


I am pleased to announce the installation of the Epsilon Gamma Chapter (#123) at Alabama State University in Montgomery, Alabama, on January 27, 2019. This is the second installation of the 100th year of the Fraternity and joins an ever growing Southeast District!  The new chapter includes 10 members who are now Brothers of our Fraternity.

Brothers from a number of chapters across the District served together as the ritual chapters and 21 brothers from the Zeta Upsilon, Theta Theta, Mu Omega, and Nu Alpha chapters were present. Southeast District Governor Latrondrick Hunter (Zeta Eta), served as the Installing Officer and Nic Rorrer (Xi) served as the Colony Advisor and will continue to work with the chapter for the coming first year as a part of our Brotherhood.

Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President James Wyrick at

Congratulations to Epsilon Gamma! Welcome to the brotherhood!

Marco A. Krcatovich II
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

Official KKΨ Candidate Announcement

The National Committee on Nominations met on Sunday January 27th, 2019 to review all submitted applications and information for candidacy to the National Council and Board of Trustee positions.  The committee determined the following individuals are eligible as candidates:

National President

Marco Krcatovich (Nu)

(Advances to the office of National President by simple majority vote at the National Convention this summer)

National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

Jessica Lee (Eta Alpha)

Nicholas Bratcher (Zeta Eta)

National Vice President for Programs

Daniel Miller (Omicron)

Latrondrick Hunter (Zeta Eta)

National Vice President for Student Affairs

Bang Co (Alpha Zeta)

Michael Napolitano (Kappa Upsilon)

Board of Trustees

Adam Cantley (Omicron)

Alvin Payne (Delta Alpha)

Jack Lee (Delta Sigma)

National Headquarters has begun production of the 2019 National Convention Elections Newsletter which will be posted online and distributed at district conventions this spring.  The National Committee on Nominations will continue its work reviewing and interviewing the candidates and produce a slate at least 30 days prior to National Convention (by rule of the National Constitution).  If you have any questions about the nominations process please don’t hesitate to contact me, or NHQ Staff.


Derrick Mills

Kappa Kappa Psi Nominations Chair

Past National President



I am pleased to announce the installation of the Nu Upsilon Chapter (#332) at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, on December 1st. This is the first installation of the 100th year of the Fraternity and joins a growing North Central District!  The new chapter includes 11 members who are now Brothers of our Fraternity.

Brothers from a number of chapters across the North Central District served together as the ritual chapters and 39 brothers from the Nu, Alpha Beta, Alpha Zeta, Beta Rho, Gamma Pi, Zeta Epsilon, Kappa Nu, and Lambda Lambda chapters were present. National Vice President for Colonization and Membership, Marco Krcatovich II (Nu), served as the Installing Officer and Dee Hibbard (Theta Beta) and Noah Leininger (Lambda Lambda) shared duties as the Colony Advisor and will continue to work with the chapter for the coming first year as a part of our Brotherhood.

Please send notes of congratulations to the Chapter President Tanner Holbrook at

Congratulations to Nu Upsilon! Welcome to the brotherhood!


Marco Krcatovich II
National Vice President for Colonization & Membership
Kappa Kappa Psi

Fall Activity Report Due December 1st


The Fall Activity Report is due by December 1, 2018. Please make every effort to submit this report on-time. Reports are considered late after December 1st. If you have any questions, please contact the National Headquarters. 405-372-2333 or


Evan L. Thompson
National President

Kappa Kappa Psi mourns the loss of Tyler Butterfield


We, along with hundreds of brothers, have changed our profile picture on Facebook to the badge of mourning in memory of Tyler Butterfield from the Epsilon Omega chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Tyler was just 20 years old and a Junior Accounting Major.

An Active Member of the fraternity, he was a Rank Leader for B Rank in the Cornhusker Marching Band, a member of the Football Friday Pep Band, the Big Red Express, and participated in Campus Band. His involvement in the University of Nebraska Bands touched many throughout the program.

He is being remembered as a great friend and leader, a loyal Brother, and for his ability to make anyone laugh and feel at ease. He is missed terribly by his friends, family, and fellow band members.

The National Council, on behalf of the fraternity, sends its deepest condolences to Tyler’s family and the band staff and students at UNL.


2019 Nominations Committee Announcement

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:

I am pleased to announce the appointment of the Nominations Committee for the 2019 election cycle. This is the second biennium using the updated nominations/election process voted on by the National Chapter at the 2015 National Convention. You can view the complete process and membership requirements in the National Constitution, Section 3.708.

This committee is representative of the total Fraternity and meets the requirements of the National Constitution. They are charged with reviewing packets for eligibility, interviewing candidates, and developing a slate of candidates for each office for the 2019 National Convention Delegation.

Nominations Committee

  • Derrick Mills, Chair
  • Board of Trustees: Danny George
  • Governor 1: Denali Pearce-Alt
  • Governor 2: Clinton Wieden
  • Governor 3: Craig Aarhus
  • Member 1: Michael Osborn
  • Member 2: Maggie Sant
  • Alumni Board Rec 1: Laura Pike
  • Alumni Board Rec 2: Teddy Howell
  • District Officer 1: Jacob Welper, Iota Omega
  • District Officer 2: Annie Jane Burns, Gamma Iota
  • District Officer 3: Andrew Mason, Nu Gamma
  • Active 1: Mitch Mikuchonis, Iota Kappa
  • Active 2: James Washburn, Iota Zeta
  • Active 3: Brandon Heater, Eta Kappa
  • Active 4: Ilene Gould, Zeta Epsilon
  • Active 5: Aliyah Qualls, Beta Omicron
  • Evan Thompson, National President (ex-officio)
  • Steve Nelson, National Executive Director (ex-officio)

Congratulations to these brothers on their selection to the 2019 Nominations Committee! We owe them our thanks and support for the work they will engage in on behalf of the Fraternity and its members. If you have any questions about the election process, please contact National President Evan Thompson ( or National Executive Director Steve Nelson (


Evan L. Thompson
National President

Call for Leadership Program Speakers


In the summer of 2017, the National Council voted to accept the proposal of Past National President Dr. Kirk Randazzo to create a new National Leadership Development Program for Kappa Kappa Psi called The Founders’ Circle.

This program will contain two fundamental aspects: a series of dynamic workshops offered on a regular basis at district and national conventions; and an online tutorial with information pertaining to all components of the leadership program. Material for The Founders’ Circle is based primarily on the Social Change Model which identifies three different levels of leadership: Individual, Group/Team, and Society/Community. The leadership program also incorporates specific skills and values that brothers and band directors identified through surveys collected by the fraternity’s Leadership Task Force. The Founders’ Circle is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of leadership for their band programs and their future.

An exciting piece of this work is the development of a team of dynamic speakers who will implement The Founders’ Circle, and equip brothers with values and skills needed to be successful as actives and alumni. This team will engage in intense training weekends and perfect their presentation skills through the guidance of Dr. Randazzo. Individuals who complete the training and preparation will be utilized for workshops and presentations across the country at local, district, and national events.


  • Completed Bachelor’s Degree
  • 25 years of age or older
  • Public speaking experience preferred


  • Cover letter indicating interest in the position and qualifications
  • Resume/CV, highlighting any public speaking experience
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • A 5-10 minute video of you presenting

Applications are due by Friday, November 2, 2018. They can be submitted to National President Evan Thompson at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact President Thompson or Dr. Kirk Randazzo (


Evan L. Thompson
National President

Travel Schedules

Brothers, Jake and Kennedy will be announcing their Fall 2021 CFR Visit Schedules! If you are a chapter president of one of the chapters that will be visited and have not reached out to Jake or Kennedy, please do so as soon as possible. They can’t wait to get on the road and are looking forward to meeting you all!

New SWD Governor Announcement


It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Andy Melvin to the position of Southwest District Governor for Kappa Kappa Psi.

Andy was initiated into the Delta chapter at the University of Oklahoma in 2010. He served as Vice President of Membership and President. After graduating with a degree in International Studies in 2014, Andy was hired as a National Chapter Field Representative for the fraternity and traveled across the country visiting chapters and attending professional events for two years. Andy has continued to serve the fraternity as a Curriculum Advisor and as a member of the Ritual Performance & Education Committee. Professionally, Andy is a District Executive for Boy Scouts of America working primarily in Edmond, Oklahoma and the surrounding areas.

You can send congratulatory messages to Andy at

Congratulations to Andy! Please welcome him to the National Leadership Team!


Evan L. Thompson
National President
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

Call for Applications – SWD Governor

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:

The District Governors are key members of the National Leadership Team. These professional volunteers serve as the administrative officers of their respective district and provide mentorship to the district and chapter officers. District Governors are expected to assist the district officers with the development of a vision for the district and build positive, professional connections with all students, directors, sponsors, alumni, and national leadership. District Governors also engage in work that supports the National Vision including activity reviews for the National Membership Education Program: The Road to Wisdom and promoting national programs.

There is an immediate opening for Southwest District Governor for the 2018-2019 school year. The National Council is looking for a brother of outstanding quality who will join the current District Governors of the SWD. Eligible applicants will complete the application requirements and submit using the JotForm link. All requirements must be included in order to submit a complete application.

The National Council thanks Kalem Graham for his service and leadership the past three years, and we wish him the best as he pursues new professional opportunities out of the district.

Applications and materials should be submitted by Friday, August 3, 2018 via JotForm.

Applicant Requirements:

  • Must be at least twenty-five (25) years old
  • Completed an undergraduate degree
  • Possess outstanding business or professional ability
  • Resident of district applying for
  • Be a Life, Alumni, or Honorary member in good standing of Kappa Kappa Psi

Governor Application Requirements:

  • Letter of Intent – Highlight fraternity, professional experience; also share vision and ideas for improving the SWD
  • Resume/Vita
  • Three Letters of Recommendation, one of which should be within the applicant’s profession
  • JotForm Application:
Please submit completed applications via JotForm by Friday, August 3, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact National President Evan Thompson (
