
2023-2025 National Leadership Appointments

Brothers –

I hope the month of June is treating you well and that you are getting excited about our 2023 National Convention! 

As your National President-Elect, I have spent the past two years deeply reflecting on the state of our Fraternity and the future of Kappa Kappa Psi. One of my responsibilities, as I prepare for the next biennium, is to evaluate and adjust the makeup of our appointed leadership team to ensure that we are adapting to the new conditions and challenges that our students are facing each day. In addition to “recharging” the Fraternity in a post-pandemic world, we have also made powerful promises to diversify our leadership team to best reflect our membership. I am thankful for the strong foundation and representation that National President Lee and our predecessors have established with their appointments over the years. Recognizing the privilege of this position and the impact of this decision, I am proud to share with you my appointments for the 2023-2025 Biennium. Please help me congratulate and welcome these incredible Brothers and leaders!

National Vice President for Professional Relations

Dr. William L. Lake, Jr – Alumnus of the ΚΚΨ Gamma Xi Chapter (University of Maryland)

More about Dr. Lake

Dr. William L. Lake, Jr. is the newly appointed Director of Concert Bands at the Reva and Sid Dewberry Family School of Music at George Mason University for the upcoming academic year. In this role, he will conduct the George Mason University Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band. He will also teach conducting and wind literature classes.

Before his tenure at George Mason University, Dr. William L. Lake, Jr., served as Associate Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Music Education at the Crane School of Music (SUNY-Potsdam), where he was co-conductor of the Northern Symphonic Winds, principal conductor of the Crane Concert Band, and guest conductor of the Crane Wind Ensemble. In addition to these responsibilities, Dr. Lake taught undergraduate conducting, Secondary Wind Practices, Wind Literature, and the preservice Practicum in Beginning Instruments Course.

Dr. Lake earned his Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Instrumental Conducting from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro under the mentorship of Drs. John R. Locke and Kevin Geraldi. As a graduate student, he was the principal conductor of The University of North Carolina University Band and guest conductor of the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Casella Sinfonietta Chamber Ensemble, and Symphony Orchestra.

Dr. Lake is the recipient of two master’s degrees, the first from Boston University in Music Education (2011) and the second from the University of Maryland, College Park in Wind Conducting (2014) under the mentorship of Dr. Michael Votta, Jr. In May 2006, Dr. Lake received a Bachelor of Music Liberal Arts – Jazz Studies Piano Performance Degree from the University of Maryland, College Park as a student of Jon Ozment and Christopher Vadala.

As a passionate advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion, Dr. Lake is the co-founder of I See You: Affirming Representation in Music. In this capacity, Dr. Lake has presented over twenty seminars across the United States on inclusive practices in music education and performance. With co-founder Dr. LaToya A. Webb, Dr. Lake has been invited to present on diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts and practices at the 2021 Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic, the 2021 Virginia Music Educators Association Professional Development Conference, the 2022 Texas Music Educators Association Conference, the 2021 National Association for Music Education National Conference and the 2022 National Association for Music Education Music Leaders Forum.

Dr. Lake is a member of the College Band Directors National Association, Kappa Kappa Psi (Gamma Xi), National Honorary Band Fraternity, Inc., Pi Kappa Lambda, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is also honored with membership in Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Fraternity, Inc. (Beta Eta), and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.

North Central District Governor

Akilah Thomas – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Beta Kappa Chapter (Bowling Green State University)

More about Akilah

Akilah Thomas (she/her) is a Life Member of the Beta Kappa Chapter at Bowling Green State University. She was initiated in Spring 2012, selected to serve as Chapter Secretary for her Sophomore Year, and as a Junior, became the first woman in her chapter’s history to serve as the Chapter President. She went on to serve as the North Central District Vice President for Membership for the 2015-2016 school year, embracing the ideas of rediscovery, rededication, and holistic learning throughout the NCD. Post-graduation, Akilah remained involved with Kappa Kappa Psi, becoming a Curriculum Advisor, Petitioning Group advisor for two chapters, and a founding member of the North Central District Alumni Association as the Membership Director and later the Business Director.

At BGSU, Akilah majored in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance, earning her BSBA in 2016. During her time with the BGSU Band Program, Akilah was a saxophonist for the Athletic Band, Symphonic Band, and Falcon Marching Band where she served as section leader for 2 years. She also became a founding member of the Voices at BGSU Concert Choir in which she served as Soprano section leader and Vice President.

Currently, Akilah resides in her hometown of Cleveland, OH. She has established herself in the field of Human Resources and works as a Training and Occupational Development Specialist for a global manufacturer in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Her primary aspirations are to travel the world, foster DEIA, and help others see the greatness in themselves. She has a passion for personal, professional, and spiritual growth in both herself and others and is confident that her time as the North Central District Governor will be another opportunity to serve within this mission.

Midwest District Governor

Dr. K. Anthony Walker – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Eta Phi Chapter (Syracuse University)

More about Dr. Walker

Anthony is a life member of the Eta Phi chapter at Syracuse University and was initiated in Spring 2012. As an active member, he held a variety of chapter officer roles and also served as the Northeast District President from 2014-2015. As an alumnus, he continued serving our membership as a Curriculum Advisor, Centennial Committee member, and most recently as the current Chair of the National Data & Assessment Committee. Anthony is also a proud Honorary member of both the Kappa Kappa Psi Midwest District and the Eta Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Professionally, Anthony is a Research Audiologist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine where he investigates the effects of hearing loss on speech perception from infancy through adulthood. As a first-generation minority college student, he is committed to serving as a resource and helping facilitate a meaningful fraternal experience for all students. Anthony is excited to meet and work with the Midwest District this biennium!

Midwest District Governor

Viet Nguyen – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Eta Chapter (The Ohio State University)

More about Viet

Viet is a first-generation Vietnamese-American, born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. At The Ohio State University, he is a Life member of the Eta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and an Honorary member of the Chi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Viet played the mellophone and French Horn in the marching and concert bands. Initiated in 2014, he served as a recruitment committee chair and was Chapter Vice President of Membership. Then in 2017, he was elected the North Central District Vice President for Membership. Currently living in Fargo, ND, he is a Director of Development for the North Dakota State University Foundation, where he builds enduring relationships that maximize advocacy and philanthropic support for NDSU. Some of his favorite memories in the fraternity were organizing the 2017-2018 Joint District Recruitment Video and the NCD Composition Competition. Viet is excited to serve the brothers of the Midwest District and their band communities.

Southwest District Governor

Kadeem Sabari – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Zeta Chi Chapter (University of South Carolina)

More about Kadeem

Kadeem Sabari was initiated into the Zeta Chi chapter at the University of South Carolina in Spring 2013. During his time in the chapter, he served on the executive board for two consecutive terms serving as the Social Chair and Historian. After graduation, he joined the Southeast District Alumni Association and became the chair of the organization after a year and a half. He served as the chair of the Southeast District Alumni Association from 2018-2022, planning a variety of conventions for the organization both virtually and in-person. In addition to his work with Alumni, Kadeem has served as an Advisor for two Petitioning Groups during the 2021-2023 biennium. Currently, Kadeem is finishing up his term on the Alumni Association Board of Directors as the Local Alumni Association Director.

I am also excited to share that the following individuals will be reappointed to continue their fraternal service during the 2023-2025 biennium!

Midwest District

Denali Pearce-Alt – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Delta Gamma Chapter (Missouri University of Science and Technology) & the ΚΚΨ Epsilon Psi Chapter (Missouri State University)

North Central District

Marc Renaud – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Zeta Epsilon Chapter (Michigan State University)

Michelle Banis – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Iota Lambda Chapter (University of Mount Union)

Northeast District

Marci Jones – Honorary of the ΚΚΨ Northeast District

Matthew Parent – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Epsilon Nu Chapter (University of Massachusetts)

Rassii Elliott – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Eta Omega Chapter (Howard University)

Southeast District

Arupa Gopal – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Kappa Tau (University of South Florida)

Justyn Paul Davis – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Zeta Chi Chapter (University of South Carolina)

Kalem Graham – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Zeta Psi (Virginia State University)

Southwest District

Andy Melvin – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Delta Chapter (University of Oklahoma)

Lizzi Pineiro – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Gamma Phi Chapter (Stephen F. Austin State University)

Western District

Brian Parker – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Iota Pi Chapter (California Polytechnic State University)

Karissa Longo – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Zeta Epsilon Chapter (Michigan State University)

Lance Coochyouma – Life Member of the ΚΚΨ Gamma Kappa Chapter (Northern Arizona University) & the ΚΚΨ Omega Chapter (The University of Arizona)

Brothers, please join me in congratulating these incredible Brothers as part of our National Leadership Team for the 2023-2025 biennium! I look forward to continuing our journey together with you all. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer next biennium, please take a few minutes to complete this form:


Bang T. Co
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion | National President-Elect (2023-2025)
Life Member of the ΚΚΨ
Alpha Zeta Chapter, Indiana University

Spring 2023 – Announcement of Chapter Installations

Brothers – 

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful re-chartering of the Kappa chapter at Colorado State University and the installations of the Xi Epsilon chapter at Florida Memorial University and the Xi Zeta chapter at Widener University! The process started in late February of this semester with a petitioning group of twenty-eight band members for CSU, eleven band members for FMU, and twenty band members for WU. The Colorado State group was led by Tucker Booth with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Rebecca Phillips, and Sponsor, Dr. Jayme Taylor. Their installation took place on CSU’s campus on Sunday, April 23rd, 2023. The Florida Memorial group was led by Rashaud Marcelin with the support of their Director of Bands and Sponsor, Dr. Richard Beckford. Their installation took place on FMU’s campus on Thursday, April 13th, 2023. The Widener group was led by John Samohod with the support of their Director of Bands, Dr. Iain Moyer, and Sponsor, Kim Sulahian. Their installation took place on WU’s campus on Monday, April 17th, 2023.

This process would not have been possible without the help of our dedicated Advising Teams. The teams advising each group were led by MWD Governor, Dr. Nicholas Rorrer (CSU); SED Governor, Arupa Gopal-Campbell (FMU); and National Database & Membership System Coordinator, Aaron Moore (WU). Each Advising Team consisted of several alumni members, who are listed below. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support.

Colorado State Advising Team

  • Dr. Nicholas Rorrer (Life Member, Eta Beta | MWD Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Justin Chesak (Life Member, Gamma Iota | Past CFR, 2016-2018)
  • Makenzie Chesak (Life Member, Alpha | Expansion Committee Vice-Chair)
  • Christian Heck (Alumni Member, Iota Kappa | Graduate Student at CSU)
  • Joey Sacino (Life Member, Iota Kappa | DEIA Committee Member)

Florida Memorial Advising Team

  • Arupa Gopal-Campbell (Life Member, Kappa Tau | SED Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Tar-Shae` Odom (Active Member, Zeta Eta | National VP for Student Affairs)
  • Kadeem Sabari (Life Member, Zeta Chi | ΚΚΨAA BOD Member)
  • Joe Figliolo (Alumni Member, Mu Eta | Expansion Committee Member)
  • Alyssia Price (Active Member, Gamma Nu | Curriculum Development Committee Member)

Widener University Advising Team

  • Aaron Moore (Life Member, Alpha Rho | National Database & Membership System Coordinator) – Lead Advisor
  • Marci Jones (NED Honorary Member | NED Governor)
  • Ali Beidler (Life Member, Eta Rho & Data | Assessment Committee Member)
  • Ayleen Sanchez (Life Member, Alpha Chi | Curriculum Development Committee Member)
  • Michael “Ike” Ireland (Life Member, Nu Omicron | Expansion Committee Member)

Several chapters offered to help out by providing supplies and members for the Ritual and installation. We would like to extend our appreciation to the following chapters for their assistance.

  • Xi chapter (Colorado School of Mines) for lending their Ritual gear for the Colorado State University chapter installation.
  • Kappa Tau chapter (University of South Florida) for lending their Ritual gear for the Florida Memorial University chapter installation.
  • Eta Rho chapter (West Chester University) for providing a Ritual team and lending their Ritual gear for the Widener University chapter installation.

Lastly, we would like to give thanks to all the chapters and alumni members who made the trip to provide support in the installation ceremony for the Kappa, Xi Epsilon, and Xi Zeta chapters. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. We are excited to transition to the post-installation process with each of these chapters and for the opportunity to have these groups represented at the upcoming National Convention. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.

If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Expansion page or email me at

With Love,


Spring 2023 Petitioning Group Announcement

Brothers –

On behalf of the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi, I am honored to announce the acceptance of three petitioning groups and their advising teams for the Spring 2023 semester. Please see below for more information about each group.

Colorado State University – Kappa Rechartering – Midwest District

The Colorado State University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Bands, Dr. Rebecca Phillips, and Associate Director of Bands, Dr. Jayme Taylor. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including their Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, CSU Marching Band, Presidential Pep Band, “Rampage” Basketball Band, and many more. To learn more about the Colorado State University band program, please visit their website.

The Colorado State University group will be a rechartering group in the Midwest District. The group will be instructed by an Advisor Team, which consists of the following members:

  • Dr. Nicholas Rorrer (Life Member, Eta Beta & MWD Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Justin Chesak (Life Member, Gamma Iota & Past CFR, 2016-2018)
  • Makenzie Chesak (Life Member, Alpha & Expansion Committee Vice-Chair)
  • Christian Heck (Alumni Member, Iota Kappa & Graduate Student at CSU)
  • Joey Sacino (Life Member, Iota Kappa & DEIA Committee Member)
We are excited to welcome back our friends at Colorado State University to Kappa Kappa Psi! You may send notes of congratulations to Director of Bands, Dr. Rebecca Phillips (, and Associate Director of Bands, Dr. Jayme Taylor (
Florida Memorial University – New Petitioning Group – Southeast District

The Florida Memorial University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Bands, Dr. Richard Beckford. As one of the newest HBCU bands in the country, “The ROAR” Marching Band strives to bring innovation to the band world and empowers students to go into the world as leaders. To learn more about the Florida Memorial University band program, please visit their website.

The Florida Memorial University group will be a new chartering group in the Southeast District. The group will be instructed by an Advisor Team, which consists of the following members:

  • Arupa Gopal-Campbell (Life Member, Kappa Tau & SED Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Tar-Shae` Odom (Active Member, Zeta Eta & National VP for Student Affairs)
  • Kadeem Sabari (Life Member, Zeta Chi & ΚΚΨ AABOD Member)
  • Joe Figliolo (Alumni Member, Mu Eta & Expansion Committee Member)
  • Alyssia Price (Active Member, Gamma Nu & Curriculum Development Committee Member)
We are excited to welcome our friends at Florida Memorial University as they start on this journey with Kappa Kappa Psi! If you would like to send a congratulatory note, please email Dr. Richard Beckford at
Widener University – New Petitioning Group – Northeast District

The Widener University band program is under the leadership of their Director of Athletic Bands, Dr. Iain Moyer. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including their Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, and the Widener Band & Color Guard. To learn more about the Widener University band program, please visit their website.

The Widener University group will be a new chartering group in the Northeast District. The group will be instructed by an Advisor Team, which consists of the following members:

  • Aaron Moore (Life Member, Alpha Rho & National Database & Membership System Coordinator) – Lead Advisor
  • Marci Jones (Honorary Member, NED & NED Governor)
  • Ali Beidler (Life Member, Eta Rho & Data & Assessment Committee Member)
  • Ayleen Sanchez (Life Member, Alpha Chi & Curriculum Development Committee Member)
  • Michael “Ike” Ireland (Life Member, Nu Omicron & Expansion Committee Member)
We are excited to welcome our friends at Widener University as they start on this journey with Kappa Kappa Psi! If you would like to send a congratulatory note, please email Dr. Iain Moyer at
To learn more about Kappa Kappa Psi’s Petitioning Process and how to start a chapter, please visit the Expansion page on our National website. For further inquiries, please email our National Vice President for Membership and Expansion, Bang Co, at

Chapter Installation Announcement – Fall 2022

On behalf of the National Council, I am proud to announce the successful chartering and installation of the Xi Delta chapter at Stony Brook University! The process started earlier this semester with a petitioning group of nineteen band members, which was led by Marco Melendez and their Director of Bands, Dr. Justin Stolarik. The initiation and installation ceremonies took place at their institution on Sunday, December 4th, 2022.

This process would not have been possible without the help of our dedicated Advising Team, which was led by NED Governor, Rassii Elliott. The Advising Team consisted of several NED alumni members, who are listed below. Thank you to these Brothers for their guidance and leadership in this process. We are deeply grateful for their service and support. 

Stony Brook Advising Team

  • Michael Napolitano (Life Member, Kappa Upsilon & Sponsor/DOB Committee Co-Chair)
  • Laura Borzellieri (Life Member, Lambda Delta & Curriculum Committee Member)
  • Evan Choy (Life Member, Kappa Gamma & Chapter Ops Committee Member)
  • Mia Harvey (Alumna, Nu Zeta & Communications Committee Member)

Lastly, I would like to give thanks to everyone else who assisted with this process: thank you to the Eta Rho chapter at West Chester University for providing the Ritual gear; thank you to Michael Coppola (Life Member, Kappa Upsilon) and Collin Alekson (Alumnus, Nu Zeta) for their assistance; and thank you to our HQ staff for all of their support in making this possible. It was extremely heartwarming to see everyone come together to welcome our new Brothers. We are excited to transition to the post-installation process with Xi Delta and for the opportunity to have these students represented at the upcoming NED and National Conventions. Please help us congratulate and welcome them to the Brotherhood! AEA.

If you or anyone you know has questions about our petitioning process, please visit our Expansion page or email me at

Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National Vice President for Membership & Expansion
2021-2023 Kappa Kappa Psi National Council
Life Member | Alpha Zeta Chapter at Indiana University

Month of Musicianship Message


Our annual Month of Musicianship is not and should not be the only month where we celebrate music.  It is, however, the one where we pay extra and deserved homage to truly the greatest of the arts. As well we should! And as we do, I encourage you to think about these questions:

  • As we finish a membership class or start to think about recruiting a new one, how can we use music to showcase Kappa Kappa as an organization that people will be eager and proud to join?
  • As we come closer to the end of a semester and, for many, a marching band season, how can we bring our music to its greatest height?
  • As we look at our fellow band members and our band directors, how are we helping them build a program that will produce music for years to come?

How does your Chapter answer these questions?  During November, please share your answers, your stories, your pictures, and your performances on social media using the hashtag #strikeupthebands.

You can also join us in celebrating music on November 6th at 8:00 p.m. ET as we have a panel with music educators and past A. Frank Martin Award winners Tony Falcone, Amy Heavilin, Dr. Craig Aarhus, and Denali Pearce-Alt as they share their experiences as music professionals.  Finally, stay tuned to social media throughout the month with experiences and performances from your National leadership on the value of music in their lives.

Brothers, please celebrate our precious gift of music and, in so doing, remind others and yourselves of what this great Brotherhood has in store for us all!


Ed Savoy
National Vice President for Programs

Call for 2022 – 2023 Volunteers

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:


As Brothers, we all have an important role in supporting the future of Kappa Kappa Psi as we work to reCHARGE our Brotherhood!  In order to help ensure a wide variety of voices and perspectives are represented, I have reopened the volunteer application.  The purpose of this volunteer application is to add committee members to committees that have already been working this biennium, and to begin to build committees for the 2023 National Convention in Orlando, Florida.  Attendance at the National Convention is not required to serve on any committees.

This application will remain open until 11:59 pm Central Time on November 18, 2022 and Brothers will be contacted in November/December to discuss roles and responsibilities.  If you do not receive an email, then you have not been chosen for a role.  (Please note that the Nominations Committee has already been appointed.) In whatever way you can serve, thank you.  Kappa Kappa Psi is better because of you and your desire to continue to Strive for the Highest.



Volunteers are required to hold either active status for active members or must apply for membership in the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association.  This recognition of your commitment to the organization is also a notice to our membership that you have identified yourself as being engaged in the alumni experience in Kappa Kappa Psi.   You can find out more information on joining the alumni association here:

Your voice and representation matters.  Please consider this opportunity if you have the time and desire to be a part of the national conversation and direction of the fraternity.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!



Jessica Lee
2021-2023 National President

Fall Updates & National Committees

September 29, 2022

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi, Chapter Sponsors, and Directors of Bands,

I hope the start to your school year has been full of the joy of being in person and playing MUSIC!  In order to help you throughout the semester, you can find information for the 2022 – 2023 school year here:  2022 – 2023 Fall Update.   Please take time during your Chapter Meeting to review this document with important updates and reminders, including information about Membership Calendars, The Founders’ Circle Leadership Development Program, and our Strive for Five Recruitment Initiative.  This will help ensure a strong start to the school year! If after reviewing the PowerPoint you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the National Council by emailing  

*As a reminder – the Chapter Personnel report, Chapter Fee, and your Active Member dues are due TOMORROW, September 30th!  If you need assistance, please contact National Headquarters at 403-372-2333 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm central time.*

While most chapters are operating in person, if your chapter needs to operate virtually for any reason, your chapter can utilize the PIVOT Guidance document as needed.  The National Council knows that each campus continues to have their own unique procedures in place for virtual operations. It is our hope that the information outlined in PIVOT! continues to be easily adaptable to every Chapter’s situation.  If your university moves to virtual operations during the school year, we ask that each Chapter send any official documentation from your university to our Health and Safety team at healthandsaftey@kkpsi.orgAdditionally, we are watching the ever evolving Hurricane Ian.  Please reach out if your chapter has been impacted by the storm and needs any assistance or deadline extensions!

Linked below is an application for those interested in serving Kappa Kappa Psi on the national level, helping to replace open positions on current national committees, as well as committees that will be preparing for the 2023 National Convention.  The application will outline details on various roles, time commitments, whether traveling may be involved, and our volunteer expectations.  

2022 – 2023 Kappa Kappa Psi Volunteer Application

Application will close October 23, 2022 at 11:59 pm CST.

*Note: To be considered for the National Nominations Committee, please submit your application by October 10, 2022 at 11:59 pm CST.

If you want to review what current committees have been doing, please see their reports and charges here: 2021 – 2023 National Committees

More than anything, I hope this fall that as a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, you will take the time to rededicate yourself to the ideals of the order, lean in heavily to our ritualistic values, and be intentional about living our purposes in your band programs.  If we can do these 3 things – then we are working together to reCHARGE our Brotherhood and build a better Kappa Kappa Psi.

On behalf of the entire Kappa Kappa Psi National Leadership Team, I hope that you have a fantastic start to your academic year, and we wish you the best of luck on your upcoming performance season!


Striving with you,

Jessica Lee
48th National President of Kappa Kappa Psi 

Fall 2022 Chapter Field Representative Program Schedule

Brothers –

We are excited to share with you our Chapter Field Representatives’ schedules for the Fall 2022 semester. You can access these using the links below. To learn more about the CFR program, please visit Please feel free to check out our new Instagram account @cfr_kkpsi.

  • Jake January ( | 405.612.2047) – SCHEDULE
  • Kennedy Struck ( | 405.747.5867) – SCHEDULE

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Jake and Kennedy. They will be hitting the road soon so please send them your best wishes!

Fall 2022 Petitioning Group Announcement

Brothers –

On behalf of the National Council, I am excited to announce that we have voted to approve a new petitioning group at Stony Brook University for the Fall 2022 semester.

The Stony Brook University band program is under the leadership of Dr. Justin Stolarik. The band program offers a variety of ensembles for students and community members to participate in including the “Spirit of Stony Brook” Marching Band, jazz ensembles, chamber groups, and the Wind Ensemble. To learn more about the Stony Brook University music program, please visit their website.

Stony Brook University – New Petitioning Group – Northeast District

The Stony Brook University group will be a new Petitioning Group in the Northeast District. The group will be instructed by an Advisor Team, which consists of the following members:

  • Rassii Elliott (Life Member, Eta Omega & NED Governor) – Lead Advisor
  • Michael Napolitano (Life Member, Kappa Upsilon & Sponsor/DOB Committee Co-Chair)
  • Laura Borzellieri (Life Member, Lambda Delta & Curriculum Committee Member)
  • Evan Choy (Life Member, Kappa Gamma & Chapter Ops Committee Member)
  • Mia Harvey (Alumna, Nu Zeta & Communications Committee Member)

We are excited to welcome our friends at Stony Brook University as they start on this journey! If you would like to send a congratulatory note, please email Dr. Stolarik at

To learn more about Kappa Kappa Psi’s Petitioning Process and how to start a chapter, please visit the Expansion page on our National website. For further inquiries, please email our National Vice President for Membership and Expansion, Bang Co, at

Launch of The Founders’ Circle

Kappa Kappa Psi is excited to formally launch our leadership development program The Founders’ Circle.  This program includes written lessons and resources developed by Past National President Dr. Kirk Randazzo, guided questions, and in person presentations at our District and National Conventions.  You can go to to access these materials (the password for accessing these materials is the Fraternity password.  Once you complete a level of The Founders’ Circle, let us know HERE and we’ll recognize you for your achievement!  We are currently working on a process for applying to be a presenter for The Founders’ Circle, so stay tuned for more information!
