North Central District Governor Changes
Brothers of the North Central District,
I wanted to take a moment to thank Dr. Ishbah Cox and Jason Mlady on their outstanding work this year as the governor team in the North Central District. They have each continued a high standard of work and motivation for the active members of the district.
Dr. Cox has notified the National Council that he is resigning his position as Governor of the North Central District to focus on family commitments. We are thankful to Dr. Cox, and are reminded of the great musical leadership and passion he brings to Kappa Kappa Psi. We wish him the best in his future!
Obviously, this creates a vacancy in the governorship within the district. After careful consideration and with input from the national leadership team, I am excited to announce that Tammi Ramsey will join the national leadership team as a North Central District Governor alongside Jason.
Tammi is no stranger to the Fraternity or to the NCD. Tammi was initiated in, and is a life member of, the Zeta Omicron chapter at the University of Akron. She has previously served as a NCD President and as a colony advisor for Kappa Kappa Psi. I know that her passion for our Fraternity is great, and she is going to do an exceptional job.
Please feel free to send her a congratulatory message at
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jack D. Lee
National President
Statement From National President Jack D. Lee
I write to you today with a great sense of love and gratitude. I am thankful that I became a Brother of Kappa Kappa Psi. I am thankful that Kappa Kappa Psi is a place where all Brothers should feel welcomed and supported. I love that this Fraternity continually reminds me that we celebrate love over hate.
The recent events throughout the world, from Baton Rouge to Minnesota to Orlando to the Middle East, unfortunately show us that not everyone in the world shares the same views that I know our Brothers do. I encourage each of you to remember the tenets of our ritual, and to live by them. If you are doing so, you are making this world a better place. If you are doing so, you are showing the world that this organization makes you a better human being.
As we continue to move through the month of July, and we begin to travel back to our universities for summer band camp, review the purposes of our organization. There, you will find that Kappa Kappa Psi, and each of you, work to support our organization’s being: college and university bands. It is through participation in band that we all share a universal trait: we are musicians. Let us continue to use that skill to create beauty, joy, and inspiration to this world.
Please know that the entire national leadership of Kappa Kappa Psi stands, shoulder to shoulder, with our Brothers. No one should be treated differently or live in fear simply based on the color of their skin, a uniform that they wear, their religious beliefs, or their sexual orientation. It is not appropriate, it is not right, and it will not happen here in Kappa Kappa Psi because our Brotherhood is better than that. Because our Brotherhood spreads love.
Jack D. Lee
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Kappa Psi Official Statement on Orlando Tragedy
The National Leadership of Kappa Kappa Psi is proud of the work of this fraternity. We are proud that we are a fraternity that is made up of diverse individuals. Individuals that commit themselves to the selfless service of college and university band programs. Individuals that are, each and every one, a family member; a brother. Our diversity is often celebrated among our members, and it is the love that we all share that allows us to join in fellowship to be embraced as a brother.
Kappa Kappa Psi stands with and supports our brothers and the people of Orlando. We send our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, and we will continue to support our own beloved fraternity members affected by this tragedy. As an organization, we embrace and celebrate our diversity – it is what makes us the great Fraternity that we are – and we empower our members to live with authenticity and courage. We stand with our brothers of the LGBT community and support their right to live and love without fear of hatred, intolerance, or violence. In keeping with our belief that music is a universal language and as we move forward with our mission to promote and advance college and university bands, we echo the words of Leonard Bernstein:
“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”
Closing Out 2015-2016 Announcements & Reminders
As we close out another school year, I want to share this friendly reminder with all of our outgoing and incoming chapter officers, active members, sponsors, and directors.
1. Initiate Registration Form – Please complete and submit all fees and paperwork associated with your Initiate Registration Form. This should be submitted within 30 days of initiation. Late fees apply to chapters who do not submit within the appropriate time. Remember that this form cannot be processed if you do not submit a copy of the signed summary page along with payment.
2. Officer & Chapter Update – If you have held elections that have not been reported, please complete this form as soon as possible so that National Headquarters has accurate contact information for your chapter leadership. If you have not yet started your Chapter Summary Report, please check that you officers are listed correctly before beginning the CSR.
3. Chapter Summary Report – This report is due by June 1st. Please begin working on this document now and remember to give time for sponsor and director approval prior to June 1st. We recommend completing this form prior to the end of finals week.
4. Graduating Senior Report – This reports allows us to document graduating seniors and provide recognition to them for their service to college bands. Graduating Seniors receive a one-year complimentary membership in the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association if the chapter submits this form.
5. Officer Transition Meeting – The National Council encourages all chapters to hold a transition meeting between outgoing and incoming officers. Many discipline issues occur as a result of a lack of institutional knowledge of the larger fraternal responsibilities of the active chapter including reports and dues. Outgoing officers please take time to review these responsibilities with your successor. Set your chapter up success in the coming year.
6. National Programs – The National Council encourages all chapters and members to review the national awards and scholarships which can be found at under the Programs tab. Due date for applications and nominations is July 1st. If you have specific questions, contact Vice President Krcatovich at
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Evan L. Thompson
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity
Installation of Nu Pi at the University of Illinois at Chicago
I’m pleased to announce the installation of the Nu Pi Chapter (#328) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This is the fifth installation of the biennium.
The Mu Delta chapter at Western Michigan University served as the advising chapter and NCD Governor Jason Mlady served as the colony adviser. Many thanks to these brothers for their service and leadership!
Active and alumni members from Nu, Gamma Pi, Kappa Chi, and Mu Delta attended the initiation and installation. Director of Bands, Dr. José Riojas and NCD Governor Jason Mlady were also in attendance.
Mr. Marco Krcatovich, National Vice President for Programs, served as the Installing Officer.
The chapter is electing and installing new officers in the next few days. We will send out new contact information once we have it so that everyone can send congratulatory notes to our new brothers.
Congratulations to Nu Pi! Welcome to the brotherhood!
Evan L. Thompson
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity
Installation of Nu Omicron at the University of New Haven
I’m pleased to announce the installation of the Nu Omicron Chapter (#327) at the University of New Haven. This is the fourth installation of the biennium.
Multiple chapters served as participants in the ritual degrees throughout the colonization process. Active and alumni members from the following chapters attended the installation and assisted with initiation: Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Omega, Delta Omicron, Epsilon Nu, Eta Rho, Lambda Nu, Theta Beta, and Theta Upsilon
Current NED Council members in attendance: President Kylie Wolfe, Vice President Shanon Rubin, and Member At Large Emily McPeake. Past NED Officers included: Vice President Emily Quinlisk, Historian/Alumni Liaison Alex Finkel, and Secretary/Treasurer Howard Kalfus.
Mr. Eric Morson, Board of Trustees Member, served as the Colony Adviser and Installing Officer.
The chapter is 32 members strong. The elected officers of the Nu Omicron Chapter are:
President: Christopher Zygmunt
Vice President of Membership: William Belke
Vice President of Projects: Leah Myers
Secretary: Nikolas Decker
Treasurer: Justin Pelletier
Historian: Christopher Jenis
Parliamentarian: Melissa Bannon
Sponsor: Chad Cooper
Director of Bands: Jason DeGroff
Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President Christopher Zygmunt at
Congratulations to Nu Omicron! Welcome to the brotherhood!
Evan L. Thompson
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity
2016-2018 Chapter Field Representatives Announcement
The National Chapter Field Representative Program began in 1992 to provide a vital link between Active Members and the National Fraternity. We have been served the past two years by two outstanding brothers. I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to Andy Melvin and Chris Young for their service to Kappa Kappa Psi. The fraternity is better because of their leadership and service.
Kappa Kappa Psi has recently completed the interview process for the National Chapter Field Representative Position. I cannot begin to detail the level of the applications that were received throughout the most recent months. This is an indication of the leadership abilities that are being developed in chapters throughout the country. Our selection committee interviewed four outstanding finalists this past weekend in Stillwater, OK.
It is my honor to introduce our two newest CFRs who will be joining our Professional Staff:
Alaina Peters ( is from Arizona State University and was initiated into the Beta Omicron chapter in the Spring of 2013. She will graduate this spring with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education. She is enrolled in the Honors College at ASU and recently presented her thesis More Than Teachers: A Study of How Band Directors Handle Student Grief. She has served Beta Omicron in a variety of positions including Secretary and President. In addition, she has served as a presenter and committee chair for Western District Leadership Conference and Convention. The Western District recognized her with the Ideal Active Achievement Award in 2014. She is currently completing her student teaching at Desert Ridge High School in Mesa, AZ.
Justin Chesak ( is from the University of New Mexico and was initiated into the Gamma Iota chapter in the Fall of 2011. He will graduate this spring with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in Psychology. Justin served two terms as his chapter’s Vice President of Membership and is the current President. He served as Vice President of the Southwest District for the 2015-2016 school year and chaired the Colonization & Membership Committee at the 2015 National Convention in Lexington, Kentucky. Justin has also served as a campus tour guide and equipment manager for the Spirit of New Mexico Marching Band.
Please feel free to send these individuals congratulatory messages. As they make their transition to Stillwater and become a part of the National Headquarters Professional Staff, more information will be shared regarding their upcoming chapter visits. A special thank you to National President Jack Lee, National Executive Director Steve Nelson, National Office Manager Di Spiva, Chapter & Colony Education Coordinator Yvonne Daye and our entire National Headquarters Staff for all their work this past weekend in Stillwater.
Evan L. Thompson
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity
March National Council Update – District Convention Edition!
Who else is gearing up for district convention? I know the Northeast District had an amazing convention a few weeks back, the Southeast District is gearing up for a great weekend to come, and the rest of the districts are following on soon after. Convention is a great experience because it is a jam-packed weekend filled with music, fellowship, and membership development. And make sure to make a new friend or twenty. Those personal interactions are one of the best things about being a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi and we always look forward to it. The National Council wants to wish everyone safe journeys as they make their way to convention in the coming days and weeks.
Jack Lee, National President
Evan Thompson, National Vice President for Colonization and Membership
Marco Krcatovich, National Vice President for Programs
Zac Humphrey, National Vice President for Student Affairs
Doug Stotter, National Vice President for Professional Relations
Our Publications Manager, Robert Bratcher, has shared with us a link to the Spring 2016 edition of The Podium and now we are sharing it with you! Be sure to check it out!
Since our last in-person meeting, the national council has gotten together via the fraternity’s OmniJoin online meeting room. During our meetings, we have shared updates on the work being done on an individual basis. These have been a great way to touch base and get caught up on all of our individual projects. It also helped get us focused ahead of district conventions. We are also in regular communication via text and phone working through the day to day, month to month business of the fraternity.
Evan kept busy over the past few months coordinating installations as well as debuting the new colonization process at the University of New Haven. In the middle of March, Marco installed the Nu Xi Chapter (#326) at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This is the third installation of the biennium. In addition, Evan has been working with many chapters and their advisors on addressing membership education related concerns. He has also been working closely with the Curriculum Development Committee in preparing their presentation on the work they have been doing for the upcoming district conventions.
Jack and Evan, along with members of the National Headquarters staff have been reviewing Chapter Field Representative applications to narrow down a list of finalists who will be brought to National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma for in-person interviews as part of the process to select the next brothers who will serve in this role. Thank you to all brothers who submitted applications for this position – your dedication and passion for the fraternity are greatly appreciated. Best of luck to all who applied!
Marco has been continuing his work on updating the awards process for Kappa Kappa Psi. As part of this work, he is working on having sample applications for each award so that chapters can have better guidance on what they should be preparing for submission. He is also looking at ways to update the Guide to Membership, since a lot of the awards section of the guide will now be online. He also has been working with the Data Team to develop the convention feedback surveys that convention attendees will fill out (or have filled out in the case of the NED) following their district’s convention. These surveys are essential because they help the National Leadership Team as well as your district councils learn and grow from year to year and help provide better programming for next year’s conventions.
Zac has been working diligently on laying the foundation for the Kappa Kappa Psi Presents podcast. He has been working with members of the National Leadership Team to get episodes recorded and ready for release and distribution. This has been a big undertaking and learning experience, but it has been a lot of fun as well. The aim is to debut this school year with a handful of episodes and then get on a regular schedule as we move into a new school year this fall. More concrete information on the launch day will be forthcoming.
Zac has also begun planning out events for the incoming district officers. This year has been filled with lots of great conversations between Zac and your district leadership and he wants to capitalize on what he’s learned and expand that collaboration going into next year by hitting the ground running.
And this next announcement comes from our Executive Director, Steve Nelson. As Kappa Kappa Psi is a 501c3 non-profit organization, he wanted us to remind our membership and alumni that that designation means that we in no way can participate in election activities. What does this mean? Part of being a brother is being passionate in defense of our ideals, even with political campaigns and candidates. You can support a candidate or cause on your own, but chapters CANNOT participate in any partisan activity, this includes volunteering time or donating money in the name of the chapter or offering your chapter’s support in some capacity. This also includes wearing our letters to rallies or other volunteer related activities. Doing any of these activities could cause Kappa Kappa Psi to lose its non-profit status, be fined, or worse. Be passionate, make sure you vote, but always follow the law.
As we mentioned up top, we are in the midst of district convention season. The National Council is looking forward to getting face time with the active membership over the next couple of weeks. Please don’t be shy and be sure to say hi!
With the NED kicking off the district convention season, Zac and Marco for the national council, Adam Cantley, Danny George, and Eric Morson for the board of trustees, Mike Napolitano, Ali Beidler, and Daniel Miller for the Alumni Association Board of Directors, as well as the CFRs attended representing the National Leadership Team. They introduced the new format for the Kappa Kappa Psi Town hall session, which allows students to submit questions to the national leadership team via Twitter and Google forms. While many topics were discussed, many more were not due to time constraints. The national leadership team is looking at ways to tackle the unanswered questions and work to get that information to the brotherhood.
This has already been publicized, but posting it again will not hurt anything. The National Town Hall has been a staple of district conventions for the past handful of years and this year we were looking for ways to make it easier for brothers to participate and ask questions, as there has been some issues in the past with incorporating questions into the overall event. To that end, we have created individual online question submission forms for each district convention. Please feel free to leave the Kappa Kappa Psi National Leadership Team a question, comment, or concern by following the link for your respective convention. We will try to address as many as possible during the Town Hall segment of convention. Your name, email, and chapter are optional, but feel free to leave it for follow-up purposes. In addition to the district-centric Google form, we are also promoting a hashtag for each district convention so that questions can be submitted via Twitter as well. Either of these options can be done now, in the lead up to convention, or while you are at convention.
MWD: MWD Town Hall Google Form and #MWDTownHall
NCD: NCD Town Hall Google Form and #NCDTownHall
NED: NED Town Hall Google Form and #NEDTownHall (NED already happened and it was awesome)
SED: SED Town Hall Google Form and #SEDTownHall
SWD: SWD Town Hall Google Form and #SWDTownHall
WD: WD Town Hall Google Form and #WDTownHall
Kappa Kappa Psi Presents Announcement
Taking into account feedback received following prior Kappa Kappa Psi Presents sessions, coupled with conversations had with students and alumni since national convention in Lexington, I am happy to announce the transformation of Kappa Kappa Psi Presents into an ongoing podcast. Episodes will be similar in structure to the sessions from the fall where I along with a guest or two get together and talk about a topic. The only difference being instead of an hour or hour and a half session once a month, we are aiming to deliver a 20 to 30 minute episode weekly. In addition to chapter operation related topics like finances, the OMRS, and recruitment, we are also aiming to provide snapshots in time of our organization by bringing you interviews with current active and alumni members, as well as current and past members of the national leadership team.
While I am still in the process of recording the first handful of episodes and investigating the best way to disseminate the podcast, I wanted to share this exciting announcement with you (especially since I let the cat out of the bag at the Northeast District Convention this past weekend).
Now, you are probably wondering how you can actively participate in this project. For starters, I have created a google form where you can submit ideas, questions, and topics to be covered during future episodes. In addition, please feel free to tweet your questions using the hashtag #KKPsiPresents. Or you can email us directly at Despite the pre-recorded format of of the episodes,we are still aiming to have this be a collaborative conversation. We even plan to do some live twitter chats where we will take questions and record our conversation during the chat and then post the recordings later.
In addition to general suggestions for ideas and topics, we are aiming to create episodes on the topics covered in the fall as well as the one that was postponed due to scheduling. If you have anything you have always wanted to know regarding the OMRS, chapter finances, continuing membership education, or recruitment, please follow the links to the associated google form for those topics specifically.
Continuing membership education:
I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation as we embark on this exciting new project together!
Zac Humphrey, National Vice President for Student Affairs
Kappa Kappa Psi District Convention Town Hall Update!
The Kappa Kappa Psi Town Hall has become a tradition of the annual district convention experience. This year, the National Leadership Team is looking for ways to make it easier for brothers to participate and ask questions, as there has been some issues in the past with incorporating questions into the overall event. To that end, we have created individual online question submission forms for each district convention. Please feel free to leave the Kappa Kappa Psi National Leadership Team a question, comment, or concern by following the link for your respective convention. We will try to address as many as possible during the Town Hall segment of convention. Your name, email, and chapter are optional, but feel free to leave it for follow up purposes. In addition to the district-centric Google form, we are also promoting a hashtag for each district convention so that questions can be submitted via Twitter as well. Either of these options can be done now, in the lead up to convention, or while you are at convention. We want to make it as easy as possible to get your question out there.
We hope you all are getting excited for district convention season to kick off! We look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks.
Zac Humphrey, National Vice President for Student Affairs
Google Forms and Town Hall hashtags
MWD: MWD Town Hall Google Form and #MWDTownHall
NCD: NCD Town Hall Google Form and #NCDTownHall
NED: NED Town Hall Google Form and #NEDTownHall
SED: SED Town Hall Google Form and #SEDTownHall
SWD: SWD Town Hall Google Form and #SWDTownHall
WD: WD Town Hall Google Form and #WDTownHall