Brothers –
As we bid farewell to November and embrace the festive spirit of December, I extend warm greetings to each of you on behalf of the National Council and Leadership Team. This past month has been filled with many moments to be grateful for, and I’m proud to share the latest updates as we collectively steer Kappa Kappa Psi along this journey. Let’s dive into the latest updates and look forward to the exciting developments awaiting us in the coming month!
December Updates
Update #1: “Friend & Advocate” Initiative
On behalf of Dr. Rorrer, I am excited to introduce to you one of his key endeavors this biennium, the “Friend and Advocate Initiative,” which is a program designed to offer personalized support to our chapters, whether they are well-established, newly petitioning, or undergoing the “ReCharge” process. The initiative aims to empower Alumni members with the latest insights into Kappa Kappa Psi practices, including the Road to Wisdom and Chapter Operations (CHOPS) resources. Our goal is to equip Alumni members to provide valuable support to our Chapters.
Today, we invite our Alumni members to apply for the ‘Alpha Cohort’ of the “Friend and Advocate Initiative”. Members of this cohort will play a crucial role as advisors to Petitioning and Recharge Groups, with their lessons tailored to align with the material taught to these groups. Join us in this exciting endeavor to strengthen the bonds within our fraternity and support the growth of our Chapters.
Friend and Advocate Initiative Application Form
The application will be open till January 10th, 2023 and the cohort training will begin mid-February. To be eligible for this program, you must be a member of the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Dr. Nic Rorrer (nic@kkpsi.org).
Update #2: Important Deadlines
Brothers, a friendly reminder that December 1st marks the deadline for several important items:
- Fall Activity Report (FAR): the FAR is required of each chapter and must be approved by your Sponsor & Director of Bands in OPUS no later than December 1st of each year.
- Chapter Field Representative (CFR) Application: Interested in shaping the future of Kappa Kappa Psi? Don’t miss the December 1st deadline to apply for the 2024-2026 CFR term.
- Submissions for The Podium (Spring 2024): Share your unique experiences and insights with the Kappa Kappa Psi community by submitting content for The Podium’s Spring 2024 edition. The deadline is December 1st.
- Graduating Senior Report (GSR): Reminder that Graduating Senior Reports are due within 30 days of graduation and require Sponsor & Director of Bands approval.
Update #3: End-of-Year Giving
As we approach the end of the year, consider participating in one of our giving programs. Your end-of-year giving contributes to the continued success of our Fraternity, our mission, and our overall impact on college/university bands across the country.
- Kappa Kappa Psi Giving Program: The Giving Program is a donation program designed for those who find monthly contributions to Kappa Kappa Psi more manageable than an annual donation.
- Max Mitchell Grant: The Max Mitchell Grant Program is designed to help support the members of the National Intercollegiate Band (NIB).
- Stanley G. Finck Fund: One of the most exciting contributions made to the work of collegiate music during the last 70 years has been the National Intercollegiate Band program of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.
- Do you have an interest that isn’t listed here? Ask Dr. Malinda Matney, Board Chair, to talk with you about what you have in mind. Email her at mmatney@umich.edu.
Update #4: Renew Your Alumni Association Membership
Memberships in the Alumni Association run on a calendar year, meaning membership expires on December 31st of each year and must be renewed in order to attend any district or national conventions or participate in any LAA-related activities.
- Graduating Seniors: Graduating seniors are granted complimentary provisional membership into the Alumni Association based on the time of year they graduate. May Graduates receive complimentary membership for one year, seven months (June 1 – December 31 of the next year). December Graduates receive complimentary membership for one year (January 1 – December 31). The chapter must submit a Graduating Senior Report for graduating seniors to receive their complimentary year. However, if they want full voting rights in the Alumni Association they will need to use this form.
- Non-Life Members: Non-Life members can either join the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association at either the $50 full-membership tier or the $15 Local Alumni Association-only tier. Full membership includes additional benefits like access to conventions, the ability to vote in KKΨAA business, access to KKΨAA programming, the ability to serve on committees, and access to our newsletters. The limited tier LAA-only membership is a new constitutional requirement of the KKΨAA, voted on by our membership to aid the fraternity in risk management and offset the organizational costs of supporting LAAs. All LAA members will be required to join the KKPsiAA at one of the two tiers by the June 1, 2024, annual report deadline for LAAs.
- Life Members: All current AA memberships will expire as of 12/31/2023 if you do not renew your membership. You can still renew past this deadline, but you will not be an AA Member until your renewal form has been submitted and your dues have been paid. The membership year will run from 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024. Please note: the AA does not prorate dues to account for later form submissions. Life members currently pay $0 in annual dues.
Highlight #1: Convention Dates and Locations
Save the dates and mark your calendars for our 2024 District Conventions and our 2025 National Convention! Stay tuned for detailed information on registration, schedules, and special events that will make these conventions memorable milestones in our fraternal journey.
- Northeast District Convention: March 8-10, 2024 | Marist College (Poughkeepsie, NY)
- Southeast District Convention: March 21-23, 2024 | Raleigh, NC
- North Central District Convention: April 5-7, 2024 | Fort Wayne, IN
- Southwest District Convention: April 5-7, 2024 | Wichita Falls, TX
- Midwest District Convention: April 12-14, 2024 | Des Moines, IA
- Western District Convention: April 12-14, 2024 | San Rafael, CA
- National Convention: July 15-18, 2025 | Lexington, KY
If you have not had a chance to read the full announcement yet, please take a moment to review here: https://www.kkpsi.org/natcon25/.
Highlight #2: NIB Conductor & Composer
We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 National Intercollegiate Band (NIB) will be conducted by Jason Fettig, a distinguished conductor renowned for his musical prowess who previously served as the 28th director of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, and is the incoming Director of Bands at the University of Michigan. Additionally, we are honored to feature the talents of Composer Kevin Day, one of the leading young voices in the world of music composition today, who currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Composition at Wilfrid Laurier University. We look forward to their partnership as they craft this vision into a reality for our members and performers!
If you missed our “Meet the 2025 NIB Conductor and Composer” Livestream, you can view it here: https://fb.watch/oEHa05SJv2/.
Highlight #3: 104th Founders’ Day
Our 104th Founders’ Day on November 27th was a momentous occasion filled with reflection, camaraderie, and pride in our shared history. I extend heartfelt gratitude to all Brothers who actively participated, shared their personal Kappa Kappa Psi stories, and posted memorable pictures using the hashtags #KKPsiFoundersDay and #104YearsofKKPsi. Your contributions made this celebration truly special, emphasizing the enduring impact of our fraternity!
If you haven’t had a chance to watch the special message, please take a moment to view it here: https://youtu.be/_EhQAXTriGs.
Special Note: Steve Nelson’s Retirement
On November 29th, we sent out an email to announce the retirement of Steve Nelson from his position as National Executive Director of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Steve’s dedicated service to our organizations has spanned nine years, leaving an indelible mark on both KKPsi and TBSigma. Steve’s journey with Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma has been remarkable. His unwavering commitment to our shared values of leadership, musicianship, and service for greater bands has been an inspiration to us all. Before and throughout his tenure, he has played a pivotal role in advancing the missions of both organizations, ensuring their continued growth and success.
Please join us in expressing our deepest gratitude to Steve Nelson for his leadership and service. We will be forever thankful for his passion, guidance, and commitment to our membership, and look forward to the ways that he will continue to contribute and be involved in the future. If you would like to send a personal message or share your thoughts with Steve as he embarks on this new chapter, please feel free to do so at nelson@kkytbs.org.
In the coming weeks, we will begin the search for a new National Executive Director who will build upon the important work of both organizations. We are committed to finding an individual who shares our values and dedication to the mission of our organizations. Thank you, Steve, for your exceptional service, and we wish you a retirement filled with joy, fulfillment, and continued success in all your endeavors!
As we approach the close of 2023, let’s carry the spirit of unity, dedication, and celebration into the new year. Your commitment to Kappa Kappa Psi is the driving force behind our collective success. I am excited about the journey ahead and the opportunities for growth and excellence that await us in 2024!
Yours in Brotherhood & Service,