Celebrate November – National Month of Musicianship


The Sixth Annual National Month of Musicianship is underway!

Common knowledge throughout this brotherhood is that Kappa Kappa Psi was founded in the month of November.  Take the time to celebrate music and bands as you also remember and celebrate the founding of our Fraternity.

Start now what you can do to help promote music and bands.  Throughout the six years that this program has been in existence, we have heard creative ways that chapters and individuals have celebrated the Month of Musicianship.  Hosting a concert reception, organizing reading bands, setting up bands for student conductors to rehearse are just a few.  The over all goal is to be creative and make sure it relates directly to bands and music.

The success of this program falls back to YOU – the active membership!  Need some additional ideas of what you can do?  Check out how other chapters have celebrated this month in the past with stories below the signature block. You can also check out the video that I created last year as your National Vice President for Student Affairs by clicking here or copying and pasting the following URL:  http://www.youtube.com/kkpsihq#p/a/u/0/TuD9KNGBEUo

Finally, make sure you submit your programs to me (jacklee@kkpsi), feel free to include pictures!  You never know when your information will be shared or highlighted in the next edition of the Podium!


Jack Lee
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band  Fraternity

Submitted by: Amy Wooley (Beta Psi Recording Secretary – Kent State University)
In honor of the Month of Musicianship, the brothers of the Beta Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi put on a recital.  This recital was held on Monday, November 1st, 2010 at 8 p.m. at Kent State University in the Ludwig Recital Hall at their Music and Speech Building.  They were really excited to display their love and appreciation for music for their faculty and peers, and especially any brothers and sisters who attended.

Submitted by: Alex Aldridge (Theta Epsilon President – The University of Kentucky)
The Theta Epsilon chapter at the University of Kentucky hosted it’s second annual Fall Music Celebration in November to honor of the month of musicianship.  We put signs around fine arts and other areas encouraging people to sign up to play.  It was open to anyone and there is no charge to play or attend.  After the registration deadline, those that were playing will had their names put on posters which were put up to advertise the concert itself.  The concert was a success, and proved to be a great way for people to get to perform for each other, get a first run at their jury piece, or give chamber groups a chance to be heard.

Submitted- Dwayne Heard (Eta Gamma KKPsi) and Tennisha Molock (Epsilon Omega TBS) – Morgan State University.

The Eta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi (Morgan State University) hosted a master class showcasing the talents and innate drive of Mr. Joseph F. Young. Currently in his first season with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and a Peabody Conducting fellow, he is a very prestigious conductor. He is in a training program developed and managed by the BSO, and the Peabody Conservatory of Music, with the aid of The League of American Orchestras.  On November 20th, 2007 Mr. Young honored all who attended His wonderfully enlightening Presentation. He shared his fundamental study of Preparation methods when dealing with a score, a very in-depth look at score study using Stravinsky’s “The Rite Of Spring,” rehearsal and performance tips from a conductor’s stand point, and conducting gestures. Mr. Young, a young man of 25 is a great example of the reward of hard work and dedication. He is a graduate of the University of South Carolina, holding a bachelors degree in music education, and currently he is pursuing advanced degrees at the Peabody Conservatory of Music.


No only was it fun to put on this event, but it gave the chapter a chance to reach out to not just band members, but the music department as a whole, fellow conductors, music educators, the campus, and the community. Music comes above all else and this was the chapters way of showing that, and due to such and exhilarating presentation, in the spring, Mr. Young Will Guest conduct the Morgan State University Wind Ensemble.

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