
Student Advisory Committee June 2017 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the June Student Advisory Committee meeting on June 12, 2017 Lizzi Pineiro of the SWD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—June SAC – Minutes 6/12/2017—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: Jesse Granados – President
    • North Central:  Viet Nguyen – VPM, Jacob Boesch – VPP
    • Northeast: Kim Sulahian – MAL
    • Southeast: Frank Marzen – President, Keith Pringle – VPP
    • Southwest: Lizzi Pineiro- VPM, Dino Cardenas – MAL
    • Western: Micky Welther – Sec/Treas, Lyssa Fukuhara – MAL
  • District Updates
    • Midwest:
      • Convention site set; CLC was a great turn out
    • North Central
      • 58 people for their first summer event
    • Northeast
      • Gaining contact info per chapters; fundraising ideas for conventions (national and district)
    • Southeast
      • ‘Slack’ is working well as a communication platform; updating emails per chapter; positions are filling up
    • Southwest
      • National convention push; Instagram revamp
    • Western
      • Joint meeting was a success; positions selected (waiting on announcements)
  • SAC Topic #1: The Road to Wisdom and an update from the Curriculum Committee
    • Robert is making it pretty- almost ready for printing!
    • Teacher-like manuals (student view per page)
    • Reviews and assessments will be available as an option
    • Both manuals will be available at Nat Con to the delegates of that committee
    • Candidates will be able to type AND SAVE!!!
    • Lesson Four Content got cut (for the sake of good teaching and engagement)
    • Keeps the things that matter more important over the others
    • Recording of stop-motion ritual and lessons at Nat Con
    • 3 different lessons will be taught at Nat Con (Wed, Fri, and Sat)
    • Tons of extra materials will be available (PPT etc)
    • There will be assigned Curriculum Advisors per chapter
    • Kim: “How do we still implement tradition?”
    • Edmodo, Google Classroom, Slack for virtual learning communities (contact the curriculum committee if you have other options that may fit this need)
  • National Council Updates
    • Deadlines:
      • Letter of Proxy—July 4
      • Registration—June 15
      • Book hotel ASAP
      • Colonization application May 15—June 30
      • Gold Star Program – award for Military—July 1
      • Outstanding Sponsor—July 1
    • Help with podcast at NatCon—form on website
  • SAC Topic #2: Music and the Ritual
    • Due to secret nature of our ritual, the notes are available on request to verifiable brothers.
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • Dino: ‘Conditional status (especially concerning fees) during internship semesters’
      • Clarified you only have to REAPPLY after two consecutive semesters
    • Jacob: ‘Pharm student status” 
    • Zac wants to create a communications team to keep cohesive outreach to the brothers
    • Next meeting (briefly) 1 week before Nat Con
    • SAC will be given applications and will pick Most Improved Chapter at Nat Con

Student Advisory Committee May 2017 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the May Student Advisory Committee meeting on May 11, 2017. Alyssa Olsen of the MWD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—May SAC – Minutes 5/11/2017—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: Alyssa Olsen – VPM
    • North Central: Danielle Francis – President, Viet Nguyen – VPM, Jason Filer – Sec/Treas
    • Northeast: Katie Kelly – President, Miranda Cook – VP, Rebekah Franolich – Sec/Treas, Kim Sulahian – MAL
    • Southeast: Frank Marzen – President, Keith Pringle – VPP, Brianna McKinzie – VPM
    • Southwest: Makenzie Darby – President, Lizzi Pineiro- VPM
    • Western: Lyssa Fukuhara – MAL
  • District Updates
    • Midwest:
      • CLC planning going well, almost finalized
      • Regular council meetings
      • District Convention announced
    • North Central
      • Summer function planning going well
      • VPP interviews
    • North East
      • Now have a full council
      • Meeting to define goals
    • Southeast
      • First council meeting
      • Sent out applications for other positions
    • Southwest
      • Now have a full council
      • Going to have a meeting after finals
    • Western
      • Now have a full council
      • Sent out applications for other positions
      • Having first meetings
  • SAC Topic #1: What do you want to be doing/talking about at NatCon?
    • Is there a schedule?
      • Zac is working on an update
      • Communicating with other National Officers (Jack, etc.)
      • Will have it by the end of the month
      • Possibly starting at 3??
    • Talk on chartering a bus
      • Not enough interest originally
      • Need more interest ASAP for Zac/officers to look into details
      • Bus for Oklahoma and surrounding districts—shared on SAC Facebook page (Makenzie)
        • Village tours- $16,000
        • Red carpet- $16,000
        • AKA: Very expensive—especially if outside “10-hour circle”
      • Ask through the campus—travel, fees, etc.
    • Promotion on District pages
      • Any limits to what we can use from National pictures, logos, etc.?
        • Allowed to use those
        • If you’re unsure, email Robert or call HQ
    • Road to Wisdom Implementation
      • Membership/Ritual
      • National Committee members are meeting in June
      • National Members to attend June SAC Meeting
      • SAC (or at least Presidents) will have time to discuss
      • Can still send information about piloting
    • Ritual Performance and Education Committee
      • Moratorium up this year!
      • Meaningful, purposeful rather than nonsense (as of 10 years ago)
      • Update instructions, preparations page, and “extras”
        • More specific
        • Checklists
        • To be able to be performed with absolutely no prior knowledge
        • Leeway with certain sensitive subjects/actions
      • How to talk about Ritual in chapter
        • After NatCon
      • National and District Rituals should ideally be a good model
        • More rehearsal, choreographing
        • Not last minute
      • Possible workshop at NatCon
      • Knowledge trickle down—National, District, Chapter
      • Submit Jurisdiction and Ritual Changes
      • Post-convention:
        • New Ritual Books sent out
          • Mailed to chapter’s address
          • Cost covered by Nationals
          • Old ones to be discarded (burn, shred, etc.)
        • Curriculum implementation
          • Lots of National support
          • Will take time and adjustments
          • Lizzi said it’s not hard to implement
          • Won’t have to print (saves money)
    • Does a delegate form need to be filled out for each District?
      • Most likely not
    • A District officer can hold a chapter delegate position
    • Are Officers going to be in committees other than the SAC?
      • Most likely not
    • SAC Plans at NatCon (so far):
      • Zac providing all officers in attendance breakfast at the hotel 7-8 am Wed, Fri, Sat
      • Absolutely no business on Thursday
      • Tuesday: 12:30-1:30p
      • Wednesday: 8-9a
      • Friday: 8-10a
      • Saturday: TBA
      • Working on coming up with a leadership workshop/session for SAC
      • One session dedicated to most improved chapter
        • Packets, etc sent as soon as possible
        • Eta and Alpha Eta officers will not be able to participate (they’re nominated)
      • One session on how National organization communicates to districts and chapters
        • Podcasts
          • Charge: listen to the podcasts!!!
      • Face time with National Council
      • District Officers help a lot at NatCon!
        • Still get to have an experience and time outside of meetings
      • Not a huge deal if you aren’t there for the whole convention, and you are not REQUIRED to attend
      • Main source of communication: GroupMe –Yay Zac!!
  • National Council Updates
    • Deadlines:
      • Officer Updates—June 1
      • Chapter Summary Report—June 1
      • Proxy delegate forms—June 1
      • Suggestions for jurisdiction, ritual, etc.—June 1
      • Registration—June 15
      • Book hotel ASAP
      • Colonization application May 15—June 30
      • Gold Star Program – award for Military—July 1
      • Outstanding Sponsor—July 1
      • Initiate Registration—within 30 days
      • Graduating Senior ASAP
    • Help with podcast at NatCon—form on website
  • SAC Topic #2: What are some of the struggles/concerns facing our students today (and how can we as leaders help address them)?
    • Mental Health
      • How to appropriately handle mental health
      • University health center, professors, etc. can do talks/presentations
      • Evan is passionate about this sort of subject
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • NCD— District-wide recruitment video
        • SAC can participate—Viet will share info

      SWD—communication with chapters has been difficult

      • Facebook
        • District and officer closed pages
        • Have members add new members rather than wait for officer update forms
      • Listserv (email)
      • There are some people who just won’t communicate—it’s okay!

2017 National Convention Keynote Speaker


This biennium we had 17 individuals who composed moving, personal, and interesting speeches for the Keynote to kick off our 2017 National Convention in Orlando.   It takes incredible courage to submit and place yourself forward to speak to the brotherhood and I hope you will join me in honoring all of the brothers who submitted.  They truly embody the best of our brotherhood.

This biennium I am pleased to announce that Emma Mary Shaw, a brother from the Epsilon Xi chapter at Miami University, has been selected as our National Convention Keynote speaker.

Brother Shaw’s moving address answered the question, “Why does Kappa Kappa Psi Matter?”.  Please join me in congratulating her!

Brother Shaw is a former chapter President, VP of Membership, and secretary for Epsilon Xi.  As a saxophone player, she performed in the concert and marching ensembles and graduated this year from Miami University with a degree in Mathematics and Statistics.   This fall, she will complete a second degree in Music Education after student teaching.

See you in Orlando (don’t forget to register today)!


Marco A. Krcatovich II

National Vice President for Programs

Student Advisory Committee April 2017 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the April Student Advisory Committee meeting on April 18,2017. Viet Nguyen of the NCD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—April SAC – Minutes 4/18/2017—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: Jesse Granados – President, Alyssa Michelle Olsen – VP, Ahnika LeRoy – Secretary/Treasurer, Tate Williams – Member-at-Large
    • North Central: Danielle Francis – President, Viet Nguyen – VPM, Jason Filer – Secretary/Treasurer
    • Northeast: Katie Kelly – President, Miranda Cook – VP
    • Southeast: Frank Marzen – President, Brianna McKinzie – VPM
    • Southwest: none
    • Western: Dale Ramirez – President, Jenna Jorgensen – VP
  • District Updates
    • Midwest:
      • They are speaking with their TBD council to schedule the Leadership conference. Speak with each chapter in their district to set overarching goals. Early process and hoping to be done early June.
    • North Central
      • Summer FUNction is going smoothly. Event for brotherhood by camping
      • Viet: Membership Chats + Recruitment Video
      • Jason: Speaking with TBS sec tres to talk about fundraising opp.
      • Danielle: Actively looking to fill up VPP spot
    • North East
      • Currently have two vacancy’s, but has 11 applications to get those filled!
      • Having an installation for Dominion College
      • Miranda: Working on a publication
    • Southeast
      • Frank: Focusing on organization. Moving to unify a communication platform. Questions about slack and how they use it for a more professional base
      • Brianna: She crossed just the past semester. She wants to speak with chapters about the new curriculum. They are having two leadership conferences.
    • Southwest
      • no update provided
    • Western
      • Dale: Two vacancies in the district elections. 9 candidates to review. Reevaluating some of the goals as charged by their governors. Corresponding with chapter presidents to involve them to make it to NatCon/submissions as well
      • Jenna: Working with the TBS VP to make a calendar for all important district dates
  • SAC Topic #1:What do we want from our national leadership?
  • What kind of resources do we have to give us regarding to the Road to Wisdom? Is there any extra that’s specifically for the DVPM?
    • This committee will regularly feature members of the curriculum committee to answer your questions and going forward during the implementation period. You will get a crash course training over the curriculum. Depending on what passes at NatCon, we will get all types of information for this curriculum. Chapters will have dedicated point people to help answer questions and facilitate the transition. Edmodo, and all other resources will be available for the district officers. We want to be comfortable speaking with the national officers.
  • Can we get more information on the upcoming changes to the national programs that’s being voted on?
    • We will want to be as transparent as possible and keep all information available to all chapters.
  • What type of communication do we have with national leadership?
    • We have these SAC meetings every month. Don’t be afraid to ask. Reminders and updates will be constant.
  • National Council Updates
    • Just finished all the April 15th deadline for the Keynote speaker and the solo competition. Lots of submissions. Deadline extended. Try to get all the final paperwork in for the chapters regarding NatCon. Graduating seniors, chapter summary reports, etc.. Information for all the deadlines (delegate, fundraising table, etc.,) are on the NatCon website.
    • These SAC meetings are typically held online. We will try and schedule these out as much as we can. These meetings are for current active district officers. We want to do something more with the committee instead of just doing small things at NatCon.
    • Expectation that one per district needs to make it to these meetings. But always remember, we are students first, chapter members second, district officers third.
    • Make sure to keep us updated on when vacancies and dates/locations get decided for district officers and conventions!
  • District Feedback/Concerns
    • NCDVPM Viet wants to keep contact with MWD and NED to try and increase district relations’
    • MWD Pres wants to know how to keep contact with their own district officers. Slack? GroupMe? Email?
      • SED is trying Slack this year, but other district utilize GroupMe and Facebook a lot.
    • All of the district officers in attendance are going to NatCon! Great time for us to meet the faces of Nat officers.

Student Advisory Committee March 2017 Report


Below you will find an outline of what took place during the March Student Advisory Committee meeting on March 9, 2017. Si Si Ni of the WD took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

Keep Striving!

—March SAC – Minutes 3/9/2017—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: none
    • North Central: none
    • Northeast: Kylie Wolfe – President, Shanon Rubin – VP for Membership, Miranda Cook – Secretary/Treasurer, Helen Landers – Historian/Alumni Liaison
    • Southeast: Jerome Hall – Secretary/Treasurer, Evan Schlameuss – VP for Programs
    • Southwest: George Ishii – President, Arjun Jeetan – MAL
    • Western: Alyssa Mayer – Vice President Si Si Ni – Sec/Treas
    • National Leadership: Evan Thompson, Zac Humphrey, Ken Corbett(Curriculum Committee)
  • District Updates
    • Midwest
      • no update provided
    • North Central
      • no update provided
    • North East
      • Convention is next weekend!
      • People have the opportunity to record materials for NIB
      • Members will learn about the history of the convention site
      • There will be a talent show on Friday of convention
      • There will be a ceremony for the Brother we lost from Clarion
    • Southeast
      • Convention is 3 weeks away!
      • Road to SED
      • There will be descriptions about chapters in the SED
      • There will be guest presenters
      • The applications for District Officers have been sent out, but only 5 people have submitted packets so far
      • SED will have a student conductor for the reading band
      • Funds
        • Chapter Regalia Fund
        • SEDAA is offering scholarship funds
    • Southwest
      • no update provided
    • Western
      • Excited for WDC – 2 weeks from now
      • Offered 10 registration grants ($45 to each recipient)
      • Bro/Sis week leading up to WDC – shows appreciation between Brothers and Sisters. Includes themed days
      • There will be studios available to record for NIB
      • WDEC – Western District Ensemble Clinic
        • The district is inviting high school students to play in the reading band of Brothers and Sisters. This promotes KKPsi/TBS to the local high schools
      • Virtual 5K-fundraiser for National Convention
        • Each chapter is encouraged to set up their own website and have proceeds from registrations go towards the chapter travel fund to help members attend Natcon 2017 and future national convention
  • SAC Topic #1: Curriculum Development Update with Evan Thompson and Ken Corbett, members
    • National Curriculum
      • Comments from pilot chapters are helpful
      • At each district convention, there will be an opportunity to introduce the framework of the curriculum followed by a Q&A session
      • Looking at the new few weeks, the committee will organize pilot chapters to answer questions at convention
      • The committee will meet in April and June to review more feedback from students
      • All of the information will go to the Colonization and Membership Committee at National Convention
      • Some of the components of the new MEP includes:
        • Project-Based Learning (Portfolio)
          • The goal is to instill innovation and creativity among chapters
        • Rationale Document – purposes of KKPsi
      • Discussion on the National MEP
        • The WD only has one pilot chapter. What additional projects could chapters do with the new MEP?
          • Evan: There are guidelines for the interview process that are specific to the size of the chapter (i.e. more than / less than 30 members)
            • Candidate class interviews as a group
            • The national MEP provides the structure from the risk/liability standpoint
          • Zac:
            • Chapter identity is important, but we are Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi
            • Encourage the membership committee to reach out to the National Curriculum Committee
          • Could lesson orders change?
            • When proposed at Natcon 2015, the committee recommended a specific order for 2 lessons:
              • Orientation have to be before initiation
              • Lesson 8 be given after 3rd Degree
            • The approach for the new MEP goes against the societal norms of being so focused on testing. WHY should we continue that in KKPsi? – which is why we are throwing that out
              • Focus on bringing quality members in the process and then help refine them as Brothers
              • The membership selection process should be the hardest part, not the education itself
              • It would be as rare as seeing Big Foot to not vote someone through
            • How can we gauge the success of the membership candidates?
              • Learning outcomes
                • The MC’s should be able to complete these. There are goals/expectations for what they should be able to get out of the lesson
                • They are at the beginning to explain to the candidates what they are going to learn
              • ED Moto – professional learning community for VPMs
                • The VPMs will automatically be on the roster for ED Moto after filling out the Chapter Summary Report
                • There are detailed lesson plans for how Nationals recommend your chapter teach each lesson
              • MC Reflection
                • Discussion with the membership class about what they learned
              • Initiate registration will be submitted before 1st
                • Should there be any changes, the president will be responsible for the revision of the document by removing the candidate name and providing reason(s) for the leaving of the candidate
                • This is helpful in case there is an incident on campus, nationals know exactly which members are membership candidates
              • It doesn’t have to be the VPM alone who is responsible for the education process. They should be the facilitator of the process. They will administer the high quality discussions of these candidates.
              • Brothers are there to model what being a Brother entails, not to think for the candidates.
  • National Council Updates
    • The VPSA page exists now with new and improved features!
      • It has a player built in to play podcasts
      • There’s a link to the page of all podcasts
      • RSS feed for council updates
      • RSS feed for SAC
      • Town Hall Buttons – help fuel conversations during town hall
      • FAQ section will be fully functional by National Convention
    • Service Conversation prior to convention
      • In April – soft launch for the Month of Service
        • Encourages chapters to take on/share an innovative project in the spring
        • There might be a competition aspect (awards involved)
          • Coverage of Delegate fees at National Convention
    • Survey feedback
      • Use data for 5-year leadership development plan and membership dues
      • Length of Survey
        • Some of the longer surveys might prevent people from completing the form
        • Increase the number of shorter surveys might increase participation, which also increases exposure for the topics

Be a part of the fraternity’s Podcast Crew at NatCon this summer!

Are you interested in getting more involved on a national level? Are you studying something involving audio or video? Is recording a hobby you particularly enjoy? Is podcasting or videoblogging your thing? And last but not least are you attending national convention? If you answered any of the previous questions in the affirmative, I want to leverage your skills and passion.

I am looking for brothers who are in good standing with the national organization who would be interested in being part of my podcast crew at national convention. My goal is to get as many sessions recorded as possible so that brothers who aren’t able to attend NatCon can get in on the action. I am also hoping to record some of the social experience--the gatherings by the pools, in the halls, at the theme parks. All of this being done as a way to share that national convention experience with everyone long after the convention has ended.

If this interests you, you will find a button linking to the application below. And as a heads up, applications are due by June 15th.

Now before anyone panics, this isn’t a crazy process. At the end of the day, I am simply looking for a few good brothers who want to help me create content for this podcast while at national convention. So all of you budding filmmakers and journalists as well as audiophiles and techs, here’s your chance to funnel your other creative passions into the fraternity. And if you are none of those things and just want to help, that’s great too, submit and app and be part of the podcast today!

Keep striving!

Gold Star Recognition – Submissions due July 1

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi,

In 1947 at the National Convention in Stillwater, Oklahoma, the National Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi recognized members of Kappa Kappa Psi who were killed in action while serving our country during World War II. They created a memorial recognition knows as the Gold Star.

Prior to the 2007 National Convention, the National Council was approached by Kappa Kappa Psi brother from Zeta Sigma and Kappa Epsilon, Danielle Adams-Davis.  Danielle asked the National Council what could be done to recognize current military members and brothers in 2007. The National Council at that time felt the national convention in Orlando would be an appropriate time to recognize members of Kappa Kappa Psi and our band family who have served our country.

At the 2007 National Convention in Orlando, FL the National Council used the Gold Star recognition from 1947 to serve as inspiration to recognize brother and band members that are current military members or who have previously served their country.

Members were recognized in the following manner:

*Gold Star Memorial* for Brothers who have passed while serving our country with a memorial resolution from the national council.

*Blue Star Recognition* for Brothers who are currently serving our country or are veterans.

*Silver Star Memorial* for Band members who have passed while serving our country with a memorial resolution from the national council.

*White Star Recognition* for Band members who are currently serving our country or are veterans.

This biennium, the National Council will once again recognize members of our Kappa Kappa Psi and band families. If you have names you would like to submit to be recognized this summer at National Convention, please submit the following information at by July 1, 2017.

Name and Rank:

College or University:

Chapter (If Applies):

Branch of Service:

Primary Service Job (Optional):

Active, Reserve, Retired or Veteran Status (Optional):

Which Star you are Requesting:

If you have any questions about the Gold Star Memorial, please send me an email (

Marco A. Krcatovich II
National Vice President for Programs

2017-2019 Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Board of Directors

Dear Brothers,

The Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the 2017-2019 Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Board of Directors. They are as follows:

Daniel Miller, chair
Nicholas Bratcher
Brent Cannon
Erin Cooper
Kelly Nellis
Nic Rorrer
Jennifer Taylor
Bret Zawilski

Please join us in congratulating and thanking these brothers as they continue to build on the great work done by the current AABOD. Also, join us in expressing our appreciation to the 2015-2017 AABOD for their service to our fraternity. The Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association is in a very good place and it is exciting see what the future holds for our Alumni brothers.

Rod Chesnutt, Chair
Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trustees

Installation of Nu Rho at Old Dominion University


I am pleased to announce the installation of the Nu Rho Chapter (#329) at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. This is the eighth installation of the biennium, and the second for the Northeast District.

Brothers from Mu Nu at Christopher Newport University served as the ritual chapter, and brothers from Alpha Iota, Gamma, Kappa Psi, Mu Nu, Nu, and Iota Xi were in attendance. Ms. Yvonne Daye, former National Headquarters Staff Member, served as the Colony Advising Person. Mr. Marco Krcatovich II, National VPP, served as the Installing Officer.

Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President Jack Himmelman at
Congratulations to Nu Rho! Welcome to the brotherhood!


Evan L. Thompson
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

Call for District Governor Applications 2017-2019

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:

The District Governors are key members of the National Leadership Team. These adult leaders serve as the administrative officers of their respective district and provide mentorship to the district and chapter officers. District Governors are expected to assist the district officers with the development of a vision for the district and build positive, professional connections with all students, alumni, and national leadership.

Each biennium your District Governors are appointed to serve for a two-year term. While we often have governors that return for multiple biennia, we also have times when positions are available. While a vacancy may not exist in all districts this biennium, please know that applications will also be used for future consideration for committees and special projects. This is more than an application for a Governor position; this is an opportunity to donate your time and energies to the students and work of Kappa Kappa Psi for the 2017-2019 biennium.

Applicants who meet the basic requirements will submit a completed application to the National Vice President for Colonization & Membership by Friday, May 12, 2017.

Applicant Requirements:

Must be at least twenty-five (25) years old

Completed an undergraduate degree

Possess outstanding business or professional ability

Resident of district applying for

Be a Life, Alumni, or Honorary member in good standing of Kappa Kappa Psi

Governor Application Requirements:

Letter of Intent – Highlight fraternity, band, and professional experience


Three Letters of Recommendation, one of which should be within the applicant’s profession

Please send completed applications to National Vice President for Colonization & Membership Evan Thompson ( by Friday, May 12, 2017.


Evan L. Thompson
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi
