New Governors Announced
It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Arupa Gopal (SED) and Bill Welch (NED) to the position of District Governor for Kappa Kappa Psi.
Arupa Gopal was initiated into the Kappa Tau chapter at the University of South Florida in 2004. She holds undergraduate degrees in Music (Flute Performance) and Management from the University of South Florida and a Master of Arts degree in Arts Administration from New York University. Professionally, she serves as Executive Administrative Specialist to the Dean for the College of The Arts at the University of South Florida. Arupa is currently serving the fraternity as a member of the Officer Training and Resources Committee. She will be joining Dr. Craig Aarhus and Latrondrick Hunter as a Governor in the Southeast District.
Bill Welch was initiated into the Eta Omicron chapter at James Madison University in 1989. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Business Management with a focus in Human Resources Management and Finance from James Madison University. Professionally, he serves as a Branch Manager for Unify Financial Credit Union/Western FCU. Bill is currently serving the fraternity as a Curriculum Advisor and as a member of the Centennial Committee. He will be joining Marie Burleigh and Mike Napolitano as a Governor in the Northeast District.
You can send congratulatory messages to Arupa at and Bill at
Congratulations to both of these outstanding brothers! Please welcome them to the National Leadership Team!
Evan L. Thompson
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi
Road To Wisdom Advisor Application Now Available!
Applications due by Friday, June 22, 2018
Please contact the Curriculum Development Committee at for any question.
Title: Road to Wisdom Advisor
Participant Group: Alumni/Life Members of Kappa Kappa Psi
- To guide and monitor chapters through the implementation of the National Membership Education Program: The Road to Wisdom
- To facilitate discussion and collaboration between chapter Vice Presidents of Membership.
- To review planning documents and chapter calendars to ensure chapters implement the components of The Road to Wisdom.
- To communicate the progress of chapter implementation to the National Vice President for Colonization and Membership and the Curriculum Development Committee.
- To communicate strengths, needs, and edits of The Road to Wisdom to the National Vice President for Colonization and Membership and the Curriculum Development Committee.
Activities and Tasks
The Road to Wisdom Advisor will work with their assigned Chapter Vice Presidents of Membership (VPM) to mentor and guide the active member through their Membership Education Program. The Advisor will work with each VPM to accomplish the Vice President Planning Document, setting a calendar, and facilitate the Road to Wisdom.
Time Commitment
The amount of time will be varied based on when assigned chapters conduct their membership education program. The time for an Advisor to commit weekly is also based on the schedule of the professional and personal life of the individual. It is expected that advisors respond to inquiries and e-mails related to The Road to Wisdom in a timely and professional manner.
Boundaries and Limitations
The Road to Wisdom Advisors will work with their assigned chapters to ensure Vice Presidents of Membership and chapters are compliant with all aspects of The Road to Wisdom. The Advisor will be expected to assist VPMs with understanding the VPM Guide and Membership Candidate Guidebook. The Advisor will be reviewing and assessing chapter calendars and planning documents, and mentoring VPMs through the implementation process. The Advisor will not approve or disapprove chapter activities and events. Approval of chapter activities and events outside of the curriculum will be referred to the District Governors.
Personal Traits and Qualities/Qualifications
- Must hold a bachelor’s degree
- Enthusiastic about working with any Chapter Vice President of Membership (VPM)
- Previous VPM or educator experience preferred, but not required
- Self-Motivated to initiate conversations with VPM’s via phone, e-mail, or other digital platforms
- Organized
- Attention to detail
- Willing to collaborate for the advancement of The Road to Wisdom
Training Dates (One of the Following)
Training will be provided via online meeting service.
Support and Supervision
The Road to Wisdom is supervised by the National Curriculum Development Committee, the National Vice President for Colonization & Membership, and the National President. Advisors can expect support from these individuals throughout the school year and will have the access to Curriculum Development Committee for assistance.
Applications due by Friday, June 22, 2018
Congratulations to Mr. Edward E. Crenshaw on receiving the Silver Baton Award!
Congratulations to Mr. Edward E. Crenshaw on receiving the Silver Baton Award! Mr. Crenshaw is a charter member (1967) of the Epsilon Gamma chapter at Alabama State University. After a brief stint in the Birmingham Public Schools, Crenshaw was drafted into the army. In the army, Mr. Crenshaw served as a musician for the 82nd Airborne Army Band, and was later transferred to the 82nd Airborne Army Choral Division where he served as music director. After completing his military service, he returned to Birmingham to become band director and head of the music department at Ramsay High School. Earlier this month, Crenshaw was honored by Ramsay High School for his 40 years of service as a music educator by naming the new band facility in his name. Southeast District Governors, Craig Aarhus and Latrondrick Hunter, presented the award on behalf of the National Council. Kappa Kappa Psi congratulates Mr. Crenshaw on his years of service to bands!
The Silver Baton Award is intended to recognize individuals for their longevity and continuous quality service to bands. Chapters are able to present this award at local concerts, state music conventions, and/or special public gatherings. Any chapter with the approval of its sponsor and Director of Bands may select and present the award. Chapters may find the Silver Baton Award Application Form at under “Fraternity Awards”.
AEA Scholarship Deadlines & Grant Information
Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi,
As we come to the end of another academic year, we find many reasons to celebrate! We celebrate new beginnings as our Brothers graduate and take the role of the longest type of membership…alumni status. On behalf of Kappa Kappa Psi, congratulations and best of luck on your future endeavors.
In addition to graduation, there is much more to celebrate! The feeling of finishing that last final exam, and for many of you, this means (we hope) a higher GPA. Kappa Kappa Psi believes in recognizing those students who strive for the highest in everything they do and recognize academic excellence. The AEA Scholarship is one way of recognition. First awarded in 2000, the AEA Scholarship awards a bursary to eligible brothers representing the best of Kappa Kappa Psi by balancing academics and extra-curricular activities, as well as serving as role models in their band programs and for their fellow brothers.
The AEA Scholarship is awarded into two tiers: the AEA Distinguished Scholarship and the AEA Honored Scholarship. The Distinguished Scholarship awards a student up to $2000. The candidate must be an active or associate brother in good standing at the time of application; hold at least a 3.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale; and submit the application and required documents prior to the deadline.
The Honored Scholarship awards a student up to $1000. Each candidate must be an active or associate brother in good standing at the time of application; hold at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale; and submit the application and required documents prior to the deadline.
Another reason to celebrate is the swearing in of our new Chapter officers across the country. Although we realize this can create feelings of both excitement and anxiety, the National Council is here to help you, and make the most of your transitions. While you are brainstorming and planning for the next academic year, consider applying for the Chapter Development Grant and the Matching Grant.
The Chapter Development Grant is the newest initiative from the National Council. Adopted in January 2018, the Chapter Development Grant was created to promote leadership and chapter operations training for the brothers and band programs where chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi are located. Approved programs can receive funding up to $1000. For more information on the Chapter Development Grant, please visit our website at
The Matching Grant Program is an initiative of Kappa Kappa Psi that provides financial support for obtaining guest conductors and performing artists for college/university bands. The program provides financial support, up to $500, for programming and concerts twice a year. This program is not restricted only to college and university band programs with chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi. Any college band can apply for this grant. For more information on the Matching Grant program, please visit
Finally, for those who are looking for ways to collectively acknowledge your chapter’s hard work, we invite you to apply for our Academic Excellence Awards. These awards were established by the 1991 National Convention to honor outstanding academic achievement of both individuals and active chapters. Applications should be submitted to the National Headquarters with a copy of a grade report at the end of each academic term. The Top Chapter Scholar Award is presented to the active member from the chapter with the highest GPA for a given academic term. The Outstanding Academic Achievement Award is given to active members of the chapter who achieve a 3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for a particular term. The Chapter Certificate of Excellence in Academics is presented to chapters that achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better for a given academic term. Visit this link for the application and more information:
Should you have any more questions or concerns with regards to our programs and awards, please feel free to contact me at I’m happy to answer any questions you may have and even review potential applications for the Chapter Development and Matching Grants. Best of luck, and we look forward to your applications!
Dr. Nicholas Bratcher
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi
Chapter Summary Report Due June 1st
Installation of Theta Tau Chapter at Fayetteville State University
I am pleased to announce the installation of the Theta Tau Chapter (#211) at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina. This is the third installation of the biennium!
Brothers from Iota Omicron at Appalachian State University served as the ritual chapter, and brothers and alumni from Iota Zeta, Eta Alpha, Eta Omicron, Zeta Sigma, Delta Iota and alumni from Theta Tau were present. Edward Savoy, Member of our Board of Trustees, served as the Installing Officer and served as our Colony Advisor and will continue to work with the chapter for the coming first year as a part of our Brotherhood.
Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President Bryan Flippin ( )!
Congratulations to Theta Tau! Welcome to the brotherhood!
Marco A. Krcatovich II
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership
Call for Governor Applications – SED and NED
Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:
The District Governors are key members of the National Leadership Team. These professional volunteers serve as the administrative officers of their respective district and provide mentorship to the district and chapter officers. District Governors are expected to assist the district officers with the development of a vision for the district and build positive, professional connections with all students, directors, sponsors, alumni, and national leadership. District Governors also engage in work that supports the National Vision including activity reviews for the National Membership Education Program: The Road to Wisdom and promoting national programs.
There is an immediate opening for a third Southeast District Governor and a third Northeast District Governor. The National Council is looking for brothers of outstanding quality who will join the current District Governors of the SED and NED. Eligible applicants will complete the application requirements and submit using the appropriate JotForm link. All requirements must be included in order to submit a completed application.
Applications and materials should be submitted by Thursday, May 31, 2018 via JotForm.
Applicant Requirements:
- Must be at least twenty-five (25) years old
- Completed an undergraduate degree
- Possess outstanding business or professional ability
- Resident of district applying for
- Be a Life, Alumni, or Honorary member in good standing of Kappa Kappa Psi
Governor Application Requirements:
- Letter of Intent – Highlight fraternity, band, and professional experience
- Resume/Vita
- Three Letters of Recommendation, one of which should be within the applicant’s profession
- JotForm Application:
- Northeast District:
- Southeast District:
Please submit completed applications via JotForm by Thursday, May 31, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact National President Evan Thompson (
Evan L. Thompson
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi
2018-2020 Chapter Field Representatives
The National Chapter Field Representative Program began in 1992 to provide a vital link between Active Members and the National Fraternity. For the last two years we have had two inspirational and transformational leaders serving on our staff and traveling to more than 200 chapters across the country. Please join me in sharing thanks and congratulations to Justin Chesak and Alaina Peters. Their work has been exceptional and the Fraternity is strengthened because of what they accomplished these last two years.
Kappa Kappa Psi solicited applications for their successors this spring and the responses back were incredible. Trying to cut down to finalists and ultimately those selected was incredibly difficult work and I thank all of the brothers who applied. Last weekend we interviewed five finalists in Stillwater, Oklahoma. It is my honor to formally introduce our two newest Chapter Field Representatives who will be joining our staff at National Headquarters and serving the Fraternity through spring of 2020.
Nicole Brooks ( is an alumnus of the University of Central Florida and was initiated into the Eta Sigma chapter in the fall of 2011. During her active membership she served as chapter Vice President and Projects Committee co-chair. In Spring of 2015 she became an honorary member of Tau Beta Sigma at the University of Central Florida (Zeta Psi chapter) after her graduation. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Art with a minor in Art History where she graduated Cum Laude and she recently earned her Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies from the American University of Rome in Rome, Italy.
Justin Jensen ( is finishing up his active career from Bowling Green State University as a member of Beta Kappa chapter, initiated Spring of 2014. As an active member he served as Chapter Parliamentarian and 2015 National Convention Delegate and was the 2016-17 NCD Vice President for Programs. An Eagle Scout and currently working at WGBU-TV, Justin is graduating this spring with a Bachelors in Film Production with a minor in Popular Culture.
Please feel free to send these individuals congratulatory messages. As they make their transition to Stillwater and become a part of the National Headquarters Professional Staff, more information will be shared regarding their upcoming chapter visits. A special thank you to National President Evan Thompson, National Executive Director Steve Nelson, National Accountant and Office Manager Di Spiva, the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi, and our entire National Headquarters Staff for all their work throughout the interview process.
Thank you Justin and Alaina and Congratulations Nicole and Justin!
Marco A. Krcatovich II
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership
Installation of Nu Tau Chapter at High Point University
I am pleased to announce the installation of the Nu Tau Chapter (#331) at High Point University in High Point, North Carolina. This is the second installation of the biennium and the brothers at Nu Tau join a growing Southeast District of our Fraternity!
Brothers from Kappa Zeta at Wake Forest University and Iota Omicron at Appalachian State University served as the ritual chapters, and brothers from Kappa Zeta, Iota Zeta, Iota Omicron, Omicron, and Zeta Eta were present. Southeast District Governor Latrondrick Hunter served as the Installing Officer and Chris Carpenter served as our Colony Advisor and will continue to work with the chapter for the coming first year as a part of our Brotherhood.
Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President Carolina Hull at
Congratulations to Nu Tau! Welcome to the brotherhood!
Kappa Kappa Psi End-of-Year Reminders
As we close out another school year, I want to share this friendly reminder with all of our outgoing and incoming chapter officers, active members, sponsors, and directors.
- Initiate Registration Form – Please complete and submit all fees and paperwork associated with your Initiate Registration Form. This should be submitted within 30 days of initiation. Late fees apply to chapters who do not submit within the appropriate time. Remember that this form cannot be processed if you do not submit a copy of the signed summary page along with payment. The signatures from the Candidate Registration & Risk Management Form required as part of the Road to Wisdom do not count as the signed summary page.
- Officer & Chapter Update – If you have held elections that have not been reported, please complete this form as soon as possible so that National Headquarters has accurate contact information for your chapter leadership. If you have not yet started your Chapter Summary Report, please check that you officers are listed correctly before beginning the CSR. This form will also need to be completed prior to submitting a Graduating Senior Report if any of your currently listed officers are graduating.
- Chapter Summary Report – This report is due by June 1st. Please begin working on this document now and remember to give time for sponsor and director approval prior to the deadline. We recommend completing this form prior to the end of finals week.
- Graduating Senior Report – This report allows us to document graduating seniors and provide recognition to them for their service to college bands. Graduating Seniors receive a one-year complimentary membership in the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association if the chapter submits this form. This report should be completed alongside the Chapter Summary Report.
- Officer Transition Meeting – The National Council encourages all chapters to hold a transition meeting between outgoing and incoming officers. Many discipline issues occur as a result of a lack of institutional knowledge of the larger fraternal responsibilities of the active chapter including reports and dues. Outgoing officers please take time to review these responsibilities with your successor. Set your chapter up success in the coming year.
- National Awards/Programs – The National Council encourages all chapters and members to review the national awards and scholarships which can be found at under the Programs tab. Due date for applications and nominations is July 1st. If you have specific questions, contact Vice President Bratcher at
- Vice Presidents of Membership Joining Edmodo – All Vice Presidents of Membership for the 2018-2019 school year should join the Learning Community at Edmodo contains all of the updated documents and forms associated with The Road to Wisdom. All previous VPMs will be removed at the end of the school year. If you have questions about joining, please email
For each of the forms submitted in the OMRS, please make sure you are following up directly with your Sponsor and Director of Bands when forms are ready to be approved. Do not rely on email notifications from the OMRS as your only means of follow-up.
If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing
Evan L. Thompson
National President