
Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representatives, 2018-2020 (2 positions)

Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity, is hiring two talented and dedicated brothers for the position of Chapter Field Representative (CFR). This position gives brothers a meaningful opportunity to give back to our organization as an official representative of the Fraternity and a staff member of our National Headquarters. Over a two-year period, our CFRs will visit dozens of chapters, travel thousands of miles across the country, and work with thousands of brothers and their college bands from coast to coast.

The position starts in early summer 2018 (target date of May 30, 2018) and is held for two years. Applicant must be an Alumnus or Life Member of Kappa Kappa Psi in good standing on or before the first day of employment. At that time, the applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education. Applicants must be able to obtain an Oklahoma driver’s license if hired. Applicants must possess a good driving record and are subject to a check of their driving record, criminal background, and credit. New-hire drug screening may also be required.


Questions? Email

Julie Giroux awarded the DSMM

Congratulations to Julie Giroux on receiving The Distinguished Service to Music Medal in the area of Composition! Julie has been exceptional in her field, and that work has had a positive impact on Kappa Kappa Psi and the college band movement. The National Council presented this award at our annual reception at The Midwest Clinic in Chicago, IL. Dr. Nicholas Bratcher, National Vice President for Programs, organized and presented the award on behalf of the National Chapter.

The Distinguished Service to Music Medal is the highest honor awarded by Kappa Kappa Psi. The award, founded at the 1963 National Convention, recognizes those who have contributed “above and beyond” of themselves and their talents to help bands and band music grow in both performance and purpose. Past recipients include Morton Gould, W. Francis McBeth, William Revelli, and Stanley G Finck. The National Council is pleased to recognize Julie Giroux for her contributions and leadership in the band field.

Kappa Kappa Psi at The Midwest Clinic

Brothers, Directors, & Sponsors:

Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma will once again have representation at The Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, IL. The clinic dates for this year are December 20-23, 2017. This year’s booth number is 903 in the Exhibition Hall. In addition to our participation as exhibitors, the fraternity and sorority also invite all members, directors, and sponsors to our annual reception on Thursday, December 21st from 5:00pm to 6:30pm in Dusable A&B in the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place Conference Center. We hope you will make plans to join us!

See you in Chicago!

Evan L. Thompson
National President


Kappa Kappa Psi National Communications Team Application

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:

This is a reminder of the application deadline for the Kappa Kappa Psi National Communications Team.  Applications are due via the Jotform by Friday, December 1, 2017!  Please apply to be a part of this wonderful opportunity to promote and support Kappa Kappa Psi!


At the 2017 National Convention, past Vice President for Student Affairs Zac Humphrey proposed the creation of a National Communications Team to facilitate the sustainability and growth of all communication tools at the disposal of the fraternity on a national level.  This team of Brothers would support the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) officer on the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi and National Publications Manager and Multimedia Designer (Publications Manager) staff member of National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.

Members of the National Communications Team would utilize all forms of communication the fraternity utilizes to reach brothers, whether they are active, alumni, honorary, or life. To this end, they would help fill out social media gaps with posts on a year-round basis, maintain and update the national fraternity’s google calendar with deadlines, as well as district and national event dates, generate content for the national website and The Podium, support the ongoing efforts relating to the fraternity’s podcast, Kappa Kappa Psi Presents, and any other responsibilities as required or deemed necessary by the National Council.   Members of the National Communications Team would be willing to commit 2-10 hours a week of active participation in creating materials as a volunteer on behalf of the fraternity.

Interested brothers that possess skill sets that would contribute positively towards the mission of this team should submit an application providing a clear picture of why they want to participate and what they have to offer, including any example work. Examples could be in the areas of social media, reporting, editing, podcasting, video and/or sound editing, layout and design, or other areas.  Formal experience is not required to apply!

Applicants will complete the application requirements and submit using the JotForm link: ( All requirements must be included in order to submit a completed application. Applications and materials should be submitted by Friday, December 1, 2017 via JotForm.

Applicant Requirements:

  • Must be an Active, Life, Alumni, or Honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi in good standing
  • Experience in communications, public relations, broadcasting, media, pod casting, journalism, graphic design, or other related fields.
  • Letter of Intent which outlines what contributions you feel you can make to the team, as well as ideas for ways to increase or improve communication within the fraternity.
  • Resume/Vita
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • At least one example of multimedia work

Please submit completed applications via JotForm by Friday, December 1, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact National Vice President for Student Affairs, Jessica Lee at (


Jessica Lee
National Vice President for Student Affairs

Founders Day Message 2017


November 27, 1919 will live forever in our history as the beginning of an organization that has become the standard for musicianship, leadership, and service within college and university bands. Our existence is defined by the bonds of friendship that we share, and our commitment to building an inclusive community that builds its members up to be outstanding leaders, brothers, and human beings. As John Philip Sousa believed, we are the ones who will carry on the work started and continue to promote music and appreciate its performance. We will also carry on the example of our Founders by dedicating ourselves to excellence in all we do for our chapters and band programs.

Our Founder, William A. Scroggs said, “No organization on the campus should be more sought after for membership, no honor should be more appreciated by the fortunate few than by those affiliated with Kappa Kappa Psi.” He believed that what you get out of your membership in Kappa Kappa Psi is determined by what you put into it. Our band programs depend on our leadership and selfless service. We should all dedicate ourselves to this ideal and live up to the trust placed in us as Brothers.

During this holiday season, reflect on all that matters to you and be grateful for all that you have. Seize on opportunities to serve and give back to your community, university, and bands. Promote fellowship and kindness within your circles, and be mindful of those who are struggling.

Kappa Kappa Psi is fortunate to have each of you affiliated with our work as an active member, director, sponsor, alumni, life, honorary, or friend. The Founders’ Spirit that was brought to life 98 years ago, lives on in our dedication to leadership, fellowship, and better music. Embrace this spirit and dedicate yourselves to its positive example.

I wish you all a Happy Founders’ Day!


Evan L. Thompson
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi

Thanksgiving Message from the National President


Thankfulness and gratitude are virtues seen very little in our world today. Many people do not recognize those around them, and they live in a space dedicated only to self-interest and ego. But as brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi, we understand the power of gratitude and its impact on our relationships and our service. As brothers, we are called to believe in one another, show respect to one another, and make our values known to all.

President John F. Kennedy said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Be mindful of others and seek to foster a spirit of brotherly love each day by saying ‘thank you’ and showing care for others. Don’t pay lip service to our values. Live them each and every day.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving! My best to each of you for wonderful memories with friends and family!




I am pleased to announce the installation of the Nu Sigma Chapter (#330) at California Polytechnic State University – Pomona in Pomona, California. This is the first installation of the biennium, and 15th Chapter in the Western District!

Brothers from Mu Phi at Fullerton College served as the ritual chapter, and brothers from Theta Beta, Iota Alpha, Iota Pi, and Psi were present. Western District Governor, Charlene Ronne, and Western District Secretary-Treasurer, Micki Welther were also in attendance. Dr. Nicholas Bratcher, National Vice President for Programs, served as the Installing Officer.

Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President Nicole Gage at

Congratulations to Nu Sigma! Welcome to the brotherhood!


Marco A. Krcatovich II

National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

2017 Month of Musicianship & Fall Activity Report

Dear Chapter Presidents and Sponsors,

Happy Month of Musicianship! Throughout the month of November, we work to both highlight and celebrate the musicianship of college and university band programs, chapters, and individual brothers. As a chapter it is my hope that each of you will take this responsibility seriously, and work to support music and ultimately college and university band programs! Be sure to use the OFFICIAL hashtag #MusicCharmsNovember to share your Month of Musicianship activities on social media so all of our Brothers can share in your advocacy of our greatest art.

Another responsibility of the chapter that is quickly approaching is the chapter submission of the Fall Activity Report. The Fall Activity Report (FAR) is required of each chapter and must be approved by your Sponsor & DOB in the OMRS no later than December 1 each year. While colonies are not required to submit this form (unless installed prior to December 1), colonies should take the time to familiarize themselves with the form. The Online Membership & Reporting System (OMRS) can be accessed at If you have questions about the OMRS, review the OMRS Guidebook which is available here.

In addition to your Fall Activity Report, make sure you submit a Graduating Senior Report (GSR) if you had any Active/Conditional/Associate members graduate during the Fall Semester. The GSR is functionally the membership form for their complimentary year of membership in the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association. Please ask your graduating seniors (and all Active members) to login to the OMRS and make sure that we have the correct contact information for them. We highly recommend that our graduates use their professional email address, and not the student email address established by the college or university.

As you are working on the FAR & GSR, please review any pending forms that your chapter may have in the OMRS to see if HQ is missing anything. There are still several chapters with incomplete Chapter Personnel Reports and Initiate Registrations.

As with all forms in the OMRS, we encourage you to visit with your Sponsor & DOB about the forms; including letting them know that the form is ready for approval. Do not rely solely on the email notifications that are sent out by the OMRS.

As always, if you have any questions pertaining to the Fall Activity Report or the OMRS, please do not hesitate to contact National Headquarters. Our Headquarters staff is always willing to assist with anything that you may need.


Evan L. Thompson
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

Our Mission:
Kappa Kappa Psi is a co-educational fraternal organization that advances college and university bands for the benefit of its members and society through dedicated service and support to bands, encouragement of musical growth, lifelong educational experiences, leadership opportunities, and recognition.

November is the Month of Musicianship

Greetings Brothers,

Our Month of Musicianship is almost here, and I cannot wait to see how you will collaborate and celebrate one of our Fraternity’s primary initiatives! One of the ways that we, as Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi, are connected is through our love of music. Music is our universal language, and our Fraternity is connected by a set of ideals and values that extends throughout all of our membership. Perhaps the most prominent of these ideals, are the five purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi.

This November, I challenge all of us…active, associate, conditional, honorary, life, and alumni brothers, to find and implement creative and supportive ways to advocate for our greatest art and reconnect the Month of Musicianship to our purposes.

(1) To promote the existence and welfare of the college and university bands and to cultivate at large a wholesome respect for their activities and achievements.
• Find musical activities that promote your college band program. This could be an information display table on your college band and their upcoming activities in the student union; display a history of your band program (including prominent performances and accolades) in your school and/or local paper.
• Volunteer to usher at a university concert (band or otherwise), or help supplement a section for a college concert band by sitting in on your instrument.
• Reach out to support local schools and build bridges of recruitment into your alma mater.

(2) To honor outstanding bandmembers through privilege of membership extended as a reward for technical achievement and appreciation for the best in music.
• Host a music recital and invite your most outstanding bandsmen to perform with your Chapter brothers.
• Set up a lab band for conducting students to practice conducting.

(3) To stimulate campus leadership and promulgate an uncompromising respect through the medium of the college band for gracious conduct, good taste and unswerving loyalty.
• Invite other campus students and leaders to celebrate Month of Musicianship with your Chapter.
• Work with your band director and put on a “Conduct-Us” event. This involves having non-band members to conduct a university band in public performance in order to promote and advocate for leadership and music education.

(4) To foster a close relationship between college bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects.
• Promote music off campus by performing good and worthwhile musical projects.
• Take a small combo to a nursing home; elementary school; or preschool.
• Provide master classes at an area middle school or high school. Make sure you get the director’s permission.
• Join a community band in your area (or start your own)!

(5) To provide a pleasant and helpful social experience for all engaged in college band work and to cooperate with other musical organizations in any manner consistent with the purposes of the institution at which chapters are located.
• The Month of Musicianship is important, yes. But, it’s also important to have fun!
• Host a karaoke night in your band room; perhaps with a live combo providing the music.
• If applicable, work with other organizations on your campus…like our wonderful Sisters in Tau Beta Sigma, or our other musical relatives (i.e. Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota).

While this list has many ideas to implement, there are countless other ways that our brotherhood can celebrate and bring the love of bands and music to others. As always, we encourage you to take photos and post them to your Chapter’s social media and other platforms. Also, submit them to our online PODIUM at so that we can post them the Kappa Kappa Psi social media outlets as well.

Finally, be sure to use the OFFICIAL hashtag #MusicCharmsNovember, created by the Month of Musicianship Hashtag Contest Winner, Emily Durie, from the Nu chapter at the University of Michigan. Congratulations Emily!

Good luck y’all, and keep striving!

Nicholas Bratcher, Ed.D.
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi


Greetings Brothers!

I can’t believe we are halfway through October. This means that next month is our Month of Musicianship! The Month of Musicianship is very near and dear to me, not only because of Kappa Kappa Psi, but because of my profession as a college band director. That being said, your National Council is working on new and exciting ways for your chapters to promote and advocate music in the coming weeks.

One of the ways we’d like to do this is giving our brotherhood a chance to make their mark on our Month of Musicianship through our first ever MONTH OF MUSICIANSHIP HASHTAG CONTEST! From now until October 18th, we want our brothers to post their idea for a Month of Musicianship hashtag. The National Council will select an idea to be the official hashtag for the Month of Musicianship! THE WINNING PERSON’S POST WILL GET THEIR DISTRICT CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEE PAID FOR THIS YEAR!

Get creative! We can’t wait to see the ideas you come up with! I will announce the winner, as well as post goals I’d like to see Chapters strive to achieve during our Month of Musicianship on our Facebook page shortly after October 18th. Good Luck to everyone!


Nicholas Bratcher, Ed.D.
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi
