Spring 2021 Colony Announcement
I hope that everyone is safe and healthy as you start your Spring 2021 semester! I am excited to announce three colonies for this spring!
Livingstone College – Theta Chi Recolonization – Southeast District
Kalem Graham (Life Member, Zeta Psi & SED Governor) will serve as lead colony advisor, and Kadeem Sabari (Alumnus, Zeta Chi & SED Alumni Association Chair), Jessica Needham (Alumnus, Eta Sigma and former SED VPP), and Danielle Francis Marzen (Alumnus, Lambda Tau and former NCD President) will serve on the colony advising team.
The Livingstone College Band program is growing under the direction of Director of Bands, Mr. Anthony Jones. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including Concert Band, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo, Basketball Band, and the Marching Blue Thunder Marching Band. The band has participated in the Palmetto Bowl Classic and the Heritage Bowl Classic over the last several years. Notably, Mr. Jones, Director of Bands, also serves as the Director of the 369th Experience, a band which in its original form, consisted of 65 African American and Puerto Rican gentlemen who charmed the hearts and minds of Americans and Europeans during WWI. The ensembles recreates the famous Harlem Hell Fighters regimental band’s spirited arrangements of ragtime, jazz and blues first introduced European audiences to the novel sounds of this American music with students chosen from Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country. We are excited to welcome back Livingstone College to Kappa Kappa Psi! You may send notes of congratulations to Director of Bands, Prof. Anthony Jones (antjones@livingstone.edu) or to Colony President Tyvaun James (tyvaunjames@gmail.com).
Shepherd University – New Colonization – Northeast District
Sarah Fitzgerald (Life Member, Iota Delta and Northeast District Governor) will serve as lead colony advisor. Kelly Nellis (Life Member, Kappa Alpha and former National Vice President for Student Affairs), Lamoth Haynie (Life Member, Eta Gamma), Mike Napolitano (Life Member, Kappa Upsilon, National Vice President for Programs, and former NED Governor) have been appointed as the Colony Advising Team.
The Shepherd University Band Program is under the direction of Dr. Scott Hippensteel. The music program has several ensembles in the department, including Wind Ensemble, Marching “Ram Band”, Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Community Orchestra. The Ram Band is one of the highlights of Shepherd University. Known for their strong commitment to musical excellence and exciting shows, the Ram Band is in great demand throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. The Ram Band is an active recruiting ensemble that performs in exhibition at high
school marching band festivals in our four-state region (West Virginia, Virginia,Pennsylvania, and Maryland). The Ram Band also performs every year at the Collegiate Marching Band Festival in Allentown, PA. The Shepherd University Wind Ensemble is the premier wind group of Shepherd University and each year the auditions become more competitive. Over the last 20 years, the ensemble has performed in Carnegie Hall, Ireland, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal. We are excited to welcome Shepherd University to Kappa Kappa Psi! Notes of congratulations may be sent to Director of Bands and Chapter Sponsor, Dr. Scott Hippensteel (shippens@shepherd.edu) and Colony President, Ian Walton (ipwalton594@gmail.com).
University of North Texas – New Colonization – Southwest District
Andy Melvin (Life Member, Delta, Southwest District Governor, and former CFR) will serve as lead colony advisor, and Jason Filer (Alumnus, Alpha Zeta & former NCD President), Teddy Howell (Alumnus, Kappa Lambda), and Atia Aroonsakulwongse (Life Member, Theta Theta and former SED Secretary/Treasurer) will serve on the colony advising team.
Prof. Eugene Migliaro Corporon’s tenure as Director of Bands at UNT began in 1994. The UNT Wind Symphony under his direction, is internationally acknowledged as one of the premier ensembles of its kind. The North Texas Wind Symphony is selected from the most outstanding musicians attending the College of Music; the group has been highly acclaimed for “wonderful and artistically rendered performances which are elegant and polished,” and complimented for “terrific ensemble skills which embody a high degree of integrity and sensitivity.” From first performing at a College Band Directors National Association Regional Convention in 1996, the group has since attended multiple CBDNA conventions, TMEA, TBA, WASBE, American Bandmasters Association, PASIC, Bands of America Concert Festivals, and the Midwest Clinic. The University of Texas College of Music is the largest public university music program in the United States. UNT offers more than 70 different musical ensembles for students to participate in, which include the 400-member Green Brigade Marching Band, the three-time Grammy nominated Wind Symphony under the direction of Eugene Corporon, the Wind Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Andrew Trachsel, the Wind Ensemble under the direction of Daniel Cook, the Brass Band under the direction of David Childs, the Symphonic and Concert bands directed by Masters and Doctoral candidates, and the Brass Choir. The University of Texas is home to the nation’s first jazz degree program, and has more than a dozen vocal and instrumental jazz ensembles, including the seven-time Grammy nominated One O’Clock Lab Band, UNT Jazz Singers and 25 small groups each semester. We are thrilled to welcome The University of North Texas to Kappa Kappa Psi! Notes of congratulations may be sent to Director of Bands, Prof. Eugene Corporon (eugene.corporon@unt.edu), Chapter Sponsor, Dr. Daniel Cook (daniel.cook@unt.edu), or Colony President, Amrutha Murthy (AmruthaMurthy@my.unt.edu).
The Hampton University colony will also be continuing on this semester. By the end of this biennium, we will have installed 9 colonies of Kappa Kappa Psi – 5 Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 3 Predominately White Institutions, and 1 minority serving institution.
Thank you to those Brothers who will be serving on the colony advising teams. Each team will assist the colony during the colonization process, and will then follow the colony through a full year of reporting to ensure a strong foundation of support and success.
We are excited to welcome these three colonies to Kappa Kappa Psi during this unprecedented time. Please join me in supporting and welcoming these colonists to the Brotherhood!
Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Life Member, Eta Alpha – Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Now Accepting 2021-23 CFR Applications
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity is hiring two talented and dedicated Brothers for the position of Chapter Field Representative (CFR). This position gives Brothers a meaningful opportunity to give back to our organization as an official representative of the Fraternity and a staff member of our National Headquarters. Over a two-year period, our CFRs will visit dozens of chapters, travel thousands of miles across the country, and work with thousands of brothers and their college bands from coast to coast. The CFR position is supervised by National Executive Director, Steve Nelson, and National Vice President for Colonization & Membership, Jessica Lee.
The position starts in early Summer 2021 (target date of May 28, 2021) and is held for two years. With our current CFRs, Justin Jenson and Nicole Brooks, staying for an additional year due to COVID 19, we will be searching for candidates who are interested in a 2 year CFR position (2021-2023), with the option to stay on an additional year (2023-2024). We would like to thank Justin and Nicole for their incredible service to Kappa Kappa Psi during this unprecedented time!
Applicants must be an Alumnus or Life Member of Kappa Kappa Psi in good standing on or before the first day of employment. At that time, the applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education. Applicants must be able to obtain an Oklahoma driver’s license if hired. Applicants must possess a good driving record and are subject to a check of their driving record, criminal background, and credit. New-hire drug screening may also be required.
Applications are submitted via the online submission form only. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Application Form: https://www.kkpsi.org/cfr-2021-app/
Questions?: Email cfrsearch@kkytbsonline.com
Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Steve Nelson
National Executive Director
Kappa Kappa Psi Virtual Ritual Information
I hope that you are all doing well and are healthy as you begin your spring semester. As noted in the PIVOT Guidance released January 8, 2021, all in-person performances of the three Degrees of the Ritual of Kappa Kappa Psi are prohibited. This order supersedes the authority of Directors of Bands in the conduct of the chapter on their campus, and is a requirement from our insurance company.
These Virtual Experiences are the Ritual Performance and Education Committee’s best option for offering a secure and secret Ritual experience while also keeping our members safe and socially distanced.
Virtual Ritual Information
The Ritual Education and Performance Committee has taken the lead on virtual rituals this semester, in anticipation of the large number of chapters who will be taking membership classes. Members of the National Leadership Team, Ritual Education and Performance Committee, National Curriculum Committee, and District Officers will facilitate the Ritual. There will be no separate district performances of the Ritual in order to offer the most dates possible for our chapters. We will have ONE registration form that all chapters will use to register for dates for all three Degrees of the Ritual.
- In order to best meet the needs of our members, degree dates will be offered beginning Thursday, January 28, 2021 and will run through Sunday, May 9, 2021.
- Degrees will take place via zoom on Thursdays at 7:00 pm Central, Fridays at 8:00 pm Central, and Sundays at 6:00 pm Central.
- Chapter Vice Presidents’ of Membership (VPM) will complete the registration form for their chapter. The form requires Chapter VPMs to list the membership candidates, honorary members, chapter members, Director of Bands, or Chapter Sponsor who will be attending the virtual ritual so that these names can be vetted in the OMRS prior to the degree. In order to keep zoom seats open for these individuals, alumni will not be permitted to attend degrees. If you have questions regarding the scheduling of degrees, please email ritualeducation@kkpsi.org.
- If members still need to be initiated from Fall 2020, they can participate in Spring 2021 degrees. As a reminder, chapters have 30 days from initiation to complete the Initiate Registration form in the OMRS to avoid late fees. If you have questions about late or potentially late paperwork, please contact our National Headquarters (kkytbs@kkytbs.org) and they can help you and address any issues you or your chapter are facing, particularly at this challenging time.
- We recognize that dates may not be ideal for chapters. Currently, due to the pandemic, the Membership Candidate Orientation meeting begins the membership education process, and the membership candidate registration form should be completed then. There may be a lesson(s) that take place before the First Degree of the Ritual and there may be time after the last lesson before the Third Degree of the Ritual can be completed. As with all semesters, chapters must submit a membership education calendar and receive approval prior to starting the recruitment process. For questions regarding this, please contact the National Curriculum Committee at curriculum@kkpsi.org.
- Here is the link to the registration form: Kappa Kappa Psi Virtual Ritual Experience Sign-Up. The link can also be found in the PIVOT document under the ritual section.
It should be reiterated that participating in this virtual alternative is your chapter’s ONLY option to provide candidates and/or new initiates with a Ritual experience for the Spring 2021 semester. Chapters cannot perform the Ritual online or in any format on their own. We will be providing all three Degrees of the Ritual when we are able to meet in person again, so that chapters can see and participate in a quality Ritual experience. For questions regarding Virtual Ritual, please email the Ritual Education and Performance Committee at ritualeducation@kkpsi.org.
Membership Education Support
In addition to virtual rituals, I will be providing support for membership education by offering the following virtual workshops:
- Honoring Outstanding Band Members: A Ritual Based Foundation for Membership Recruitment and Selection | http://bit.ly/HonoringBandMembers
- Spring 2021 VPM Training | http://bit.ly/SpringVPMTraining
As chapters have questions, more workshops and development opportunities will be made available and each of your district conventions will feature workshops and resources to help you and your chapter continue to meet our present challenges.
Brothers, I know this is not an ideal situation, but now is the time for us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder together as we continue to navigate the impact of the pandemic on our chapters and band programs. We are here to support you throughout the membership process as we look forward to the brighter horizon ahead of us.
Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Member, Ritual Education & Performance Committee and National Curriculum Committee
Life Member, Eta Alpha Chapter
Email: jessicalee@kkpsi.org
PIVOT Guidance UPDATE (January 8, 2021)
January 8, 2020
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
As we begin the new year and our 2021 terms, the National Councils of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma wanted to provide you with updated guidance regarding chapter operations and the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is continuing to affect our lives, our campuses, and our band programs, and we once again ask that all of our chapters follow the advice of public health experts and the guidance given to you at the campus, local, state, and federal levels, just as you have over the last several months. We recognize that it has not been easy to operate a chapter under such conditions, and we truly appreciate all that you have done to continue to live out our missions and ideals during the pandemic. We are continually inspired by each chapter’s ingenuity, resolve, compassion, and positive presence in the face of great trial. You inspire us!
Moving into the 2021 terms, please note that the following updates have been made to our PIVOT! Chapter Operations Guide:
- Some chapters may now be able to host in-person activities/events: Chapters should only host in-person social, service, membership, or fundraising activities/events (with the exception of the Ritual which is still prohibited) during the Spring 2021 Term if the following criteria are in place:
- Your campus activities office, Dean of Students, Office of Greek Life, or other authorizing body is permitting your chapter to host in-person activities/events on your campus.
- Your chapter activity/event has been approved by your Director of Bands in writing
- Your chapter follows all campus, local, state, and federal health and safety guidance.
- Your chapter does not penalize members who feel uncomfortable attending these activities/events.
- The waiver for band participation has been extended until July for active members and membership candidates. However, members must still be enrolled in coursework at their college or university in good standing with their university or college.
- Additional guidance has been added for the Chapter Summary Report.
- Additional information has been provided for 2021 District Events.
The National Councils of both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma know that each campus has its own unique procedure in place for this pandemic, and it is our hope that the information outlined in PIVOT! is easily adaptable to every chapter’s situation. However, we want to emphasize that we are here to assist your chapter and your chapter members. If, after reading the changes above or the full PIVOT! guide you still have questions or concerns, please reach out to your District Counselors/Governors or send us an email at healthandsafety@tbsigma.org or healthandsafety@kkpsi.org.
As we continue to navigate through the weeks and months ahead, please know that your National Leadership Teams and your National Headquarters Staff are at your service. Our main goal for the rest of the biennium is to help our chapters be successful in our missions and ideals, even though the ways in which we serve may be different for now. If at any point you or your chapter need assistance with anything at all, please contact us. We promise to work with you as you continue to strive for the highest for greater bands.
Marco, Adrienne, and The National Leadership Teams of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma
Apply for the National DEI Task Force
Apply for the National Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force
Thank you for considering an application to the Ad Hoc National Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force (DEI Task Force) to help shape our efforts around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to lay the groundwork for a future standing committee to continue this work into the future.
The ad hoc task force will serve until July 2021 and all members in good standing are eligible to apply. The task force will be made up primarily of active members, as they represent the future commitment to this work, and we are seeking outside consultation support on this and other efforts. Graduating Seniors who anticipate graduating before the 2021 National Convention are eligible to apply under their current membership status, not their status in July.
The Ad Hoc National Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force (DEI Task Force) will have the following charges:
1. Develop a process for determining the membership for a biennium-long standing committee that represents the full diversity of Kappa Kappa Psi.
2. Lead dialogues in the spring across the Fraternity to discuss our history, current values and practices, and the experience of brothers at the local, district, and national levels.
3. Review current efforts at the national level to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within Kappa Kappa Psi and meet with the National Council and Past Presidents to discuss the history of Kappa Kappa Psi, our processes and procedures, and further steps that can be taken prior to and during the 2021 National Convention to make progress toward our goals.
4. Develop charges for the Standing Committee and present those charges and a selection process to the National Jurisdiction Committee.
Ritual Performance & Education Committee Workshops & Info Sessions
The Ritual Performance and Education Committee invites you and your chapter members to attend two days of workshops and information sessions about the fraternity’s new Ritual education resource, “The Inner Circle“. Please sign up for workshops using the link below, keeping in mind that these sessions are only for Brothers in good standing, and participants will have their membership status verified through the OMRS before being admitted to each session.
- 4:00 CDT “Introduction to The Inner Circle“: Learn about Kappa Kappa Psi’s upcoming Ritual Education resource, The Inner Circle, what it is, and how having robust conversations about the Ritual can benefit your chapter. Intended for any active brother or membership candidate of Kappa Kappa Psi.
- 5:00 CDT “Planning a Ritual Debrief”: This session will present best practices for talking about each Degree of the Ritual with your candidates and new brothers, and participants will leave with a better understanding of how to conduct these sometimes difficult conversations. This workshop is geared toward brothers who oversee membership education but is open to any Brother in good standing.
- 6:00 CDT “How to Present The Inner Circle“: This training for potential facilitators will look in-depth at the components of The Inner Circle and how chapters can make use of this great new resource. This session is geared toward those who might facilitate activities from The Inner Circle with their chapter, whether that’s the VPM, Ritual chair, CMEP officer, or any Brother who wants to start a conversation about the Ritual.
- 4:00 CDT “Introduction to The Inner Circle“: Learn about Kappa Kappa Psi’s upcoming Ritual Education resource, The Inner Circle, what it is, and how having robust conversations about the Ritual can benefit your chapter. Intended for any active brother or membership candidate of Kappa Kappa Psi.
- 5:00 CDT “Planning a Ritual Debrief”: This session will present best practices for talking about each Degree of the Ritual with your candidates and new brothers, and participants will leave with a better understanding of how to conduct these sometimes difficult conversations. This workshop is geared toward brothers who oversee membership education but is open to any Brother in good standing.
- 6:00 CDR “Attributes of a Successful Life”: Open only to Brothers in good standing, this workshop will explore lessons from 3rd Degree that contribute to a successful and fulfilling life, and how those lessons can be applied to each of our personal journeys.
Other Events

TBSAA “For Greater Bands” 5K
April 25th | 7:00am – 11:30am EDT
The TBSAA sponsors a virtual 5K run program to raise money and support K-12 public school instrumental music programs.

KKPsiAA Graduating Senior Celebration
April 25th | 11:30am – 1:00pm EDT
This session will include an introduction to KKPsiAA, a discussion on transitioning to alumni status, and breakout room chats with district alumni associations.

Women In Music Speaker
April 25th | 3:00pm – 4:00pm EDT
Featuring Dr. Tonya Mitchell-Spradlin
Dr. Tonya Mitchell-Spradlin is the Assistant Director of Bands and Associate Director of Athletic Bands at the University of South Carolina. There, she assists with the Carolina Band, directs the women’s basketball band, and conducts the University Band. Dr. Mitchell-Spradlin also teaches courses in the music education department and oversees student teachers. Prior to her appointment at USC, she served as interim Director of Athletic Bands at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA, and spent 4 years as band director at Chamblee Charter High School in Chamblee, GA.
Dr. Mitchell-Spradlin is a frequent adjudicator, clinician, and speaker. As a proponent of new music, she led the consortium and premiere of Aaron Perrine’s Beneath a Canvas of with the University of Kansas Wind Ensemble to complete her doctoral studies. Her research on Joan Tower’s Fanfares for the Uncommon Woman is published in the Alta Musica journal; she also presented this research at the International Society for the Promotion of Wind Band in Oberwölz, Austria. Additionally, Dr. Mitchell-Spradlin serves as New Music Editor for the Women Band Director’s International Journal. As a champion for women in music, she was honored to speak in the 2018 Tau Beta Sigma Women in Music series.
Dr. Mitchell-Spradlin received her Bachelor of Music Education degree with a minor in wind conducting from Indiana University where she was also drum major of the Marching Hundred. She holds a Master of Music Education degree from the University of Georgia, and a Doctor of Musical Arts in Wind Conducting degree from the University of Kansas.
D.C. al Coda Workshops
Workshop Block #1 (April 25 | 2:00 - 3:00pm EDT)

Chapter Strategic Planning: What Can You Do To Advance Bands Right Now?
Presented by Dr. Malinda Matney
Description: Our campuses are navigating uncharted and unknowable circumstances, but our chapters can still provide a clear vision for our bands and campuses about what it is to be in the community. In this session, participants will discuss basic elements of strategic planning and how they apply to build community and leadership in our band programs right now.

How Breathing Makes Me A Better Human
Presented by Dr. Nic Rorrer
Description: In this workshop, we will be exploring breathing techniques to check in with yourself, and how by just breathing we can become better leaders.

Congrats, You’re VPM! What’s Next?
Presented by Jessica Lee
Description: Designed for new or aspiring Vice Presidents of Membership, this session will provide tips, support, and strategies for Chapter VPMs to successfully implement the Road to Wisdom. Time will be left at the end of the session for Q&A discussion.

Dealing With Difficult People (And How To Bring Out The Best In Others)
Presented by Kate Rohrich
Description: Throughout life—in band, KKΨ, school, and professionally—we all deal with difficult people. This workshop will delve into insights around different personality types, examining ten different behaviors you are likely to encounter (or even exhibit yourself). We’ll discuss examples of each type, looking at how people think, what they fear, and why they act the way they do. Participants will then access their own behaviors to see which personality they identify with. Through understanding both sides of an interaction and the motivations behind our reactions, we can have the power to bring the best out of other people and achieve our own important goals.
Workshop Block #2 (April 25 | 4:00 - 5:00pm EDT)

Using Committees For Good, Not Evil
Presented by Marco Krcatovich
Description: Committee work is so essential to the operations of Kappa Kappa Psi and figuring out how to utilize committees can be the best way to dramatically expand your service and support for your college bands.

Hello, It’s Me: How to Put Your Awesome On Display!
Presented by Robert Bratcher
Description: This workshop will give brothers tips on how to present and promote themselves, their chapter, and their band in positive ways through social media and creative content.

These Forms Drive Me Bat $&*T Crazy: Understanding the OMRS
Presented by Aaron Moore
Description: What does the OMRS have to offer you as a Chapter Member, Chapter Officer, or District Officer? In this workshop, we will explore the various forms, reports, and tools available to each type of membership. For Chapter officers, we will also review the workflow for each form in the system and answer any questions you may have related to the OMRS.

Why Kappa Kappa Psi?
Presented by Adam Cantley
Description: In this workshop, participants will learn about finding “their why” as it relates to Kappa Kappa Psi. It will challenge them to think about our organization in a new way. Participants will walk away with a new to center their fraternal experience and the work that we do.
Workshop Block #3 (April 25 | 5:00 - 6:00pm EDT)

Connecting During COVID-19: Overcoming Chapter Isolation
Presented by Bang Co
Description: These are tough and difficult times as universities remain closed and students are forced to disconnect from their campuses and life. Social distancing is a must, but it’s not always easy to adapt to this “new normal”. In this workshop, we will look at the power of connection and how we can leverage technology, music, and KKPsi to rediscover our connection to each out.

Cinematic Hazing: Why It’s Still Wrong
Presented by Dr. Jack Lee
Description: This workshop aims to bring greater awareness of hazing and hazing prevention. Using video clips from popular movies, we will explore what is considered hazing, why, and how to prevent it in our chapters. This workshop/presentation will include a safe Q&A session at the conclusion to help answer any lingering questions attendees may have.

Committees: How Do We Get This Done?
Presented by Eric Morson
Description: What is a good committee member? How should committees organize and focus so the real work is done before presenting it at your Chapter meeting? We’ll talk about effective committee work, delegating tasks, the importance of accountability, and how not to do committee work at your Chapter meeting.

Diversity & Acceptance: In Life, Band, and KKPsi
Presented by Danny George
Description: A conversation about how understanding and respecting our differences makes us better people and leaders for what life may throw at us. Although there are some similarities in all of us, it is important to learn about our diverse backgrounds.
D.C. al Coda Weekend – Schedule of Events
Schedule of Events
Saturday, April 25th
7:00am – 11:30am EDT | TBSAA “For Greater Bands” 5K
11:30am – 1:00pm EDT | KKPsiAA Graduating Senior Celebration
1:00pm – 2:00pm EDT | Colony & District Officer Installation
2:00pm – 3:00pm EDT | Workshop Block #1
3:00pm – 4:00pm EDT | Women In Music Speaker
4:00pm – 5:00pm EDT | Workshop Block #2
5:00pm – 6:00pm EDT | Workshop Block #3
6:00pm – 7:00pm EDT | Workshop on Singing the Hymn & Song
7:00pm – 7:19pm EDT | Presentation of National Awards
7:19pm EDT | Singing of the Hymn & Song
Sunday (April 26th) – Rest and Reset
Update from National Curriculum Committee
Brothers –
To say that this is an unprecedented time in the history of our world would be an understatement. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous effect on all of us, and we know that many of you have a lot of questions and uncertainties about all things associated with Kappa Kappa Psi, as well as with your daily lives. The Curriculum Committee has been hard at work, coming up with solutions to help all of you navigate the rest of your semesters and ensure that your MCs become Active Brothers by the end of the semester.
You can complete lessons virtually and when they are finished, you should submit your initiation paperwork via the Initiate Registration Report. The actual Ritual can take place when you are allowed to meet in person, which may be in the fall. We recognize that these are extraordinary times and that this is unusual, but this is the best course of action.
The National Headquarters has posted some information on how to accomplish the tasks that need to be accomplished by the end of the semester; you can find it at https://www.kkpsi.org/covid19/. Also, please know that membership classes CANNOT continue into the fall. Plan to have your MCs finish the Road to Wisdom over the course of this semester and become Active Brothers by the end of the school year.
We encourage you to check out the Kappa Kappa Psi TV YouTube page, located at https://www.youtube.com/user/KKPsiTV; it has a few sample lessons taught by VPMs from across the country. We are constantly working to update this, with the goal that eventually, all lessons will be available for you to watch and share with your MCs. If this is not possible, or you need help figuring out how to get lessons taught virtually to your MCs, please reach out to the Curriculum Committee at curriculum@kkpsi.org, and we will help you get the resources that you need. In addition, we are available to potentially teach some lessons for you, should that be a necessity.
Please know that all of us that are in leadership roles are here to help you. We will all work together and get through this difficult time, and at the end of the day, ensure that all of you have what you need. Do not hesitate to reach out at any time with any questions or concerns; all questions are appropriate at this time! We love all of you and are on your side, as we continue to Strive For The Highest!!