Matching Grant Program

Matching Grant Application | Cover Page for Supplemental Documents

Matching Grant FINAL REPORT | Cover Page for Supplemental Documents

Purpose of the Kappa Kappa Psi Matching Grant Program

In order to promulgate Kappa Kappa Psi’s mission of promoting the advancement of college and university bands, the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi has created the Matching Grant program to provide financial support for obtaining guest conductors and performing artists for college/university bands.   The program provides financial support, up to $1000, for programming and concerts twice a year. This program is not restricted only to college and university band programs with chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Obligations of Awardees

Programs that are funded receive a reimbursable grant (the amount of which will be decided in advance by the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi of an amount no greater than $1000). Reimbursements will be released following the submission and approval of proper paperwork and a final report after the program has been completed. These requirements must be completed within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the program to receive the entire grant.   Awarded programs require at least one public performance and Kappa Kappa Psi must be publicly recognized in the program and on promotion for the event (in accordance to organizational brand standards).

NOTE: To ensure eligibility, Chapters must submit the grant application for approval PRIOR to the event. Grants will only be authorized if approval is given by the National Council prior to the event taking place. Any deviation from this could result in a dismissed application.

Award Criteria and Criteria for National Council Decisions

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • The number and variety of public performances by one or more of the college/university bands featuring the guest conductor(s), guest composer(s) and/or performing artist(s). At least one public performance must feature the visiting artist, composer, or conductor with a college/university band.
  • The funded project is student-centered, with a clear focus to the improvement of teaching and learning.   The number and variety of workshops, master classes, and/or clinics provided by the guest conductor(s), composer(s), and/or performing artist(s) will be evaluated as well as the access to these learning opportunities by student musicians.
  • The funded project demonstrates the standard of excellence and musical achievements of the guest conductor(s), composer(s), and/or performing artist(s).
  • The ways in which Kappa Kappa Psi will be recognized as a sponsor of the funded project.
  • The plan to promote public concert(s) and reach a wide and diverse audience of students and the public.
  • The individual(s) selected as guest conductor(s) and/or performing artist(s), their work, and the programming they have done/typically do with college and university musicians.

The National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi will use the criteria above to evaluate grant applications and determine if a grant will be awarded and the amount that will be awarded.


Basic Requirements

Grant applications must include the following:

  • A complete application form signed by the Grant Author, Director of Bands, a university or college grants administrator (can be a departmental administrator for music/arts programs).
  • A statement of no more than six-hundred (600) words on the significance and impact of the project, the audience(s) reached, and the student population(s) that will be served.
  • A timeline of events for the guest conductor(s), composer(s), and/or guest artist(s), including travel and lodging logistics.
  • A completed budget sheet for the project.
  • A resume or CV for each project participant (limit two pages per participant).
    • Project participant would be the artist, composer, conductor, etc. for the project.
  • Any supporting materials/information which is considered important to the application, including:
    • Letter(s) of commitment from outside participants and cooperating institutions
    • A history of the project
    • Any financial support that has already been received for the project
    • Past concerts/clinics, if this project is part of a broader series
    • Illustrative or descriptive material from preliminary work or previous periods of support may be included in an appendix, but should be limited to essential information.

The following should not be included:

  • Letter(s) of recommendation and testimonials.

All materials included and the grant application form must be typed. No hand-written applications will be accepted.


Performance – List anticipated date(s) and place(s) of public performance(s) and public master class(es). If possible, include a copy of the concert program with other supporting material.   If the project involves the performance of material(s) currently under copyright, the applicant should indicate what has been done to secure the necessary permission to perform the material(s). 

Student Workshop(s)/Master Class(es)/Clinic(s) – List all clinic(s), master class(es), and/or workshop(s) to be conducted by the guest conductor(s) and/or performing artist(s), the estimated number of participants in each and the populations invited to participate, and the timeline of activities. If possible, provide a syllabus for each.

Evaluation for performance(s) and student programming – All supporting projects should include some strategy to assess the effectiveness of the project programs.   This may include exit surveys, course evaluations, conversations with the artists, and/or other means of assessment.

Statement of significance/impact – Provide a clear and concise one-paragraph explanation of the nature of the project and its value to students and general audiences. Applications should describe the scope of the project, the material(s) to be used, the relationship of the project to the institution’s overall music education or band program, and what difference the results of the project will make, and to whom. Describe clearly how the project is “student-centered”. Describe the audience(s) reached. Describe the student population(s) that will be served.


Applications for projects beginning in the Fall semester must be postmarked between August 1 and December 1.

Applications for projects beginning in the Spring semester must be postmarked between January 1 and June 30.

Decisions will be made, first, by electronic means, and then with a mailed award letter. This letter will include paperwork that must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of all programming to receive reimbursed funds.   That date will be included in all award correspondence. If you have any questions concerning the Matching Grant, please contact Daniel Miller, National Vice President for Programs, at