2011 Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic
Every year Kappa Kappa Psi participates at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago Illinois. The Midwest Clinic is one of the largest professional conferences for bands, orchestra, and music education in the world. Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma will have a booth in the exhibit hall at the following times:
Wednesday, December 14- 10:00AM-5:00PM
Thursday, December 15- 9:00AM-5:00PM
Friday, December 16- 9:00AM-4:00PM
Various members of the national leadership will be in attendance including National President Adam Cantley, National Vice President for Colonization and Membership Christine Beason, National Vice President for Professional Relations Travis Cross, and members of our Board of Trustees. Also in attendance will be Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representatives, Zac Humphrey and Evan Thompson, and our Executive Director, Lt. Col. Alan Bonner.
Please stop by and say hello. We will be there to answer any questions and of course we will have the coveted Kappa Kappa Psi stickers for you to place on your name tag. We look forward to seeing our brothers, sisters, and friends in Chicago.
Ferris State University welcomes Kappa Kappa Psi back to campus
It is our distinct pleasure to announce the installation of the Delta Omega Chapter at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan. The installation took place on Sunday, 25 September 2011 on the FSU Campus and was attended by over 50 people including dozens of Brothers and alumni from around the North Central District, several NCD Officers, and Chapter Field Representative Evan Thompson. Chapters represented included Zeta Epsilon, Nu, Beta Rho, Gamma Pi, Delta Upsilon, Zeta Chi, Lambda Iota, Lambda Tau, Mu Delta, and Mu Kappa. Past National Presidents and members of the Board of Trustees Dr. Malinda Matney and Mr. Michael Osborn served as co-Installing Officers for Delta Omega.
Thanks to the Zeta Epsilon Chapter at Michigan State Univeresity for serving as the advising chapter for this colony as well as for performing the Third Degree for this event. Thanks also to Chris Haughee, Board of Trustees member, for his work as advising person for the colony.
Delta Omega is Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter # 120 and is the first chapter to be installed this biennium!
Charter Members of the chapter are as follows:
Eric Andrew Watson, President
Jason Peter Dunk
William Lester Harris
Daniel Jacob Hart
Drew Michael Heath
Pamela Sue Kurylowicz
Kyle James Edward Maneke
Logan Isaac May
Lawrence Matthew Ondrias
Alexandra Elizabeth Ortiz
Robert Calvin Reed
Robert Edwrd Ross
Harry Dempsey
Dr. David Eisler
Matt Moresi
Dr. Grant Snider
Dr. Dale Edward Skornia, Athletic Pep Band Director
Dr. Richard Scott Cohen, Director of Instrumental Concert Ensembles and Sponsor
Please join us in congratulating this outstanding addition to our National Fraternity!
Introducing the 2011 – 2013 National Council and Trustees elected at the 2011 National Convention in Colorado Springs, CO.
At the conclusion of the 2011 National Convention in Colorado Springs, CO, the National Delegation completed National Council and Board of Trustee Elections. The following brothers were elected to office:
National Council
Adam Cantley, Omicron – National President
Christine Beason, Lambda Chi – National Vice President for Colonization and Membership
Jack Lee, Delta Sigma – National Vice President for Programs
Adam Bates, Gamma Xi – National Vice President for Student Affairs
Dr. Travis Cross, Eta Beta – National Vice President for Professional Relations
In addition, the following brothers will serve on the National Council as Ex-Officio non-voting members:
Derrick Mills, Eta – Immediate Past National President
Ed Savoy, Eta Alpha – Chair of the Alumni Advisory Committee
Board of Trustees
Dr. Malinda Matney, Nu – Board of Trustees Member
Michael Osborn, Zeta Epsilon – Board of Trustees Member
Delegate Forms Due June 1st/Proxy Forms Due July 5th
The chapter delegate form is due postmarked no later than June 1st and the chapter proxy form is due postmarked no later than July 5th, 2011. Both of these forms can be found in the forms section of the national convention website. If you have a problem meeting this deadline please contact your national headquarters at 405.372.2333 or email them at kkytbs@kkytbs.org TODAY and let us know so that we can try and accomodate you.
The chapter delegate is the member from your chapter that will represent and speak for your chapter during national convention in all sessions and committee meetings. Fill out this form as a chapter designating who that member will be. Note: this must be an active member of your chapter who will be attending national convention. If no chapter member can attend please refer to the Letter of Proxy form above and also check with other resources to see if funding might be available for your chapter. Questions? Contact National Headquarters Staff and they will be happy to help!
The Letter of Proxy is a form that allows your chapter to designate who will sit as delegate for your chapter in case a member of your chapter is not present for the seating of delegates at convention. Fill out this form as a chapter and determine who best to represent your interests in the event one of your members cannot attend convention or isn’t present during business.
National Convention Registration due June 5th
In order to participate in National Convention you must register. Be sure to go to the national convention website and download your registration form today. Registration is $115 dollars and covers your t-shirt, banquet fee and allows you to attend all of the national events, workshops and leadership building opportunities.
National Convention Hotel Reservation Due June 1st
Your national convention Hotel Reservation forms are due postmarked no later than June 1st, 2011.
This form is used to reserve your room at the special rate given to Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma members. Downloading, completing and sending in this form makes sure you get a room at the best rate possible for your stay at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Colorado Springs for convention.
**You may also use the special online site for our group rate by clicking here. It is a special site set up by the Crown Plaza for our convention dedicated to giving our members and convention attendees the best rates possible and guarantees your reservation through the hotel itself.**
2011 NIB Audition Deadline Approaching
If you would like to be a member of the 2011 NIB you should first check your schedule to see if you are able to be in Colorado Springs between July 17-19, 2011. Registration will be at noon on Sunday, July 17 followed by chair placement auditions. Complimentary housing will be provided on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 17, 18, and 19, 2011. Meals and transportation to and from Colorado Springs are not included.
You should begin now to prepare for your recorded audition. CDs are due to the National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma by, April 19, 2009 (postmarked). The selection process will be completed by mid-May and you will be notified soon thereafter.
Visit the NIB page on the National Convention website for more details and for the application form.
Mu Omega Chapter #312 Installed
Brothers and Sisters,
It is my pleasure to announce the installation of the Mu Omega chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Huntingdon College. The installation of our 312th chapter occurred on February 27, 2011 with Board of Trustees Chair and Past National President , Michael Osborn serving as installing officer of 9 colonists and 2 honorary members. The Iota chapter served as the advising chapter and Craig McClure, Life Member from Eta Pi was the colony advisor. This is the 15th chapter installation of the biennium.
Brothers were in attendance from the Iota and Zeta Upsilon Chapters. Also in attendance for the installation ceremony were several guests from the Huntingdon Community as well as Sisters of the Huntingdon Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Special thanks also to those same sisters for hosting a reception following the installation. The new chapter has outstanding potential to do many great things for the Huntingdon Band Program and will be an asset to the Southeast District.
Please send congratulations to:
Chapter President- Kevin Smith, kevin.smith@huntingdon.edu
Congratulations to these new brothers and all those involved.
Adam D. Cantley
Kappa Kappa Psi
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership
Gamma Omicron Chapter #87 re-installed
Brothers and Sisters,
It is my pleasure to announce the installation of the Gamma Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Otterbein University. The installation of our 87th chapter occurred on February 26, 2011 with President Derrick Mills serving as installing officer of 13 colonists and 5 honorary members. The Eta chapter served as the advising chapter and Tim Kalgreen, Life Member from Eta was the colony advisor. This is the 14th chapter installation of the biennium.
Brothers were in attendance from across the North Central District. Also in attendance were Tammi Rice, NCD President, Jason Morris, Past National Vice President for Student Affairs and past NCD Officers Chuck Cattrell and Eric Snowden. The new chapter is off to a great start with many projects accomplished, others in the works, and tremendous support from the brothers and sisters of the North Central District!
Please send congratulations to:
Chapter President- Joshua Reynolds- Josh.Reynolds@otterbein.edu
Congratulations to these new brothers and all those involved.
Adam D. Cantley
Kappa Kappa Psi
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership
2009-2011 Chapter Leadership Finalists Announced
Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:
It is a great privilege to announce the 2009-2011 Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Leadership Award recipients:
Delta – The University of Oklahoma
Nu – The University of Michigan
Omicron – West Virginia University
Pi – Auburn University
Psi – University of California, Los Angeles
Alpha Beta – Butler University
Alpha Tau – The University of Texas at Austin
Delta Iota – Florida A&M University
Epsilon Pi – Kansas State University
Zeta Beta – Howard Payne University
Zeta Epsilon – Michigan State University
Zeta Chi – University of South Carolina
Iota Zeta – North Carolina A&T State University
Iota Pi – California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo
Iota Omega – Iowa State University
Kappa Mu – The University of Georgia
Lambda Rho – Tennessee Tech University
Mu Kappa – Grand Valley State University
This list of eighteen outstanding chapters includes a mix of first time finalists and long time finalists. These chapters throughout the biennium has made outstanding contributions to their band programs and maintained an extraordinary level of commitment to the purposes and values of Kappa Kappa Psi. They certainly have met my challenge to “Dig Deep” towards college band and Kappa Kappa Psi excellence!
Each of these chapters will be asked to present more about their work this summer at National Convention during our Interactive Psi (iPsi) morning, and we encourage you to visit with all of these chapters while in Colorado Springs so you can get ideas for your own chapter and band program.
Each of these chapters is eligible for the William Scroggs Founders Trophy, awarded to one of these chapters as the outstanding chapter in the nation. I am excited for these chapters and their band programs, as this is a moment of celebration for hard work and dedication to college band by our Brothers.
Thanks to these chapters for their consistent high level of excellence throughout the biennium!
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity