
2021 KKPsi Fall Mailer Letter

August 25, 2021 

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi, Chapter Sponsors, and Directors of Bands,

As the newly elected National President of Kappa Kappa Psi, I am excited to welcome in the 2021-2023 biennium, as well as a new school year filled with the joy of playing MUSIC!  

You can find information for the 2021-2022 school year here:  2021 – 2022 Fall Informational Mailer.   We hope that the use of a powerpoint format will help organize the information to make it easier to understand, and also allow chapters to use this as a tool to update members on the relevant national information and changes following the 2021 National Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan. While the amount of content may be a bit overwhelming at first glance, I strongly encourage each Chapter to take the time to review this document during a chapter meeting.  This will help ensure a strong start to the school year.  If after reviewing the PowerPoint you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the National Council by emailing  

In addition to this update, we have posted the updated 2021 Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution to the Fraternity website.  Due to the amount of changes that were made at the 2021 National Convention, the National Council created a 2021 Kappa Kappa Psi Constitutional Updates Document to help provide an overview for you.  Once the 2021 National Convention minutes are finalized, we will send those to you as a link to the National Headquarters website.

Also, we have updated the PIVOT Guidance for the Fall 2021 semester.  Relevant updates include:

  • A waiver for band participation, which will be granted by both National Councils, on a case by case basis. However, members must still be enrolled in coursework at their college or university and be in good standing with their university or college to be active members.  Waiver requests should be put into writing via email from the Chapter Sponsor with the Director of Bands cc’ed, and emailed to
  • Additional information has been provided for conducting in-person Fraternity Rituals.
  • Some Chapters may now be able to host in-person activities/events: Chapters should only host in-person social, service, membership, or fundraising activities/events during the 2021-2022 school year if the following criteria are in place:
    • Your campus activities office, Dean of Students, Office of Greek Life, or other authorizing body approves your Chapter to host in-person activities/events on your campus.
    • Your chapter activity/event has been approved by your Director of Bands and/or Chapter Sponsor in writing.  This may include your Director of Bands and/or your Chapter Sponsor approving a semester calendar of events.
    • Your Chapter follows all campus, local, state, and federal health and safety guidance.
    • Your Chapter does not penalize members who feel uncomfortable attending these activities/events.

The National Council knows that each campus continues to have their own unique procedure in place while navigating the unknowns of the new variants of the virus. It is our hope that the information outlined in PIVOT! continues to be easily adaptable to every Chapter’s situation.  At this time, we ask that each Chapter send any official documentation from your university as it pertains to their COVID-19 protocol to our Health and Safety team at  

As we start the 2021-2022 academic year, I hope that you will use the resources available to you to help navigate your return to more in person operations.  Your District Governors and District Officers are there to help assist and support you!  You can find their contact information here: District Leadership.

Your National Council is already hard at work, thinking about how we can create the best possible membership experience for YOU!  Beginning in September, you will receive regular updates on the work of the National Council and National Committees, as well as progress updates on our officer goals and charges.  If you were unable to attend the 2021 National Convention this summer, I invite you to read my Incoming National President Speech, which outlines my vision and goals for the next two years to reCharge our Brotherhood.  I hope you will join me in this effort!

More than anything, it is my sincere hope that as a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, you will take the time to rededicate yourself to the ideals of the order, lean in heavily to our ritualistic values, and be intentional about living our purposes in your band programs.  If we can do these 3 things – then we are meeting our ritualistic obligations as Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi.

On behalf of the entire Kappa Kappa Psi National Leadership Team, I hope that you have a fantastic start to your academic year, and we wish you the best of luck on your upcoming performance season!

Striving with you,

Jessica Lee

48th National President of Kappa Kappa Psi 

Call for Applications – National Vice President for Student Affairs


At the 2021 Kappa Kappa Psi National Convention, no candidate received the simple majority vote needed to elect a National Vice President for Student Affairs for the 2021-2023 biennium. 

In accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution, if a vacancy occurs in the office of National Vice President for Student Affairs, the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the National Council, shall appoint a National Vice President for Student Affairs. (Section 3.214)

The Kappa Kappa Psi National Council and Board of Trustees invite interested and qualified individuals to submit their name and qualifications for the position of National Vice President for Student Affairs for the 2021-2023 Biennium.  The qualifications and responsibilities of the National Vice President for Student Affairs are outlined in Section 3.208, Section 3.401, and Section 3.711 of the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.

Interested individuals should meet the following qualifications:

  • Be at least twenty-three (23) years of age.
  • Completed at least two (2) years of college work.
  • Must be an Active Member, Associate Member, or Member of the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association.
  • Possess outstanding business or professional ability.
  • Capable of representing the Fraternity under all ordinary conditions.
  • Willing and able to devote the necessary time to the execution of the duties imposed by the office.
  • Possess a thorough knowledge of developing and implementing student engagement programming.
  • Experienced in working with individuals and groups of diverse backgrounds.
  • Capable of mentoring and coaching students in the areas of leadership, event planning, and conflict resolution.

Interested individuals must submit the following information to the National Council ( no later than 11:59 pm CST on August 23, 2021. 

  • Letter of intent for the office of National Vice President for Student Affairs, why it is being sought, what contributions you can make in that office, and information detailing how you meet the above qualifications.
  • Resume/Vita, which highlights professional, band, and fraternal experiences.
  • A minimum of three (no more than five) letters of recommendation, one of which should be from within the applicant’s profession.
  • A campaign statement, which provides a list of goals for the office and how you plan to achieve them.
  • Biographical profile for publication on the National Website.
  • One professional photograph, suitable for publication.

After a review of applications, the National Council will choose several individuals for a Zoom interview. Following the Zoom interview process, the National Council will recommend a candidate to the Board of Trustees, who review, approve, and appoint a National Vice President for Student Affairs.

Interested Brothers can submit materials electronically, in PDF format, no later than 11:59 pm CST on August 23, 2021, to: 

Email to:

Email Subject Line:  National Vice President for Student Affairs Application

For more information, interested candidates can review the following:

  • Sample Candidate Packets:  Candidate packets will be posted on the elections website as examples.
  • VPSA Chat – VPSA Q&A Panel: Hosted on August 8th at 6:00 pm Central Time.  Registration Information for this session will be released in a few days.

Questions may be addressed to National President, Jessica Lee at and to Board of Trustees Chair, Eric Morson at We hope that you will consider applying for this unique opportunity to serve on the National Council!


Jessica Lee

Kappa Kappa Psi National President 

Life Member, Eta Alpha – Lock Haven University

2021 – 2023 Kappa Kappa Psi Volunteer Application


As we prepare for the 2021 National Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan in just a few weeks, we are also preparing for the next biennium of service as we reCharge our Brotherhood and find our new normal following the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on our fraternity.

Now, more than ever, we need Brothers who are willing to stand up and answer the call to serve Kappa Kappa Psi as we work to support our 217 chapters and 5,000+ active members across the country.  Many of our chapters are smaller than ever before.  Some chapters only have Brothers who were initiated during COVID.  Our chapters, our Brothers, and our band programs will need us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them as they return to in person operations.  

As part of this national call for volunteers, below is an application for those interested in serving Kappa Kappa Psi on the national level.   We will be looking for BOTH active and alumni brothers interested in serving as National Committee Members, Colony Advisors, Leadership Speakers, and more.  The application will outline details on various roles, time commitments, whether traveling may be involved, and our volunteer expectations.  

2021 – 2023 Kappa Kappa Psi Volunteer Application

Application will close July 25, 2021.

This application will be open through National Convention, and Brothers will be notified in August of the outcome of the application process.  If you are interested in serving, but are not sure about the right fit for you, please contact me ( or find me at National Convention to chat about how you can best serve Kappa Kappa Psi.

Also included in the volunteer application will be the option to be a part of the Kappa Kappa Psi Leadership Cohort.  This program will work to provide interested alumni brothers with tools and leadership skills to take the next step in their Kappa Kappa Psi leadership journey – whether that might be a desire to serve as a National Committee Chair, District Governor, National Officer,  Alumni officer, or some other role.  This cohort will be a year long, and will run September 2021 – June 2022, with a new cohort of individuals in September 2022 – June 2023.  It is my sincere hope that providing this opportunity for our alumni Brothers will help to create the next generation of fraternity leadership.  

I hope you will look at this application and think about ways you can continue to serve Kappa Kappa Psi and our band programs.  For many of you, there may be other ways beyond this application in which you can continue to serve, and I encourage you to think about how you can reCharge your commitment to our purposes and our values.  Every Brother has the ability to make an impact to further our mission.  I am excited to see so many of you IN PERSON in Grand Rapids, Michigan at our National Convention!



Jessica Lee

National Vice President for Colonization & Membership

Life Member, Eta Alpha Chapter

Newest Members of the Kappa Kappa Psi Governor Corps for 2021-2023


I am excited to announce the newest members of the Kappa Kappa Psi Governor Corps for the 2021-2023 biennium!

Northeast District

Matthew Parent, Life Member – Epsilon Nu, University of Massachusetts

Matthew Parent (he/him) is a political scientist and administrator in higher education. He currently supports coursework and research at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, focusing on issues of nuclear security. He holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Connecticut, an MA in World Politics from the Catholic University of America, a BA in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts, and is currently writing a dissertation for a PhD in Political Science from UConn. Matt has been a Brother of Kappa Kappa Psi since 2005, serving as NED President in the 2008-2009 academic year, currently serves as sponsor of the Epsilon Nu Chapter at UMass, and currently serves on the National Ritual Performance and Education Committee.

Southeast District

Justyn “JP” Davis, Life Member – Zeta Chi, University of South Carolina

Justyn “JP” Davis (he/him) is the Assistant Director of Bands at Mauldin High School in Greenville, South Carolina. JP has completed his 4th year of teaching after completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education along with a Certificate of Performance at the University of South Carolina in 2017. So far at Mauldin, he has helped the ensembles receive multiple superior ratings at concert and contest performances, appear multiple times at the SCBDA 5A State Marching Band Finals Competition (with a record high of 4th place in the state), and perform for the program’s first time at the 2019 SCMEA Professional Development Conference. While in school at USC, he performed in all of the University’s Concert Ensembles and has been a featured soloist with the USC Wind Ensemble. In the University’s athletic bands, JP served as Drum Major of the Carolina Band for 3 years and played Saxophone with the University’s Pep Bands. Professionally, JP is a member the National Association for Music Education, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity, where he has previously served as Vice President of Programs for the Southeast District of Kappa Kappa Psi and on the National Ritual Performance and Education Committee. JP is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree at Florida State University, is very passionate about leadership, and spends a lot of his breaks around leadership camps and workshops. 

North Central District

Michelle Banis, Life Member – Iota Lambda, University of Mount Union

Michelle Banis (she/her) was initiated into the Iota Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in the fall of 2012. She double majored in Human Resource Management and Marketing and performed with The Purple Raider Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, and Concert Bands. As an Active Brother, Michelle served as Chapter Secretary and Chapter President for two consecutive terms, pulling the Chapter through a very turbulent time. Under her leadership, Iota Lambda won the “Most Improved Chapter” in the nation in 2015. Michelle was also an AEA scholarship recipient, a J. Lee Burke Student Achievement Award national recipient, and a two time / inaugural “Outstanding Band Member Award” recipient for the Mount Union Band Program.  After graduating in 2016, she went on to work at her alma mater as a graduate assistant in the offices of Residence Life and Recreation & Intramurals while studying at Kent State University.  While working toward her M.Ed in Higher Education Administration, Michelle also took on the role of Chapter Sponsor for Iota Lambda and worked as a Curriculum Advisor with the launch of the Road to Wisdom. In 2018, she became a founding member of the North Central District Alumni Association and has since worked as the organization’s Growth & Wellness Director, Membership Director, and Vice-Chair. She was most recently appointed to serve on the National Curriculum Committee for the 2019-2021 biennium.  Professionally, Michelle continues to leave her mark at Mount Union while working in the Office of Alumni Engagement. She resides in Alliance, Ohio, but often travels to the Cleveland area to visit with her family. In her “free” time, Michelle enjoys advising other student organizations at Mount Union, playing in local community bands, and spending time outdoors – especially camping! Serving as NCD Governor has always been a dream of Michelle’s – she just never thought it would come this soon. She’s incredibly thankful for the opportunity to serve the fraternity in this way, giving back to the organization that has truly made her the person she is today!

Southwest District

Elizabeth Pineiro, Life Member – Gamma Phi, Stephen F. Austin State University 

Elizabeth Pineiro (she/her) started her band career learning trombone in Katy, TX. She then went to study Music Education at Stephen F. Austin State University and graduated with her Bachelors in 2018. During her years at SFA, Lizzi was initiated into the Gamma Phi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi. As an active brother, she was very involved holding positions such as Brotherhood/Service Chair, Historian, Vice President of Membership, and Southwest District Vice President for Membership. After graduating, Lizzi continued her involvement in the fraternity as a Chapter Advisor and committee member on the National Curriculum Committee. Lizzi is a band director and has completed her third year of teaching, currently working at Brabham Middle School in Willis, TX. She has three pets: a Siamese cat named Nutmeg, a Double Doodle (Labradoodle-Goldendoodle Mix) named Hex, and another cat named Remy. In her free time, Lizzi likes to rock climb, travel, nap, and stream shows and movies.

Midwest District

Dr. Nic Rorrer, Life Member – Eta Beta, Virginia Tech University 

Dr. Nic Rorrer (he/him) is a Life Member of the Eta Beta chapter at Virginia Tech and has been the sponsor of the Xi Chapter at the Colorado School of Mines since 2014. From 2015 to 2021 he served on the Alumni Association Board of Directors for the Fraternity and served as its Chair from 2019 to 2021. Additionally, Nic is part of the Founders Circle Leadership Development speaking team.  Professionally, Nic is a Senior Researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory researching methods to redesign today’s   plastics to be sourced from renewable resources and to be recyclable by design. In his free time he can often be found wandering the Rocky Mountains either teaching yoga, snowboarding, or hanging out with his partner and dog. 

Western District

Lance Coochyouma, Life Member, Gamma Kappa – Northern Arizona University & Omega, The University of Arizona

Lance A. Coochyouma (he/him) was initiated into the Gamma Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Northern Arizona University on January 27, 2001, and then transferred to The University of Arizona and was Active in the Omega Chapter. As an active Brother he served in many chapter offices, including Chapter President. He also served on the Western District Council for four years, two of those years as District President. While at NAU he was a performing member of The Lumberjack Marching Band and Collegiate Concert Band, and at UA he was a member of The Pride of Arizona Marching Band and Campus Concert Band. He also had the opportunity to serve in the role of Drum Major and Colorguard Captain, furthering his development and love of band. He was honored to be awarded the J. Lee Burke Student Achievement Award in 2007. In May of 2008, Lance graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication, Emphasis in Multi-Cultural Communication. Following graduation, Lance enjoyed time exploring the workforce and gaining valuable experiences. He always knew he wanted to give back to the Fraternity in some way, and that chance presented itself when he was appointed as Western District Governor for the 2015-2017 Biennium and also served on the National Nominations Committee. Lance is a proud Life Member of the Gamma Kappa and Omega Chapters, and holds Life and Honorary Membership in the Omega Chapter and Western District of Tau Beta Sigma. Professionally, Lance brings clinical and directional leadership to the healthcare industry; serving as a voice and champion within the Critical Care Telehealth arena as a Health Unit Coordinator and Cardiac Telemetry Technician. Named a Healthcare Professional Who’s Who, Lance holds membership in the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, and American Telemedicine Association. Lance is thankful to continue his support of bands serving as a working adjudicator for AzMBA, WGAZ and WTCA, adjudicating primarily the GE and Visual Ensemble Captions. He also holds membership in the National Band Association. Lance currently resides in the suburbs of Phoenix, in Gilbert, Arizona. He enjoys cooking after watching YouTube cooking tutorial videos, swimming, planning weekend trips, and eating Asian influenced food of any kind. In his free time you can find him trying new Trader Joe’s products or watching ER re-runs.

Karissa Longo, Life Member – Zeta Epsilon, Michigan State University

Karissa Longo (she/her) was initiated into the Zeta Epsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in Spring 2015. As an active Brother, she served as chapter corresponding secretary and vice president of programs. For the last two bienniums, Karissa has been serving the Fraternity as a member of the National Communications Team. Karissa holds a Bachelor’s degree in music education from Michigan State University. She currently lives in Seattle, Washington, where she teaches elementary general music in the Seattle Public Schools. She will begin a Master’s degree in music education at the University of Washington this Fall. Outside of music, Karissa enjoys reading, being outdoors, and spending time with her two cats.

Brian Parker, Life Member, Iota Pi – California Polytechnic State University

Brian Parker (he/him) was initiated into the Iota Pi Chapter at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in the Spring of 1992. While a student at Cal Poly, he served the fraternity as the Colony Vice President, Alumni Secretary, Executive Officer, and Western District President. Brian graduated from Cal Poly with a Bachelor of Science Degree in City Regional Planning. Brian returned to school 1995 to begin his studies in Music Education at Modesto Junior College and helped start the Zeta Rho Colony while attending MJC. Brian put a hold on his studies and served as the third National Chapter Field Representative for Kappa Kappa Psi from Spring 1996 through Fall 1997. Professionally Brian has worked as Music Educator in Monterey County for over twenty years and is the current Director of Bands and Visual and Performing Art Department Chair at North Salinas High School where he directs six different performance ensembles. Brian is a life member of Kappa Kappa Psi and holds honorary membership in the Midwest District, Alpha Chapter, and Zeta Rho Chapter and was initiated into the Nu Zeta Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha at California State University, Stanislaus in the Spring of 2000. 

These individuals will be joining the following returning governors for the 2021-2023 biennium:

Northeast District

Rassii Elliott, Life Member – Eta Omega, Howard University

Marci Jones, Life Member – KKPsi Northeast District & Gamma Epsilon (University of Miami), Tau Beta Sigma

Southeast District

Arupa Gopal, Life Member – Kappa Tau, University of South Florida

Kalem Graham, Life Member – Zeta Psi, Virginia State University

N0rth Central District

Tammi Ramsey, Life Member – Zeta Omicron, University of Akron

Marc Renaud, Life Member – Zeta Epsilon, Michigan State University

Southwest District

Andy Melvin, Life Member – Delta, University of Oklahoma

Clint Wieden, Life Member – Alpha, Oklahoma State University

Midwest District

Denali Pearce – Alt, Life Member – Delta Gamma, Missouri University of Science and Technology & Epsilon Psi, Missouri State University

Jennifer Taylor, Life Member – Gamma Theta, East Central University & Lambda, University of Arkansas

Additionally, Prof. Anthony Falcone, Associate Director of Bands at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will be returning as National Vice President for Professional Relations.

Brothers, please join me in congratulating these Brothers as part of our leadership team for the 2021 – 2023 biennium!  



Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Life Member – Eta Alpha, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Kappa Kappa Psi National Committee on Nominations Slating Document Released


Our National Constitution requires the appointment of a National Committee on Nominations that reviews the eligibility of all candidates for National office, meets and talks with each candidate, and evaluates the eligible candidates to identify a “slate” that is made available to our membership at least thirty (30) days before the start of the National Convention.  A slate is their informed recommendation of the best combination of eligible individuals for the elections we will hold this July at our National Convention.  All slated candidates will be automatically nominated by Past National President Mike Osborn, on behalf of the committee, for whichever position for which they are slated.

The slate is now available on the National Convention website and will remain there through the National Convention.  

The National Constitution mandates that alumni, past leadership, and active members make up the committee and only requires that we consider the diversity of the member’s District to create geographic balance.  As part of our commitment to become a better Fraternity, this committee was balanced to reflect our full diversity statement and is a majority student committee.  It is critical to have a truly diverse committee to recommend our next national leaders so more voices are heard.  This committee took that responsibility seriously and made sure to bring in populations within our Fraternity that weren’t represented on the committee whenever possible.  On behalf of the National Fraternity, I want to thank the members of the committee for their efforts and sacrifice on our behalf to give us a thorough slate for consideration.

Please stay tuned for upcoming candidate open forums, make sure to connect with the candidates prior to National Convention, review candidate information on the National Convention website, and listen to the ongoing podcast episodes of Kappa Kappa Psi Presents for each candidate.  Each chapter represents a vote in our National Chapter and it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the candidates, use the Nominations Committee’s hard work as a guide, and discuss the candidates as a chapter.   Questions can be directed to myself or the Chair of the National Committee on Nominations, Mike Osborn (

Thank you and see you in Grand Rapids in a little more than a month!


Marco A. Krcatovich II

National President, 2019-2021

Announcing the 2021-23 Chapter Field Representatives


I am excited to announce the hiring of our two new Chapter Field Representatives for the 2021-2023 biennium!

Jake January – Alpha, Oklahoma State University
Jake is a 2021 graduate of Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Ok. He graduated with a B.S. in Aerospace Administration and Operations with a dual concentrations in Aerospace Security and Airline Management. Jake was a member of the Cowboy Marching Band, Spirit Band, and Concert bands as a tenor saxophone player. He was initiated into the Alpha chapter in the spring of 2018. As an active member, Jake held the positions of Vice President for Programs and Chapter President. Jake has also served as the Administrative Assistant for the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma for the last two years.

You can send a note of congratulations to Jake at



Kennedy Struck – Mu Nu, Christopher Newport University
Kennedy Struck is a 2020 graduate of Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia.  He graduated with a double major in Psychology and Sociology. Kennedy played trumpet in several ensembles, including the Marching Captains, Jazz band, University Band and other various small ensembles during his time in college.  As an active brother, he served as Vice President of Brotherhood and Chapter President. For the last year, Kennedy has worked as a university fellow in the office of Student Engagement at Christopher Newport University.

You can send a note of congratulations to Kennedy at

Jake and Kennedy will begin their CFR terms May 28, 2021. Nicole Brooks and Justin Jensen will continue to serve as CFRs through the end of July, and all 4 of these individuals will be present at National Convention this summer in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are thankful to Nicole and Justin for their incredible service to Kappa Kappa Psi as the longest serving CFRs in the history of the program, and we look forward to the great work of our newest CFRs.
Congratulations, Kennedy and Jake!
Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Life Member, Eta Alpha Chapter

2021-23 Governor Applications Closing Soon


According to the National Constitution section 5.201, each District shall be under the jurisdiction of at least one (1) District Governor.  The District Governor(s) serve for two years and are appointed each biennium.  There will be openings in each district, either due to Governor retirements or additional Governors being added to the district.

The National Council would like to thank Dr. Craig Aarhus (SED Governor), Toni Castle (SWD Governor), Charlene Ronne (WD Governor), Erik Marrs (WD Governor), and Dr. Brad Townsend (NED Governor) for their years of service to their districts and to the fraternity at large.  We wish you all the very best!

If you are interested in this opportunity to serve, please review the qualifications listed below and submit materials for consideration.


  • Be at least twenty-five (25) years of age
  • Commitment to the two (2) year Governor Term
  • Possess outstanding business or professional ability
  • Capable of representing the Fraternity under all ordinary circumstances
  • Willing and able to devote the necessary time to the execution of the duties imposed by the office
  • Attendance at District Events, District Convention, and both the 2021 and 2023 National Leadership Conferences and National Conventions

Interested individuals should submit the following:

  • Fraternal and Professional Resumes
  • A photo and brief biography, suitable for publication
  • Letter of Intent, which addresses the following:
    • How will you approach the role of District Governor?
    • What 2 goals do you feel your district needs to address next biennium and what would be your plans to meet them?
    • The direction of next biennium is to reCHARGE our Brotherhood.  What do you believe this means for your district?
Please submit electronic materials NO LATER than May 14, 2021 at 11:59 pm CST to Jessica Lee, National Vice President of Colonization & Membership at  Questions regarding the position or qualifications may be directed to Jessica at

Please be on the lookout later in May for a 2021-2023 volunteer application for both students and alumni, to serve the fraternity in other capacities, including on committees, as colony advisors, or in other roles.


Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Life Member, Eta Alpha Chapter

2021-23 Governor Applications Now Open


According to the National Constitution section 5.201, each District shall be under the jurisdiction of at least one (1) District Governor.  The District Governor(s) serve for two years and are appointed each biennium.  There will be openings in each district, either due to Governor retirements or additional Governors being added to the district.

The National Council would like to thank Dr. Craig Aarhus (SED Governor), Toni Castle (SWD Governor), Charlene Ronne (WD Governor), Erik Marrs (WD Governor), and Dr. Brad Townsend (NED Governor) for their years of service to their districts and to the fraternity at large.  We wish you all the very best!

If you are interested in this opportunity to serve, please review the qualifications listed below and submit materials for consideration.


  • Be at least twenty-five (25) years of age
  • Commitment to the two (2) year Governor Term
  • Possess outstanding business or professional ability
  • Capable of representing the Fraternity under all ordinary circumstances
  • Willing and able to devote the necessary time to the execution of the duties imposed by the office
  • Attendance at District Events, District Convention, and both the 2021 and 2023 National Leadership Conferences and National Conventions


District Governor Job Description

Interested individuals should submit the following:

  • Fraternal and Professional Resumes
  • A photo and brief biography, suitable for publication
  • Letter of Intent, which addresses the following:
    • How will you approach the role of District Governor?
    • What 2 goals do you feel your district needs to address next biennium and what would be your plans to meet them?
    • The direction of next biennium is to reCHARGE our Brotherhood.  What do you believe this means for your district?
Please submit electronic materials NO LATER than May 14, 2021 at 11:59 pm CST to Jessica Lee, National Vice President of Colonization & Membership at  Questions regarding the position or qualifications may be directed to Jessica at

Please be on the lookout later in May for a 2021-2023 volunteer application for both students and alumni, to serve the fraternity in other capacities, including on committees, as colony advisors, or in other roles.


Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Life Member, Eta Alpha Chapter

Northeast District Governor Appointment


I wanted to announce the appointment of a Governor to complete the term of office of Sarah Fitzgerald, following her passing.  Our attention throughout her hospitalization was on her, her family, and the many Brothers whose lives were made better by her love and her spirit.  Numerous Brothers stepped up to fill the void, volunteer their time and talents, and lend a shoulder to those of us (myself included) who struggled to manage the emotional load.  To each and every one of those Brothers who showed their love for others in this moment of difficulty – thank you for your humanity and your heart.

It is fitting that the Brother who was chosen to complete this term of office at such a difficult and critical time is someone who embodies humanity and heart.

Marcia “Marci” Jones was initiated into the Northeast District of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Connecticut in Spring 2005, during the Northeast District Convention. A native of Miami, Florida, she was originally initiated into the Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at the University of Miami in the Fall of 1989. She is an honorary brother of the Eta Phi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Syracuse University as well as an honorary sister at the following chapters of Tau Beta Sigma; Eta Delta (Howard University), Epsilon Epsilon (Kutztown University), and Gamma Kappa (University of Connecticut). As a founding board member of the former, National Alumni Association for Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma she served as Vice President.

Mrs. Jones’ service extends beyond Kappa Kappa Psi to the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Marci was appointed by the Mayor of Washington, D.C. as a Community Liaison to the Mayor’s Office for the Columbia Heights/Shaw Collaborative. She is a certified Community Trainer in Washington, D.C. since 1998. Marci has facilitated numerous workshops with a focus on the issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Conflict Resolution, and various community issues and topics. Marci has more than 20 years of experience with government agencies and non-profit organizations implementing process improvement strategies. Ms. Jones has served in several areas professionally from membership coordination and recruiting to administrative operations and personnel security policy. Marci is a Life Member of Tau Beta Sigma. Her other interests include reading, baking, traveling, and a fan of her children’s youth sports (football, basketball, and volleyball). Marci has been married to her husband Ernest C. Jones, II for 23 years and currently resides in Fredericksburg, VA with their 13-year-old son, Trey, and 10-year-old niece, Sofia.

I want to share my thanks to Marci and every Brother who steps up to lead when times are tough.  We are fortunate to continue to have strong leadership and role models in the Northeast District and across our organization.


Marco A. Krcatovich II
National President, 2019-2021

Congratulations to Tau Beta Sigma on their 75th Anniversary!


Today we celebrate one of the most important moments in the college band movement, the founding of our sister organization: Tau Beta Sigma.   On this date in 1946, a charter was granted for Tau Beta Sigma in the State of Oklahoma and the Alpha Chapter was founded at Oklahoma State University.  Today, Tau Beta Sigma thrives from coast to coast and Kappa Kappa Psi is better thanks to our partnership and the special and lifelong bond we share with our Sisters.

For some of us, myself included, we were fortunate enough to work on a campus with a chapter of Tau Beta Sigma and see their work firsthand in shaping the future of college bands and elevating its ensembles, particularly their dedication toward empowering women in the band profession.  If you have Sisters in your life, this is a moment to celebrate with them, to thank them, and to share your love for them and for what they do for our college and university bands.  We are better because of Tau Beta Sigma.  If you do not work with the Sorority or are not lucky enough to have a Sister you can lean on, reach out to a member of the Sorority today and start building that friendship and bond by congratulating them on this incredible anniversary and on all the transformative work they have done for college bands.

To my Sisters, we are proud to be your partners for seventy-five years and look forward to centuries of great progress ahead.  Thank you, congratulations on this incredible moment, and we can’t wait to celebrate in person this summer at the conclusion of our National Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan.   And to my close friend and partner, Adrienne Rall, thank you for what you do to elevate Kappa Kappa Psi while you continue to take Tau Beta Sigma to new heights and ensure a bright future for the Sorority.

AEA and Much Love In The Bond,

Marco A. Krcatovich II
Honored to be Tau Beta Sigma Life Member # 3,512
Kappa Kappa Psi National President, 2019-2021
