Spring 2023 – Announcement of Chapter Installations

Brothers – 

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful re-chartering of the Kappa chapter at Colorado State University and the installations of the Xi Epsilon chapter at Florida Memorial University and the Xi Zeta chapter at Widener University! The process started in late February of this semester with a petitioning group of twenty-eight band members for CSU, eleven band members for FMU, and twenty band members for WU. The Colorado State group was led by Tucker Booth with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Rebecca Phillips, and Sponsor, Dr. Jayme Taylor. Their installation took place on CSU’s campus on Sunday, April 23rd, 2023. The Florida Memorial group was led by Rashaud Marcelin with the support of their Director of Bands and Sponsor, Dr. Richard Beckford. Their installation took place on FMU’s campus on Thursday, April 13th, 2023. The Widener group was led by John Samohod with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Iain Moyer, and Sponsor, Kim Sulahian. Their installation took place on WU’s campus on Monday, April 17th, 2023.

This process would not have been possible without the help of our dedicated Advising Teams. The teams advising each group were led by MWD Governor, Dr. Nicholas Rorrer (CSU); SED Governor, Arupa Gopal-Campbell (FMU); and National Database & Membership System Coordinator, Aaron Moore (WU). Each Advising Team consisted of several alumni members, who are listed below. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support.

Colorado State Advising Team

  • Dr. Nicholas Rorrer (Life Member, Eta Beta | MWD Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Justin Chesak (Life Member, Gamma Iota | Past CFR, 2016-2018)
  • Makenzie Chesak (Life Member, Alpha | Expansion Committee Vice-Chair)
  • Christian Heck (Alumni Member, Iota Kappa | Graduate Student at CSU)
  • Joey Sacino (Life Member, Iota Kappa | DEIA Committee Member)

Florida Memorial Advising Team

  • Arupa Gopal-Campbell (Life Member, Kappa Tau | SED Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Tar-Shae` Odom (Active Member, Zeta Eta | National VP for Student Affairs)
  • Kadeem Sabari (Life Member, Zeta Chi | ΚΚΨAA BOD Member)
  • Joe Figliolo (Alumni Member, Mu Eta | Expansion Committee Member)
  • Alyssia Price (Active Member, Gamma Nu | Curriculum Development Committee Member)

Widener University Advising Team

  • Aaron Moore (Life Member, Alpha Rho | National Database & Membership System Coordinator) – Lead Advisor
  • Marci Jones (NED Honorary Member | NED Governor)
  • Ali Beidler (Life Member, Eta Rho & Data | Assessment Committee Member)
  • Ayleen Sanchez (Life Member, Alpha Chi | Curriculum Development Committee Member)
  • Michael “Ike” Ireland (Life Member, Nu Omicron | Expansion Committee Member)

Several chapters offered to help out by providing supplies and members for the Ritual and installation. We would like to extend our appreciation to the following chapters for their assistance.

  • Xi chapter (Colorado School of Mines) for lending their Ritual gear for the Colorado State University chapter installation.
  • Kappa Tau chapter (University of South Florida) for lending their Ritual gear for the Florida Memorial University chapter installation.
  • Eta Rho chapter (West Chester University) for providing a Ritual team and lending their Ritual gear for the Widener University chapter installation.

Lastly, we would like to give thanks to all the chapters and alumni members who made the trip to provide support in the installation ceremony for the Kappa, Xi Epsilon, and Xi Zeta chapters. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. We are excited to transition to the post-installation process with each of these chapters and for the opportunity to have these groups represented at the upcoming National Convention. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.

If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Expansion page or email me at bangco@kkpsi.org

With Love,


Chapter Installation Announcement – Spring 2022

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful re-chartering and installation of both the Lambda Upsilon chapter at Savannah State University and the Zeta Pi chapter at Tennessee State University! The process started in late January of this semester with a petitioning group of ten band members for SSU and twenty-six band members for TSU. The Savannah State group was led by DeAnte Hillman with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Gabriel Arnold. The Tennessee State group was led by Curtis Olawumi with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Reginald McDonald and their Sponsor, Professor Larry Jenkins. Both installations took place at their respective campuses on Sunday, March 20th.


This process would not have been possible without the help of our dedicated Advising Teams. The group advising the SSU process was led by SED Governor, Arupa Gopal-Campbell and the group advising the TSU process was led by SED Governor, Kalem Graham. Both Advising Teams consisted of several alumni members, who are listed below. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support. 

Savannah State Advising Team

  • Tar-Shae Odom (Active Member, Zeta Eta & National VPSA)
  • Greg Boike (Life Member, Kappa Mu & KKPsi AABOD Chair)
  • Marina Peña Guiot (Life Members, Nu Alpha/Kappa Mu & KKPsi AABOD Vice Chair)
  • Jordan Barnes (Life Member, Iota Xi & Past NED Historian/Alumni Liaison)

Tennessee State Advising Team

  • Rassii Elliott (Life Member, Eta Omega & NED Governor)
  • Atia Aroonsakulwongse (Life Member, Theta Theta & Past SED Sec/Treas)
  • Jessica Needham (Alumna, Eta Sigma & Past SED VPP)
  • Bryan Flippin (Alumnus, Theta Tau & Past Chapter President)

Several chapters offered to help out by providing supplies for the Ritual and installation. We would like to extend our appreciation to the following chapters for their assistance:

  • Zeta Eta (South Carolina State University) and Nu Alpha (Georgia State University) for lending their Ritual gear for the Savannah State University chapter installation.
  • Theta Theta (University of Alabama-Birmingham) for lending their Ritual gear for the Tennessee State University chapter installation.

Lastly, we would like to give thanks to all the chapters and alumni members who made the trip to provide support in the installation ceremony for the Lambda Upsilon and Zeta Pi chapters. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. We are excited to transition to the post-installation process with both chapters and for the opportunity to have both groups represented at the upcoming SED Convention. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.


If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Starting A Chapter page or email me at bangco@kkpsi.org.

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University

Chapter Installation Announcement – Spring 2022

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful chartering and installation of the Xi Gamma chapter at Cleveland State University on Sunday, January 30th! The process started at the beginning of last semester with a petitioning group of twenty-three band members, led by Maddie Baldwin and with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Birch Browning.This process would not have been possible without the help of our amazing Advising Team. This group was led by NCD Governors, Marc Reanud and Michelle Banis and consisted of three additional advisors. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support.

  • Akilah Thomas, Past NCD VPM (Beta Kappa)
  • Viet Nguyen, Past NCD VPM (Eta)
  • Jack Gornick, Past NCD President (Alpha Zeta)
We would like to extend our appreciation to the Iota Lambda chapter at the University of Mount Union for providing Ritual supplies for the installation.
Lastly, we would like to give thanks to the several chapters that made the trip to support the installation of the Xi Gamma chapter. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. Thank you to the following chapters:
  • Beta Kappa (Bowling Green State University)
  • Beta Psi (Kent State University)
  • Zeta Omicron (University of Akron)
Maddie and Dr. Browning will start this semester as Chapter President and Chapter Sponsor, respectively. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.

If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Starting A Chapter page or email me at bangco@kkpsi.org.

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University