
Chapter Installation Announcement – Spring 2022

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful re-chartering and installation of both the Lambda Upsilon chapter at Savannah State University and the Zeta Pi chapter at Tennessee State University! The process started in late January of this semester with a petitioning group of ten band members for SSU and twenty-six band members for TSU. The Savannah State group was led by DeAnte Hillman with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Gabriel Arnold. The Tennessee State group was led by Curtis Olawumi with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Reginald McDonald and their Sponsor, Professor Larry Jenkins. Both installations took place at their respective campuses on Sunday, March 20th.


This process would not have been possible without the help of our dedicated Advising Teams. The group advising the SSU process was led by SED Governor, Arupa Gopal-Campbell and the group advising the TSU process was led by SED Governor, Kalem Graham. Both Advising Teams consisted of several alumni members, who are listed below. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support. 

Savannah State Advising Team

  • Tar-Shae Odom (Active Member, Zeta Eta & National VPSA)
  • Greg Boike (Life Member, Kappa Mu & KKPsi AABOD Chair)
  • Marina Peña Guiot (Life Members, Nu Alpha/Kappa Mu & KKPsi AABOD Vice Chair)
  • Jordan Barnes (Life Member, Iota Xi & Past NED Historian/Alumni Liaison)

Tennessee State Advising Team

  • Rassii Elliott (Life Member, Eta Omega & NED Governor)
  • Atia Aroonsakulwongse (Life Member, Theta Theta & Past SED Sec/Treas)
  • Jessica Needham (Alumna, Eta Sigma & Past SED VPP)
  • Bryan Flippin (Alumnus, Theta Tau & Past Chapter President)

Several chapters offered to help out by providing supplies for the Ritual and installation. We would like to extend our appreciation to the following chapters for their assistance:

  • Zeta Eta (South Carolina State University) and Nu Alpha (Georgia State University) for lending their Ritual gear for the Savannah State University chapter installation.
  • Theta Theta (University of Alabama-Birmingham) for lending their Ritual gear for the Tennessee State University chapter installation.

Lastly, we would like to give thanks to all the chapters and alumni members who made the trip to provide support in the installation ceremony for the Lambda Upsilon and Zeta Pi chapters. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. We are excited to transition to the post-installation process with both chapters and for the opportunity to have both groups represented at the upcoming SED Convention. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.


If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Starting A Chapter page or email me at

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University

Chapter Installation Announcement – Spring 2022

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful chartering and installation of the Xi Gamma chapter at Cleveland State University on Sunday, January 30th! The process started at the beginning of last semester with a petitioning group of twenty-three band members, led by Maddie Baldwin and with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Birch Browning.This process would not have been possible without the help of our amazing Advising Team. This group was led by NCD Governors, Marc Reanud and Michelle Banis and consisted of three additional advisors. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support.

  • Akilah Thomas, Past NCD VPM (Beta Kappa)
  • Viet Nguyen, Past NCD VPM (Eta)
  • Jack Gornick, Past NCD President (Alpha Zeta)
We would like to extend our appreciation to the Iota Lambda chapter at the University of Mount Union for providing Ritual supplies for the installation.
Lastly, we would like to give thanks to the several chapters that made the trip to support the installation of the Xi Gamma chapter. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. Thank you to the following chapters:
  • Beta Kappa (Bowling Green State University)
  • Beta Psi (Kent State University)
  • Zeta Omicron (University of Akron)
Maddie and Dr. Browning will start this semester as Chapter President and Chapter Sponsor, respectively. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.

If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Starting A Chapter page or email me at

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University

Spring 2022 Petitioning Group Announcement

Brothers – 

On behalf of the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi, I am wishing you a safe and healthy start to your February 2022. We are honored to announce the acceptance of two petitioning groups and the team of advisors that will be working closely with them this spring. Please see below for more information about each group.

Tennessee State University – Zeta Pi Rechartering – Southeast District

Advising Team:

  • Kalem Graham (Life Member, Zeta Psi & SED Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Rassii Elliott (Life Member, Eta Omega & NED Governor)
  • Atia Aroonsakulwongse (Life Member, Theta Theta & Past SED Sec/Treas)
  • Jessica Needham (Alumna, Eta Sigma & Past SED VPP)
  • Bryan Flippin (Alumnus, Theta Tau & Past Chapter President)

The Tennessee State University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Bands, Dr. Reginald McDonald. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including the “Aristocrat of Bands” Marching Band, the TSU Jazz Collegians, Commercial Music ensembles, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, and many other instrument-specific small groups. To learn more about the Tennessee State University band program, please visit their website

We are excited to welcome back our friends at Tennessee State University to Kappa Kappa Psi! You may send notes of congratulations to Director of Bands, Dr. Reginald McDonald (

Savannah State University – Lambda Upsilon Rechartering – Southeast District

Advising Team:

  • Arupa Gopal-Campbell (Life Member, Kappa Tau & SED Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Tar-Shae Odom (Active Member, Zeta Eta & National VPSA)
  • Greg Boike (Life Member, Kappa Mu & KKPsi AABOD Chair)
  • Marina Peña Guiot (Life Members, Nu Alpha/Kappa Mu & KKPsi AABOD Vice Chair)
  • Jordan Barnes (Life Member, Iota Xi & Past NED Historian/Alumni Liaison)

The Savannah State University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Bands, Dr. Gabriel Arnold. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including the “Powerhouse of the South” Marching Band, the SSU Pep Band, Jazz Band, and Symphonic Band. To learn more about the Savannah State University band program, please visit their website

We are excited to welcome back our friends at Savannah State University to Kappa Kappa Psi! You may send notes of congratulations to Director of Bands, Dr. Gabriel Arnold (

With Love and Appreciation, 

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University

Chapter Installation Announcement – Fall 2021

Hello and happy Wednesday, Brothers –

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful re-chartering and installation of the Lambda Omicron chapter at Valdosta State University! The process started at the beginning of this semester with a petitioning group of eleven band members, led by Daniel Slone and with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Benjamin Harper. The event took place on Sunday, December 12th in Valdosta, GA, and was the first in-person chapter installation that we have had in quite some time.

This process would not have been possible without the help of our amazing Advising Team. This group was led by Past National President, Evan Thompson and consisted of five advisors. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support.

  • Justyn Paul Davis, SED Governor (Zeta Chi)
  • Miaka Kemp, KKPsiAA Member (Kappa Mu)
  • Michael Bradford-Calhoun, Past SED President (Iota Zeta)
  • Brittany Woodruff, SEDAA Board Member (Pi)
Several chapters offered to help out by providing supplies for the Ritual and installation. We would like to extend our appreciation to the following chapters for their assistance:
  • Pi (Auburn University)
  • Zeta Chi (University of South Carolina)
  • Eta Sigma (University of Central Florida)
  • Kappa Mu (University of Georgia)
Lastly, we would like to give thanks to the several chapters that made the trip to support the installation of the Lambda Omicron chapter. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. Thank you to the following chapters:
  • Pi (Auburn University)
  • Alpha Eta (University of Florida)
  • Alpha Sigma (University of Tampa)
  • Zeta Chi (University of South Carolina)
  • Eta Sigma (University of Central Florida)
  • Kappa Mu (University of Georgia)
  • Nu Alpha (Georgia State University)
  • Beta Xi (University of Florida – Tau Beta Sigma)
Daniel and Dr. Harper will start next semester as Chapter President and Chapter Sponsor, respectively. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! Go Blazers and AEA.

If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Starting A Chapter page or email me at

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University

Founders’ Day Message 2021

What does it mean to celebrate Founders’ Day?

This is a moment to truly celebrate!  For 102 years, our organization has withstood the test of time.  Our values are the same as they were when 10 bandsmen came together and created an organization in the image of their director.  We celebrate the opportunity to serve college bands with honor, integrity, respect, and loyalty. We celebrate our relationship and our shared mission with Tau Beta Sigma.  We celebrate our chapters, our Brothers, our connection and the spirit of servant leadership.  We celebrate the precious gift of music, and the magic it brings when we join together in harmony.

This is also a moment of reflection.  I think of how far we have come in 102 years.  Certainly – I would not be here as your National President.  Throughout the years, we have grown and adapted as an organization.  Our acknowledgement, inclusion, and acceptance of people of color, women, and the LGBTQIA community demonstrates our growth as an organization that cares about the people who serve in it.  But at the same time, we must also acknowledge that we haven’t always gotten it right, and that when we reflect on our successes, we must also reflect on the moments that we could have done better and done more.  I hope that this sentiment continues to drive us forward as a better Kappa Kappa Psi.

Finally, this is a moment of gratitude.  I’m thankful for my home chapter at Lock Haven, for the amazing experience playing in the LHU Band, and that seven people saw something in me to offer me an invitation for membership in Kappa Kappa Psi.  I’m thankful for the many Brothers I have met over the years, at conventions, over zoom, and from countless chapters across the country who have touched my life.  I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve all of you as your National President.  I’m especially thankful for the ability to play music with one another, to have a shared experience that connects and brings joy, love, and light to all.

In the March 1923 Baton, Grand President Scott Squyres wrote an article about the greater fraternity.  In it he says, “The entire success of the fraternity depends on your individual continued cooperation.  You only get out of a thing what you put into it.  HAVE YOU PUT ALL YOU CAN INTO KAPPA KAPPA PSI?”  In July, I asked you if you were with me – to help reCHARGE Kappa Kappa Psi.  Ask yourself – are you truly putting all you can into Kappa Kappa Psi?  Are you working to serve your college or university band?  Are you striving to live our values, as we make bands, and the world at large, a better place?  Are you working to reCHARGE Kappa Kappa Psi through your actions as a Brother, as a chapter, as an alumnus?

Brothers, on this day, our Founders’ Day, take a moment – to celebrate, to reflect, and to give thanks.  Thank a Brother, a Sister, a band director, a fellow musician – someone who has touched your life and made it better because of your connection to music and Kappa Kappa Psi.  Reflect on your commitment to musicianship, leadership, and service as we strive for college bands.  And most importantly, celebrate the moment!  Here’s a toast to Kappa Kappa Psi and 102 years of service to college bands!

Striving with you,

Jessica Lee
48th National President
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

Month of Musicianship

National Month of Musicianship 2021


It has been wonderful seeing our Chapters recharging their band programs and sharing their love of music with both their campuses and all of us.  This November, as we celebrate both the Month of Musicianship and the month of our founding, I encourage you to reflect on these questions and ideas over the next several weeks:

  • Week 1:  Tone:  How are you improving the tone of your band program, both musically and in how you help your band programs conduct themselves?
  • Week 2:  Articulation:  What vision of musicianship in Kappa Kappa Psi are you articulating on your campus?
  • Week 3:  Duration:  How are you recruiting not just to your Chapters, but to your band programs?
  • Week 4:  Beauty:  What performances are you engaging in on your campuses that showcase the qualities of music that pass beyond words?
  • Week 5:  Harmony:  What are you doing in your band programs to create harmony in the realistic and idealistic senses of the word?
Please stay tuned to social media over the next month, as we host programming, share what these things mean to your leadership team, and have you share with us all what you’re doing on your campuses.  When you’re posting about your Month of Musicianship events, use the hashtag #strikeupthebands!

Happy Month of Musicianship, and let’s celebrate it with beauty and passion!


Ed Savoy
National Vice President for Programs

2021 National VPSA Announcement

Greetings Brothers!

I hope that the start to your school year is going well, and that you are enjoying the return to IN PERSON band practices and performances!  I wanted to provide you with some updates, as we have started the biennium!

National Vice President for Student Affairs

Here is an overview of the VPSA selection process:

  • The Application Window for VPSA was open from July 26, 20221 – August 23, 2021.  The announcement was posted on the website 
  • Brother Bang Co, Former VPSA Zac Humphrey, and I held a VPSA Chat on the VPSA position for interested Candidates.
  • Once the application window closed and all packets were received, they were placed in a google folder for review by the National Council.  We received 14 packets for consideration.  
  • The candidates were then ranked.  We chose the top 8 candidates for zoom interviews.
  • All candidates were asked the same questions and received a 30 minutes interview.  National Council members provided feedback after both nights of interviews.
  • From the 8 candidates interviewed, we narrowed it down to 3 candidates.  We discussed the strengths and areas of concern of all 3 finalist candidates.  I also gave council members the opportunity to discuss other candidates if they wished – we did discuss another candidate who ranked 4th.
  • I then asked National Council members to email me their top candidate with feedback.  I received emails from all voting members, who were able to come to consensus.
  • The National Council then unanimously voted to recommend a candidate to the Board of trustees.
  • The Board of Trustees unanimously voted to accept our recommendation.

On behalf of the National Council and Board of Trustees, it is with excitement that I announce that Brother TarShae Odom, active member of the Zeta Eta Chapter of South Carolina State University, has been appointed to the National Vice President for Student Affairs Position.

Brother Tar-Shae` Ra-Jun Odom is a non-traditional student and a Spring 2018 initiate of the Zeta Eta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at South Carolina State University. As an active brother of the Zeta Eta Chapter, he currently serves as the Service Chair. Most recently, Tar-Shae` has served the fraternity as the Southeast District President, Zeta Eta Chapter President, and as a member of the National DEIA Task Force.  Brother Odom is a 2021 winner of the J. Lee Burke Student Achievement award, the highest award a student of Kappa Kappa Psi can win.  Throughout his time at South Carolina State University, Tar-Shae has played french horn in the South Carolina State Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble.  He also played mellophone in the marching band, and this year, serves as one of the student conductors for the South Carolina State University Band Program.

On the South Carolina State University campus, Tar-Shae` serves as Chair of the National Interfraternity Music Council (NIMC), and is an advocate for student activities. Additionally, he is a member of Delta Phi Delta Dance Fraternity where he served as Chapter President of the Magnificent Mu Chapter, Southern Regional Director twice, and also National Vice President of External Affairs. Serving has played a major role in Tar-Shae’s life. Since high school, he has served as drum major, class president, school vice president, and tennis captain.  Brother Odom never runs from the opportunity to serve others, and believes that the act of serving others is what matters most at the end of the day. 

Outside of school and serving the band,  is a full-time bar manager at the Orangeburg Country Club.  He is a proud member of New Bethel Apostolic Church of Dillon, S.C. where he serves as an assistant choir director, and the keyboardist. 

As a leadership team, we are excited about Brother Odom’s vision to Rediscover, Rededicate, and Reclaim to Restore.  His ideas align with our national vision to help ReCharge our Brotherhood, and he is passionate about bridging gaps between students, national leadership, and alumni across the country. 

The National Council will have an officer installation for Brother Odom, which will be hosted live on facebook on Monday, October 11th at 7:00pm CST/8:00 pm EST.  We will also be hosting a National Council Meet and Greet session, for active members to get to know our council members, at the beginning of November.  Information about registering for this session will be coming in the next few weeks!

Brothers, the Officer Installation Ceremony reminds us of the following: “Just as any melody, from the most basic motives to the most ornately crafted themes, may be enhanced by a wise use of harmony or destroyed by discord, so too is the Brotherhood. It is your duty to assist your officers in working toward the goals which animate us all.”  I encourage you to reflect on these words, and take the time to be intentional to lend your assistance and support, not just to Brother Odom as he transitions to his new position, but to the rest of your National Leadership, your District Leadership, and Your Chapter Leadership.  We cannot do it alone.

Brother Odom may be reached via email at  We look forward to the work he will do as our 2021-2023 National Vice President for Student Affairs!

Striving to reCharge our Brotherhood,

Jessica Lee

48th National President of Kappa Kappa Psi

Life Member, Eta Alpha Chapter – Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania 

Chapter Personnel Report Walkthrough

Hello and Happy Friday, Brothers –

I hope your September is going well and that you are ready for Spooky Season!

With the Chapter Personnel Report (CPR) deadline coming up, we wanted to share with you a helpful resource that you can use to complete your CPR correctly. Our OMRS expert, Aaron Moore, hosted an office hour where he walked through the process step-by-step. If you haven’t started or completed your CPR draft yet, please use the link below to access the walkthrough video.

If you have any questions or issues regarding the OMRS or the CPR, please do not hesitate to email Aaron Moore ( or myself ( I will share that I am basically useless when it comes to the OMRS, but I can help with other matters 🙂

Thank you and have a safe/healthy weekend! AEA.

CPR Walkthrough Video

Slide Deck

Bang Co

National Vice President for Membership & Expansion

Fall 2021 Petitioning Group Announcement

Brothers – 

On behalf of the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi, I am wishing you a safe and healthy start to your Fall 2021 semester. We are honored to announce the acceptance of two petitioning groups and the team of advisors that will be working closely with them this fall. Please see below for more information about each group.

Valdosta State University – Lambda Omicron Rechartering – Southeast District

Advising Team:

  • Evan Thompson (Life Member, Zeta Chi & Past National President) – Lead Advisor
  • JP Davis (Life Member, Zeta Chi & SED Governor)
  • Michael Bradford-Calhoun (Alumnus, Iota Zeta & past SED President)
  • Brittany Woodruff (Life Member, Pi & SEDAA Board Member)
  • Miaka Kemp (Alumna, Kappa Mu & KKPsiAA Member)

The Valdosta State University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Bands, Dr. Benjamin Harper, and Assistant Director of Bands, Dr. Skye Holmes. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including their Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, the Blazin’ Brigade Marching Band, and the Hot Shots Basketball Band. To learn more about the Valdosta State University band program, please visit their website

We are excited to welcome back our friends at Valdosta State University to Kappa Kappa Psi! You may send notes of congratulations to Director of Bands, Dr. Benjamin Harper (

Cleveland State University – New Petitioning Group – North Central District

Advising Team:

  • Marc Renaud (Life Member, Zeta Epsilon & NCD Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Michelle Banis (Life Member, Iota Lambda & NCD Governor)
  • Akilah Thomas (Life Member, Beta Kappa & NCDAA Board Member)
  • Viet Nguyen (Life Member, Eta & Past NCD Vice President for Membership)
  • Jack Gornick (Alumnus, Alpha Zeta & Past NCD President)

The Cleveland State University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Bands, Dr. Birch Browning. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including their Wind Ensemble, Chamber Winds, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos, Percussion Ensemble, and Clarinet Ensemble. To learn more about the Cleveland State University band program, please visit their website

We are excited to welcome our friends at Cleveland State University to Kappa Kappa Psi! You may send notes of congratulations to Director of Bands, Dr. Birch Browning (

With Love and Appreciation, 

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)

National Vice President for Membership & Expansion

2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council

Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University
