • Moving forward with DLC – 13-15th
      • District Officers getting to speak with prospective candidates
      • Marching Band setting for their music workshop block
      • NIB recording possibilities at district events
      • WDC planning
      • Western District Ensemble Clinic – inviting high schools to come sit with the reading band
      • Jazz Band – up and running
      • Seeking host chapter for 2018
  • SAC Topic #1: How can both the district and national levels better prepare and encourage students to get to national convention?
    • Getting people to NatCon
      • Bussing for NatCon
        • ZK Chapter – Texas A&M Commerce, hired chartered buses that would pick up other chapters to go to NatCon.
      • Start a savings plan
    • Evaluating the difference of District or NatCon for chapters to understand what they should go to and why
    • Make sure Districts are getting information about District and NatCon out now
    • Circulation of ideas to get people to District Conventions and explain how it is different from a national convention
    • Rotating Facts about National Business to help Chapters know what will be discussed and have this regularly communicated in the lead up
  • National Council Updates
    • Alabama A&M Colony will be installed after the new year.
    • Submit any questions, comments, or concerns to be discussed at the National Council’s Winter Council Meeting by January 10th!
    • A lot of chapters missed the December 1st deadline! Redouble efforts to ensure deadlines are being met by your consitutent chapters!
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • George asked about OMRS and how it is updated from one year to the next
      • This is largely on the chapters as there is not standard officer corps make up or way they can be reached.
      • George mentioned it would be nice having chapters with unified messaging accounts across their officers
        • Zac gave examples of how some chapters do this with officer email accounts and such. This comes down to effectively doing chapter transitions.
        • This is where district councils can focus on building and maintaining databases that can be leveraged.
  • Announcements and Wrap up
    • Applications for national office are due January 15th!

Feedback for the National Council

Happy New Year Brothers!

I am excited to announce that you can now submit feedback to the National Council in a fast and easy way. Currently it is via a google form found here. Going forward we will be working to integrate it into the national website. As our annual Winter Council Meeting is happening in a week, now would be a great time to submit any questions, comments, or concerns you have for the Council’s review.

Are you curious about the status of the Membership Education Curriculum Pilot program? Maybe you want more information on the upcoming National Convention? Is there a recurring question regarding the National Constitution that is vexing your chapter? These are all examples of items that could be submitted.

While the form asks for identifying information like name, chapter, and email, the only required field is your question, comment, or concern. This is another way the Council is looking forward to hearing back from you, our Brothers!


Zac Humphrey
Vice President for Student Affairs

Student Advisory Committee November 2016 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the November Student Advisory Committee meeting on November 6, 2016. Kylie Wolfe and Shanon Rubin of the NED took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—November SAC – Minutes 11/6/2016—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: no representative
    • North Central: Jeric Tumang – President & Abigail Johnson – VPM
    • Northeast: Kylie Wolfe – President & Shanon Rubin – VP
    • Southeast: no representative
    • Southwest: George Ishii – President
    • Western: Si Si Ni – Secretary/Treasurer
  • District Updates
    • Midwest: n/a
    • North Central: Jeric reported that their next district event takes place January 21st. The district council is currently working on the district publication, the Arpeggio. The council will be conducting a survey about what keeps brothers from attending district functions as well as what gets them to come to events. Abigail also shared that she is starting a VPM blog.
    • North East: Kylie reported that they had their first District Day-EA (get it? AEA, lol) and the theme was leadership. The goal of this program is to encourage chapters to post their activites on social media that will ultimately help form the district scrapbook. Each day will center around a different pillar of the fraternity and will help play a thematic role in district convention. Currently, the council is working on their district convention schedule. Shanon has been working with the district VPMs, setting up one-on-one video chat sessions.
    • Southeast: n/a
    • Southwest: George reported that there wasn’t really anything new to report since our previous month’s meeting had been moved so close to this one.
    • Western: Si Si reported that the joint councils had selected a location for the Western District Leadership Conference in January and that announcement is forthcoming. The officers are finishing up their presentations for that and have begun planning for district convention in Boise, ID.
  • SAC Topic #1: What are the district officers looking for from the national council in planning their conventions?
    • Who’s coming to them?
      • Zac: Jack is waiting on the finalization of the dates as at the time of the meeting, the NED was still figuring their location out due to leaving convention without a host.
    • How can we use national council members?
      • Zac: they can be used as workshop presenters, committee advisors, general meet and greet type folks, reading band conductors. The national council members can be as involved or uninvolved as you want them to be. Once the assignments go outreach out to the members who are assigned and get specific with them.
    • Si Si asked about corporate donations to help cut costs for events in general. Zac shared that when he was district president, he worked out a deal with Sam Pilafian where since Sam was affiliated with Jupiter Music, they were able to cover some of the cost for him to come and do a breathing gym workshop and help out with reading band. But with donations of any kind, it is always good to check with national headquarters to make sure no one violates the fraternity’s 501c3 standing.
    • Zac shared that the only explicit requests from the national council at this time was to schedule time for the town hall and also some time for the curriculum development committee.
    • George asked about whether the national level had any plans to encourage brothers to go to national convention. Zac explained that other than the publicity materials that headquarters creates, there isn’t any actual program that does this. Zac shared so ways for the district councils to encourage their brothers to start saving for national convention in Florida and also shared some ideas, such as chartering buses like Texas A & M – Commerce did for the Lexington convention.
  • National Council Updates
    • The colonies at University of Texas – El Paso and Alabama A&M are going to be installed in the coming weeks.
    • The Month of Musicianship is in full swing and people are sharing their activities on social media. The fraternity is also sharing multiple times a day a variety of posts relating to musicianship and the fraternity. Make sure to take a listen to the kickoff podcast!
    • Upcoming podcast features student award winners!
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • The Western District feels a bit stagnant in the way the host their DLC and asked for some advice on how to spice it up as it is largely an event that is predominantly attended by new members.
      • Some of the suggestions from the members in attendance:
        • Utilize social media and promote it in new ways
        • promote new ideas, come up with new formats and structures, make it fun, don’t be afraid of using gimmicks to hype it up
      • They did ask about national council participation, but due to it being the same weekend as the national council winter meeting, this was unfortunately unlikely.
  • Announcements and Wrap up
    • Keep encouraging participation in the Month of Musicianship
    • The Pennsylvania higher education strike didn’t have a huge impact of chapter activities.
    • Deadlines are quickly approaching for the Fall Activity Report! (hint: it’s December 1st!)
    • Encourage your chapters to get their candidate forms and dues in within 30 days of initiation to avoid a late fees!

Student Advisory Committee October 2016 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the October Student Advisory Committee meeting on October 28, 2016. Abigail Johnson, from the NCD, took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—October SAC – Minutes 10/28/2016—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: no representative
    • North Central: Abigail Johnson – VPM
    • Northeast: Shanon Rubin – VP
    • Southeast: no representative
    • Southwest: George Ishii – President
    • Western: Si Si Ni – Secretary/Treasurer
  • District Updates
    • Midwest: n/a
    • North Central: The NCD successfully hosted Membership Education Retreat, which is the first district event of the academic year. They flew in Jessica Lee to present. They are about to release new Arpeggio publication. Abigail is in the process of meeting with VPM’s and convention plan is coming along. They are now starting to get into planning spring district events.
    • North East: Shanon is Skyping 1-on-1 with VPM’s in the district and setting up times to Skype with MC classes post-2nd degree. He reported that they are not sure about Convention (in the hands of governors and counselors), and that there is a Pennsylvania University system-wide faculty strike. Member at Large is starting theme days next week (first one is leadership) for chapters to organize events pertaining to certain pillars
    • Southeast: n/a
    • Southwest: George reported that convention plan’s are coming together. Now they are taking up submissions for New Alto (publication). They are also working on plans for district service project and fundraiser.
    • Western: Si Si reported that DLC is quickly coming up. They are meeting regularly as a joint council. The joint vision is focusing on leadership stories when they are planning for convention. The District Presidents are meeting to finalize State Days dates, the VPM is meeting VP’s. Working on Southwest Airlines proposal: For every dollar spent by brothers on SW Air, they get 50 points instead of 1 or 2.
  • SAC Topic #1: Month of Musicianship (MoM), pros and cons, what would you like to see out of this national push?
    • Marco joined the conversation for the discussion re: Month of Musicianship.
    • Still have work to do as a fraternity to make Month of Musicianship part of peoples’ minds and lives for November.
    • Goal is for November to be part of the chapter’s culture, something you’re thinking about and excited about.
    • Program started under Derrick Mills as VPP (2005-2007), last year’s participation was really good.
    • Suggestions:
      • Examples of things chapters have sent in before, not just suggestions but actual past submissions.
      • Not quite sure what they’re looking for (community vs. university, what types of things to send in, etc.).
      • What would be the difference between normal chapter musical activities and MoM participation?
      • Highlights reel or feed or something as a daily update/reminder to keep it in people’s minds. Part of making it part of the culture.
      • What does the wrap-up look like, where do we go, what did we learn? Is a bigger questions than can be answered at the end of one month. Want to make it a little more year-round and cultural than an event with an end date.
      • A hashtag would be cool
    • Marco
      • It’s not like turning in an MEP or giving a grade, it’s not mandatory. “What makes this special” is a really good point. MoM started as recognition that for the majority of chapters, musicianship focus was not the norm.
      • Hashtag: #MonthofMusicianship or #NationalMonthofMusicianship
      • The difference between music and musicianship is something nationals talks about a lot – focusing not only on individual musicality but also awareness and appreciation and how you spread that love of music to others.
      • Want to raise awareness of different possibilities for musicianship (chapters utilizing recitals, etc.) and development outside of band class.
    • Zac
      • MoM also evolved as a way to share before social media made that so much more possible. Opportunity to share the great things they’re already doing. Participating in a conversation. “Like an extended twitter chat but in real life”
  • National Council Updates
    • Zac wants DO’s to have an opportunity to take some ownership over, responsibility for, and contribute to the organization through this Committee
      • Want to do things to make our voices heard and give opportunities to share experiences and knowledge and enthusiasm
      • Excited about Podcasts, 1300 downloads, wants them to continue evolving.
    • Marco working on website and MoM
    • Evan has been working with chapters who are piloting the new MEP’s, colony investigation stuff
    • Jack has been planning for NatCon, working with hq on a bunch of things
    • HQ is being rented out by the city of Stillwater to be part of their holiday train tour
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • Would it be possible to promote the website more? A lot of people don’t know what’s on there or how to find it.
    • Marco has been working with Robert at HQ on the updating the website and ways to promote it.
    • Si Si had a question for the rest of the officers as well as the national council. Professors have office hours. She is thinking about posting a link to a Google hangout during the hour before meetings so she can have open communication with brothers, it would be good for accountability and making officers seem less intimidating.
  • Announcements and Wrap up
    • Month of musicianship is coming
    • Try to share MoM conversation with other officers and with your chapters
    • Sending out Doodle Poll for next month’s meeting
    • Encourage everyone to fill it out!

Student Advisory Committee September 2016 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the September Student Advisory Committee meeting on September 11, 2016. Notes for the meeting were taken by Sarah Person from the MWD. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—September SAC – Minutes 9/11/2016—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: Sarah Person – Secretary/Treasurer
    • Western: no representative
    • North Central: Abigail Johnson – VPM
    • North East: Helen Landers – HAAL & Shanon Rubin – VP
    • Southeast: Evan Schlameuss – VPP
    • Southwest: Arjun Jeetan – MAL
  • District Updates
    • Midwest: District Day at CU Boulder – Mountain themed with focus being on goal setting and planning
    • Western: n/a
    • North Central: Work on planning and logistics for member education retreat!
    • North East: District planning, trying to set up KKPsi and TBS meeting times. District promoting pictures!
    • Southeast: Psi 85, bring the chapters along route 85. Planning for the year and prepping for an upcoming council meeting. Working on side projects and with district VP’s.
    • Southwest: Selected team for the Alto (Newsletter). Have more articles that aren’t convention themed. Working on new ‘Badges for brotherhood”. Little badges for the different chapters for making different tasks. Had to CLC’s – east and west. Looking to have it in the north and the south next year to have it more balanced. Working on speakers for conventions, schools for workshops, service event (Penny drive), etc. New colony at University of Texas El Paso
  • SAC Topic #1: What do DOs/students want to get out of the SAC?
    • SAC Overview
      • Year-long SAC aims toward providing a way to get input and have a greater student voice
        • Email the SAC email with things that come up!
      • Shannon – Committee is most beneficial when we are all in contact with each other – also bring student voices up to the national level
      • Providing opportunities for them to question programs
        • Look into talking to Marco to try and get more of the programs broken down in ways that are easy to understand and apply for
        • Use social media more to get the news out there
          • Put out more announcements for “ask me questions” reminders
        • Sometimes saying “Come to me with your questions comments and concerns” is very vague and can be hard to get interaction that way
  • National Council Updates
    • Jack has been working on getting committees set up for National Convention
      • Nominations committee will be set by the middle of October
      • Ritual Performance and Education Committee
        • This committee will…
          • Work on recommendations for ritual logistics
          • Provide clarifications and suggestions
          • Provide CMEP kinds of things that will tie into the national curriculum
        • Next National Council meeting on the 20th of Sept.
          • If you have any questions you would like to be brought up send them to Zac (
        • National MEP Curriculum is being cleaned up
          • National Headquarters is being cleaned out to be rented
            • An exciting opportunity for revenue to the nationals
            • Doing a lot of upgrades to the building from the citiy!
        • Podcasts are live!
          • Weekly on Tuesday mornings
          • Listen to them! Spread the word!
          • Send Zac your genuine comments! Good or bad.
          • Zac wants to interview national award winners in the future. He is scheduling interviews with these winners.
            • One episode a semester to provide recognitions to winners
          • Wants to provide more workshop based episodes once the get to know the national leadership episodes are finished.
          • Arjun’s podcast suggestion: Podcast on each of the district conventions as they are having
            • See the differences between the districts
            • Zac wants to do ‘Story Corps’ like bits during convention
            • Also wants to do convention recaps
        • Life membership drive on September 23rd
          • Discounted life memberships – spread the word
          • Zac will send a flyer out to everyone on SAC to spread the word
        • National Student Awards
          • Spread awareness how these awards are picked
          • Looking to have student becoming a part of the selection process
          • Keep your eyes out for potentials of these awards
          • Have questions? Marco (VPP) would be happy to talk as well as any National Officers
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • Arjun – Lack of participation in student awards, specifically AEA scholarship and J. Lee Burke Student Achievement Award. As District officers try to spread the word about these awards so there is a bigger pool of applicants.
      • Bring more awareness – Zac will work with Robert at HQ to come up with flyers or things to spread on social media
      • Marco’s work putting it on the website is helpful – now it is on District Officers to spread the word
      • Moving forward look into ways to help the District Officers put the word out there
  • SAC Topic #2: What would you like to see the Ritual Performance and Education Committee do?
    • Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, a complete account of this part of the conversation will not be shared here. If you would like to get a record of what was discussed, you can contact Zac Humphrey, VPSA ( for that information.
    • The first meeting of this new committee will take place on September 25th, 2016 at 8pm ET. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please send them to Zac.
  • Announcements and Wrap up
    • Give the national council your perspective!
      • Nationals want your honest input both good and bad!
      • Don’t hesitate to bring your frustrations to Zac or others on the council
      • Everyone wants you to be having fun as a member of the district council, but if you have them bring your concerns to someone