District Convention National Town Hall Update
Greetings from the Northeast District Convention in beautiful Lancaster, PA!
I wanted to take a moment to re-post the links to the online submission forms for the District Convention Town Halls. This, along with using your district specific hashtags, provides an alternative to standing at the mic and asking a question or sharing a comment or concern with the National Leadership Team. To that end, find your district's button below. Utilize the hashtags on the buttons to submit questions via Facebook and twitter.
We can't wait to see you all in the coming weeks!
Keep striving!
National Vice President for Student Affairs
Ritual Performance and Education Committee update!
Evening brothers!
On behalf of the Ritual Performance and Education committee, I hope this finds you well! As you may have heard, as part of preparing for National Convention this summer, our National President Jack Lee and National Vice President for Colonization and Membership Evan Thompson created the Ritual Performance and Education committee. The appointed me the chair of the committee. The committee's mandate is to review the performance instructions relating for the ritual and work towards creating educational materials that will work in tandem with the work that the Curriculum Development committee is doing.
To that end, as the committee has been working over the past 5 months, we wanted to ensure that the work we were doing was meaningful, useful, and helpful to our active membership in their execution of the ritual. To get meaningful feedback, we have proposed a two prong strategy.
1) We will be sending a survey to all chapter presidents. We request that either the chapter president or someone they designate fill out the survey based on the chapter's experience.
2) Performing 6 focus groups during the upcoming district conventions. We invite each chapter to send one representative of their chapter to participate in this in-person conversation on the work being done by the committee. Chapters can sign up now using the buttons below based on their home districts.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the committee by emailing RitualEducation@kkpsi.org.
Keep striving!
The Kenneth Corbett Most Improved Chapter Award Finalists Selected
I am honored to announce the following chapters have been selected by the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi as finalists for the Kenneth Corbett Most Improved Chapter Award. These chapters were selected from among all chapters eligible in their district for this recognition of a biennium spent improving the chapter and their bands.
Remember that being eligible for next biennium starts TODAY with the steps you take to ensure paperwork and dues are submitted on time and that your chapter remains in compliance with all national rules and regulations. This is every brother’s responsibility, but if you aren’t sure what you can do or want advice on how to be in good standing next biennium, contact myself or any member of the National Leadership Team. We are here for you!
Please join me in congratulating these chapters for their hard work this biennium:
Midwest District – Gamma Delta chapter at Wayne State College (NE)
Northeast District – Epsilon Phi chapter at Clarion University (PA)
North Central District – Eta chapter at the Ohio State University
Southeast District – Alpha Eta chapter at the University of Florida
Western District – Alpha Alpha chapter the University of Nevada
Marco A. Krcatovich II
National Vice President for Programs
February/March Council Update, part 4: National Convention 2017
Today’s update shifts the focus to National Convention. Who’s excited? Have you registered? Have you booked your room at the Buena Vista Palace? Here is some information on dates and prices:
– NIB Application deadline: April 15th
– Convention dates: July 18th-22nd
– Convention registration deadline: June 15th — No refunds will be given after this date and any forms received after this date will incur a $25 late fee.
– Registration is $140
– The hotel is $132+tax a night, with $16 a day for parking (this price is only available if you stay onsite).
With those amounts in mind, here are some of the benefits of staying onsite:
– discounted Disney tickets
– free transport to Disney parks from hotel via shuttles
– directly across the street from Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney)
– just down the road [insert actual mileage] from a shopping mall with a Safeway and non-Disney restaurant options (both fast food and sit down).
– once you are on-site, no need to deal with tourist traffic in that area of Orlando
– hotel rate is about as good as you’ll get in that area, below average for the high season with no resort fees that are normal included in places like this
– complimentary beverage tickets useable in the hotel (2 tickets per person registered to the room, max 4 people per room)
– complimentary sun care products provided by the hotel
– the pools + lazy river
– being surrounded by 1000+ of your brothers and sisters 24 hours a day for 5 days straight
If you want/need more information see the website here: http://natcon.kkytbsonline.com (there are some Facebook Live videos of the hotel from the National Council’s meetings onsite in January).. There you will find individual registration forms along with the delegate registration forms. You can also call National Headquarters at (405)372-2333 for any questions that aren’t answered by the website.
Keep striving!
Zac Humphrey
National Vice President for Student Affairs
February/March Council Update, part 3: District Conventions 2017
Tonight’s update is all about district conventions. So let’s get started!
District Conventions are starting up in a few weeks, here is a list of dates and locations:
NED – March 17-18 – Lancaster, PA
SWD – March 24-26 – Stillwater, OK
MWD – March 31 – April 2 – Ames, IA
SED – March 31 – April 2 – Tampa, FL
WD – March 31 – April 2 – Boise, ID
NCD – April 7-9 – Columbus, OH
Remember, in order to attend, you must have a valid membership card. That means your active cards for those who are active and either a life membership or alumni association card for alumni members. This is a hard and fast rule! If you are bring candidates, make sure to have a letter signed by your DOB or Sponsor on file with their names. Any questions regarding membership cards, call HQ at (405)372-2333 and ask for Debbie.
Did you attend district convention last year? If you did, you’ll remember that during the National Town Hall there was a way to digitally submit questions to be answered. We will be bringing that back based on the success we had last year. Be on the look out for an update in the next few weeks that will have all the details on the hashtags and links to the district specific forms.
Two national committees are going to be actively participating in conventions this year in preparation for National Convention in Orlando this summer. The Curriculum Development Committee along with the Ritual Performance and Education Committee (RPEC) will both be on hand to share the work they have been doing as well as answer questions regarding that work. In addition, the RPEC will be inviting one member of each chapter in attendance to participate in a focus group where they will discuss the work being done and get feedback on specific language that will be included in the final report of recommendations that get sent to the Ritual and Regalia Committee at National Convention. In addition to the focus group at convention, your chapter president’s should be receiving a survey that either they or their designate will fill out on behalf of the chapter. Both of these committees are doing vital work in the name of the fraternity and we want to ensure that our membership has every opportunity to ask questions and hear more information about the work they are doing so that come July, everyone in attendance will be able to make informed decisions. If you want to reach out to the Curriculum Development Committee, you can reach them via their committee email, Curriculum@kkpsi.org. If you’d like to reach the RPEC send an email to RitualEducation@kkpsi.org. See the committee members in attendance below.
Curious about the National Leadership that will be in attendance to your district, check out the following list to see who you can expect to see!
Council: Evan Thompson, Doug Stotter
Board: Danny George, Rod Chesnutt
Alumni Board: Nick Bratcher, Sarah Casias
NHQ: Steve Nelson (Alaina Peters as CFR)
Curriculum: (Evan)
Ritual: Andy Melvin
Council: Jack Lee, Evan Thompson, Marco Krcatovich, Zac Humphrey, Doug Stotter
Board: Malinda Matney, Christine Beason
Alumni Board: Alison Beidler, Sarah Casias, Jennifer Pitts-Taylor
NHQ: Steve Nelson and Robert Bratcher
Curriculum: (Evan and Jack)
Ritual: Preston Ramsey (and Zac)
Council: Jack Lee, Evan Thompson, Marco Krcatovich, Zac Humphrey
Board: Adam Cantley, Eric Morson
Alumni Board: Alison Beidler, Nic Rorrer, Daniel Miller
NHQ: Di Spiva (Alaina Peters as CFR)
Curriculum: Jessica Lee (also Jack and Evan)
Ritual: (Zac)
Council: Jack Lee,
Board: Board: Eric Morson, Christine Beason
Alumni Brent Cannon, Nic Rorrer
NHQ: Robert Bratcher
Curriculum: Ken Corbett (Jack)
Ritual: Chris Haughee
Council: Jack Lee, Evan Thompson
Board: Christine Beason, Danny George, Eric Morson
Alumni Board: Alison Beidler, Nick Bratcher, Brent Cannon, Daniel Miller
NHQ: (whole HQ since in Stillwater) (Alaina Peters as CFR)
Curriculum: Jessica Lee, Ken Corbett (also Jack and Evan)
Ritual: Andy Melvin, Graham Delafield
Council: Marco Krcatovich, Zac Humphrey
Board: Malinda Matney, Adam Cantley
Alumni Board: Daniel Miller, Jennifer Pitts-Taylor
NHQ: Potentially Aaron Moore (Justin Chesak as CFR)
Curriculum: Yvonne Daye
Ritual: (Zac)
I think that about wraps it up for today!
Keep Striving!
February/March Council Update, part 2: Chapter Leadership Finalists!
Today’s National Council Update is the official list of the Chapter Leadership Finalists! Please congratulate the 13 chapters named finalists for the William Scroggs Founder’s Trophy:
Gamma, University of Washington
Delta, University of Oklahoma
Nu, University of Michigan
Pi, Auburn University
Alpha Zeta, Indiana University
Alpha Omega, University of Pittsburgh
Beta Omicron, Arizona State University
Gamma Pi, Purdue University
Zeta Beta, Howard Payne University
Zeta Epsilon, Michigan State University
Iota Omega, Iowa State University
Kappa Beta, Clemson University
Kappa Upsilon, Marist College
These chapters submitted an application and materials after completing all required paperwork on time and maintaining active status throughout the biennium. Unlike previous years, the applications and materials were reviewed by multiple members of the National Leadership Team and their success this biennium was scored on a common set of attributes and aspects that we look for in all chapters:
– Leadership Development within the Chapter
– Leadership in the Band Program
– Chapter Planning and Strategic Planning
– Service to the Band Program
– Relationship with the Director of Bands/Band Program
– Band Program Recruitment
– Band Musicianship Improvement
– Chapter Recruitment
– Engagement in the District/National Fraternity
– Chapter Musicianship Improvement
– Alumni Engagement
– Membership Education Planning and Organization
Keep Striving!
Zac Humphrey
National Vice President for Student Affairs
February/March Council Update, part 1: VPSA page on KKPsi.org
It has been a while since I have penned an update for the website. With the weekly podcast episodes, I unintentionally neglected providing written updates as well. To remedy this, I will be posting a short update on a different topic each night this week. So let’s get to it, shall we?
Tonight’s update is all about the new VPSA page on the national website. There you will find a media player with Kappa Kappa Psi Presents episodes, as well as a link to the podcast’s website. You will also find RSS feeds with National Council Updates and Student Advisory Committee meeting notes. There is also a link to the national council’s online feedback from located at the bottom of the page. Going forward this will be the landing page for all things relating to VPSA and communication from the national level.
Keep striving!
Zac Humphrey
National Vice President for Student Affairs
Board of Trustees is seeking alumni to serve on the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Board of Directors
The National Board of Trustees is seeking alumni to serve on the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Board of Directors (AABOD).
The Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Board of Directors is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the various facets and initiatives of Kappa Kappa Psi’s alumni program and for driving a strategic vision of alumni involvement in the Fraternity at the national level. Any alumnus who has a keen interest in and commitment to KKPsi and its alumni program should provide a one-page letter and resume by 25 March 2017 (postmark deadline) highlighting her/his qualifications and ideas.
Applications should address the following:
• the professional skills, talents and expertise of the applicant;
• suggestions for programs or programming for alumni;
• ideas and thoughts relating to a strategic vision for KKPsi’s alumni program.
There are a finite number of positions, but letters from everyone interested in this opportunity to serve are welcomed. If you are not an alumnus of KKPsi, but know of an alumnus who would be an asset to our Alumni Association Board of Directors, please encourage her or him to submit a letter. We are also interested in your nominations, and are happy to encourage all who are nominated to formally apply.
Any questions or nominations can be addressed to Danny George, Board of Trustees Member or Adam Cantley, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Please send all submissions to the National Headquarters at kkytbs@kkytbs.org.
Thank you for your time and interest.
Student Advisory Committee February 2017 Report
Below you will find an outline of what took place during the February Student Advisory Committee meeting on February 12, 2017. Si Si Ni of the WD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at zac@kkpsi.org or the whole committee at StudentAdvisory@kkpsi.org.
Keep Striving!
—February SAC – Minutes 2/12/2017—
- Midwest: none
- North Central: Danielle Francis – Sec/Treas
- Northeast: Shanon Rubin – VP for Membership
- Southeast: Evan Schlameuss – VP for Programs
- Southwest: George Ishii – President, Arjun Jeetan – MAL
- Western: Si Si Ni – Sec/Treas
- National Leadership: Jack Lee, Marco Krcatovich, Zac Humphrey, Jessica Lee (Curriculum Committee)
District Updates
- Midwest
- no update provided
- North Central
- Block presentation
- More attendance from the norther school
- Large number of people registered for convention
- Block presentation
- North East
- 2/3 precinct meetings
- Central – end of January
- Northern precinct – next week
- Both had 150-200 people attend
- Registration is up on the website!
- The workshops for convention are being planned beautifully.
- 2/3 precinct meetings
- Southeast
- DLC was at Vanderbilt
- Attendance was higher than usual
- Attendance was higher than usual
- Website for SED convention is up!
- New chapter in the district! Iota Nu – Alabama A & M
- 75% of Iota Nu
- DLC was at Vanderbilt
- Southwest
- Convention planning is under way
- Workshop season began yesterday
- Accepting submissions to the district publications
- Western
- DLC – UCLA helped the district council gain a better understanding of the district to better-prepare WDC.
- Attendance was higher than previous years.
- Attendance was higher than previous years.
- Presidents are working efficiently in their planning for WDC.
- Website and registration are both up!
- Website and registration are both up!
- The guidebook app used for DLC will make its reappearance at WDC to be a more efficient form of communication and cut down the costs by not printing excessively.
- DLC – UCLA helped the district council gain a better understanding of the district to better-prepare WDC.
- Midwest
SAC Topic #1: Curriculum Development Update with Jessica Lee, member of the Curriculum Development Committee
- Now onto 2nd round of pilot chapters
- Currently using Ed Moto – interface similar to Facebook
- Posts for chapters to access
- A way to communicate to VP of pilot chapters
- Posts for chapters to access
- The committee met in January for updates.
- Now beginning the refinement process
- Feedback from Dos is really important
- Feedback from Dos is really important
- Committee will meet in April
- Weekly feedback form on each lesson
- Weekly feedback form on each lesson
- Review feedback
- Something different this time
- Review feedback
- After the meeting in April, committee will meet in June
- Candidate guidebook & Teaching manual format
- Finalized draft in June, then sent to committees for review at National Convention
- One member from Curriculum will be present at every district convention
- Goal: Ask pilot chapters to speak during the Curriculum presentation time block
- Feedback
- Chapters actually have a lot of control of the product (MEP)
- Curriculum Committee development the content guideline (minimum)
- Activities (in alignment with their policies) are up to chapter discretion.
- Understand the values of Kappa Kappa Psi as an organization
- Misconception:
- Chapters actually have a lot of control of the product (MEP)
- At TMEA – Texas Southern might pilot
- Q&A
- Portfolio/project option
- Memorizing information isn’t conducive
- Rubric for discussion questions
- Tests are not the best way to measure success.
- Live the values of the organization
- More MC responses
- Activities
- Should recruiting members that have the qualities of a members
- Recommended votes after every degree
- Learning disabilities/Dyslexia
- Values based education
- Rubric for vice presidents for evaluations
- Think about the qualities you want to see in a Brother
- Portfolio/project option
- How do we “measure” the success of a membership candidate without tangible data (i.e. tests/quizzes)?
- Why do we need a test to be a standard?
- How do we “measure” the success of a membership candidate without tangible data (i.e. tests/quizzes)?
- Listen to Zac’s last two podcasts!
- Upcoming podcast: Membership Selection
- Recruit quality members and then think of the MCs as Actives in training rather than probationary members.
- Recruit quality members and then think of the MCs as Actives in training rather than probationary members.
- Upcoming podcast: Membership Selection
- Email Jessica at curriculum@kkpsi.org or Jessica@kkpsi.org for any questions you may have
National Council Updates
- Homework for March Meeting:
- Reach out to chapters that piloted the National MEP
- Find out what their concerns are
- What they like/dislike
- This helps prepare the National Curriculum committee prepare for National Convention
- Reach out to chapters that piloted the National MEP
- Chapter Leadership Finalists
- Chapter leadership finalists will be announced on 2/13/17
- There will be a press release on campus announcing
- There are leadership finalists in every district!
- Let these chapters know they’re outstanding!
- There will be feedback in town hall to be thinking about in the future.
- Chapter leadership finalists will be announced on 2/13/17
- If you don’t know which national officers are attending your district conventions, ask Zac for the complete list.
- (Shamelessly) Plug the Kappa Kappa Psi Presents podcasts
- Awards:
- The national officers will present national awards at district conventions.
- These are awards that students can apply for.
- The national officers will present national awards at district conventions.
- Three Colonies
- Jarvis Christian College
- Old Dominion
- Cal Poly – Pomona
- Jarvis Christian College
- Homework for March Meeting:
SAC Topic #2: Alumni Involvement: What does it currently look like and what would you like to see when you become an alumni?
- Western District shared that there is very little encouraged alumni involvement and that there is actually some exclusion happening. Would love for more positive ways for alumni involvement.
- The NED shared that they have a good relationship with their district alumni association. They are used for presenters at conventions and NEDAA presents some awards at convention, but they would like to see more awareness in general re: alumni events on a local level.
- The SED shared similar experiences re: district alumni involvement but would like to see more alumni focused events similar to active workshops
- One issue that SWD noted that chapters frequently face is getting updated alumni info from their universities. A lot of time there isn’t good coordination between the chapter and university due to privacy laws. They were wondering if this is something that the national level could help out with?
- Zac will reach out to HQ and find out if there is more that the national org can do
Student Advisory Committee January 2017 Report
Below you will find an outline of what took place during the January Student Advisory Committee meeting on January 17, 2017. George Ishii of the SWD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at zac@kkpsi.org or the whole committee at StudentAdvisory@kkpsi.org.
Keep Striving!
—January SAC – Minutes 1/17/2017—
- Midwest: Sarah Person – Sec/Treas
- North Central: Abigail Johnson – VP for Membership
- Northeast: none
- Southeast: Ariel Clouse – VP for Membership, Evan Schlameuss – VP for Programs, Jerome Hall – Sec/Treas
- Southwest: George Ishii – President, Arjun Jeetan – MAL
- Western: Alyssa Maher – VP, Jake Rocco – MAL
District Updates
- Midwest
- no update provided
- North Central
- Winter Council Meeting week and a half ago
- Convention in Columbus, Ohio
- Met all FOUR host Chapters (All chapters located in Columbus)
- DLC is next Saturday, in Hope,Indiana
- North East
- n/a
- Southeast
- Winter Council MLK Weekend
- SED Con 2017 Tampa Florida, University of South Florida
- DLC at Vanderbilt February 11th
- Iota Nu Colony at Alabama A&M will be installed
- Southwest
- Busy with convention planning
- Workshop season is about to get underway
- going to be hosting a signing competition
- Western
- DLC – UCLA MLK Weekend (200 People!)
- Had guest presentations with some National Officers
- Tailored workshops to the age of the membership
- Used an app as a digital schedule
- Carpool Karaoke district-wide compilation video
- Workshop to help sec/treas plan certain projects, contact for more info
- Music Leadership Building Project – able to bring up problems and solutions together
- DLC – UCLA MLK Weekend (200 People!)
- Midwest
SAC Topic #1: Do chapters in your district have local dues in addition to national dues? What are they used for and when are they collected?
- Reach out to Chapters in your District and find out how much their local dues are and what that money goes towards, report back to VPSA
- How does your own Chapter handle local dues?
- The total varies per chapter: $5, $40-$50, $100
- Money goes to:
- General Service Funds
- Chapter Polo shirt
- Buying stoles for graduating seniors
- Sending Delegates to Convention
- Candidate Scholarship (pays for dues)
- Beginning of Year Startup Funds
- Determined to Chapter Vote
- Many chapters have payment plans and priority is given to getting national dues in on time.
- How do you feel about local dues?
- Chapters should vote to approve local dues
- Guidelines for payment plans would be welcome
- Could setup payment plans during the last meetings of the year
- guidelines for how to set these up would be welcome
- Could setup payment plans during the last meetings of the year
- Service funds should be fundraised by Chapter, local dues are for personal Chapter expenses
National Council Updates
- Met in Orlando, FL for Winter Council at NatCon Hotel
- Marco and Zac are working on a budgeting tool with Headquarters to get Chapters to NatCon
- Rough estimate for 4 people in a hotel room for week with registration is $125 for Convention and $132 for hotel room
- Parking is $16/day
- More to be included in the tool
- February 1st is date for NatCon Website to go live
- Curriculum Committee
- Recorded hour and a half of audio for the KKPsi Presents Podcast
- Will be a part of the National Town Hall at District Conventions
- 75-80% of the way through budget, on track
- Due to growth of National Organization, discussion on whether to suspend the automatic dues increase at NatCon
- KKPsi Presents Podcast to be reformatted into segments
- Will be asking for submissions from all Brothers about their own stories
- Awards
- Jack and Marco have reviewed Leadership Funds
- Solicitation for Boh Makovsky Award, for an outstanding conductor
- Gold Star Recognition – Brothers who have served/passed away during Military Service
- Chapter Petitioning Documents are being scanned into an online database for Chapters to be able to access
District Feedback/Concerns
- Curriculum Pilot Chapter Feedback:
- Candidates enjoy being able to plan and execute their own fundraiser and service project
- Has given Candidates a more collaborative and inclusive experience
- Western District got feedback that they felt they were growing as leaders, but were less sure of the identity of the fraternity
- lack of focus on chapter, district, and TBS identities
- Curriculum Pilot Chapter Feedback:
Announcements and Wrap up
- J. Lee Burke are open to all Brothers, not just District Presidents
- A. Frank Martin given to someone with a regional impact
- DSMM top award given to someone with life-long contributions to music