Founder’s Day Message

Brothers and Friends of Kappa Kappa Psi,

On November 27th we will celebrate the founding of our fraternity. For 92 years and counting, Kappa Kappa Psi has been a part of college and university band programs. What started at Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College with 10 men and their college band director now lives on over 210 campuses.

Kappa Kappa Psi has grown with the modern college and university band program. We have chapters at every type of institution imaginable, and members from all walks of life. One thing remains constant: Our mission to support and advocate for college bands. When our founders met they had one simple goal in mind: “We need to come together and make our band better.” If all of our chapters focused on that goal and recruited people who believed in that goal, we would be an even stronger force. We would not have issues with dwindling chapter sizes, hazing, or internal strife. In band rooms across the country, our members would come together, focus on our mission and values, and truly live the spirit of the ritual written by our founders over 92 years ago.

Brothers, I challenge you to “come together and make your bands better” for the next year. This sounds simple, but you may find it difficult. Let that phrase be your focus when you confront problems, when you do not want to practice, or when members are not living up to our ritual. Hopefully, this phrase will guide you to place where our founders would be proud to call you “Brother.”

Kappa Kappa Psi is in one the strongest places it has ever been in its history. This is because of students, directors, alumni, and friends who stand up for the values of our organization and truly model excellence in our fraternity. I encourage you all to continue Striving for the Highest and celebrate today the way I believe our founders would have wanted, by coming together and making your bands better.


Adam D. Cantley

Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

National President


Founded in 1919 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Kappa Kappa Psi is the leading fraternity solely dedicated to supporting and developing college and university band programs. Kappa Kappa Psi has affiliation with over 210 college and university campuses across the United States of America. Guided by our values, mission and ritual, Kappa Kappa Psi is purposefully working towards our vision With a dedicated spirit of unity and cooperation, we are unequivocally committed to become the world standard of excellence for band fraternal organizations. Collectively, Kappa Kappa Psi members are inspiring one another and all college band members to Strive for the Highest.

Response to Florida A&M U.

The Kappa Kappa Psi National Council was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Florida A&M University Marching 100 drum major, Robert Champion. Our most sincere condolences are with the Champion Family and the Florida A&M University community.

According to the chapter president and Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters, Mr. Champion was not a member of Kappa Kappa Psi and he was not in the membership education process this semester. We are currently trying to reach representatives from the Office of Student Activities at Florida A&M University to confirm this information as well. The members of the Delta Iota Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Florida A&M have been informed that it is the expectation of our National Council that they will cooperate fully with University officials and law enforcement representatives with regards to the investigation of this situation. It is our hope that from this tragedy, the Florida A&M band program will emerge as a stronger organization.

The mission statement of Kappa Kappa Psi states, Kappa Kappa Psi is a fraternal organization that promotes the advancement of college and university bands through dedicated service and support to bands; comprehensive education; leadership opportunities; and recognition; for the benefit of its members and society. Hazing is not in line with our mission, ritual or values and is simply against the law. We steadfastly advocate and support the removal of hazing practices from college bands and society. For more information on the Kappa Kappa Psi National Policy on hazing please visit

Once again, our thoughts are with all those affected by the loss of Mr. Champion. We wish everyone the best as they move forward from this tragedy.


Founded in 1919 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Kappa Kappa Psi is the leading fraternity solely dedicated to supporting and developing college and university band programs. Kappa Kappa Psi has affiliation with over 210 college and university campuses across the United States of America. Guided by our values, mission and ritual, Kappa Kappa Psi is purposefully working towards our vision With a dedicated spirit of unity and cooperation, we are unequivocally committed to become the world standard of excellence for band fraternal organizations. Collectively, Kappa Kappa Psi members are inspiring one another and all college band members to Strive for the Highest.

Celebrate November – National Month of Musicianship


The Sixth Annual National Month of Musicianship is underway!

Common knowledge throughout this brotherhood is that Kappa Kappa Psi was founded in the month of November.  Take the time to celebrate music and bands as you also remember and celebrate the founding of our Fraternity.

Start now what you can do to help promote music and bands.  Throughout the six years that this program has been in existence, we have heard creative ways that chapters and individuals have celebrated the Month of Musicianship.  Hosting a concert reception, organizing reading bands, setting up bands for student conductors to rehearse are just a few.  The over all goal is to be creative and make sure it relates directly to bands and music.

The success of this program falls back to YOU – the active membership!  Need some additional ideas of what you can do?  Check out how other chapters have celebrated this month in the past with stories below the signature block. You can also check out the video that I created last year as your National Vice President for Student Affairs by clicking here or copying and pasting the following URL:

Finally, make sure you submit your programs to me (jacklee@kkpsi), feel free to include pictures!  You never know when your information will be shared or highlighted in the next edition of the Podium!


Jack Lee
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band  Fraternity

Submitted by: Amy Wooley (Beta Psi Recording Secretary – Kent State University)
In honor of the Month of Musicianship, the brothers of the Beta Psi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi put on a recital.  This recital was held on Monday, November 1st, 2010 at 8 p.m. at Kent State University in the Ludwig Recital Hall at their Music and Speech Building.  They were really excited to display their love and appreciation for music for their faculty and peers, and especially any brothers and sisters who attended.

Submitted by: Alex Aldridge (Theta Epsilon President – The University of Kentucky)
The Theta Epsilon chapter at the University of Kentucky hosted it’s second annual Fall Music Celebration in November to honor of the month of musicianship.  We put signs around fine arts and other areas encouraging people to sign up to play.  It was open to anyone and there is no charge to play or attend.  After the registration deadline, those that were playing will had their names put on posters which were put up to advertise the concert itself.  The concert was a success, and proved to be a great way for people to get to perform for each other, get a first run at their jury piece, or give chamber groups a chance to be heard.

Submitted- Dwayne Heard (Eta Gamma KKPsi) and Tennisha Molock (Epsilon Omega TBS) – Morgan State University.

The Eta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi (Morgan State University) hosted a master class showcasing the talents and innate drive of Mr. Joseph F. Young. Currently in his first season with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and a Peabody Conducting fellow, he is a very prestigious conductor. He is in a training program developed and managed by the BSO, and the Peabody Conservatory of Music, with the aid of The League of American Orchestras.  On November 20th, 2007 Mr. Young honored all who attended His wonderfully enlightening Presentation. He shared his fundamental study of Preparation methods when dealing with a score, a very in-depth look at score study using Stravinsky’s “The Rite Of Spring,” rehearsal and performance tips from a conductor’s stand point, and conducting gestures. Mr. Young, a young man of 25 is a great example of the reward of hard work and dedication. He is a graduate of the University of South Carolina, holding a bachelors degree in music education, and currently he is pursuing advanced degrees at the Peabody Conservatory of Music.


No only was it fun to put on this event, but it gave the chapter a chance to reach out to not just band members, but the music department as a whole, fellow conductors, music educators, the campus, and the community. Music comes above all else and this was the chapters way of showing that, and due to such and exhilarating presentation, in the spring, Mr. Young Will Guest conduct the Morgan State University Wind Ensemble.

2011 Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic

Every year Kappa Kappa Psi participates at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago Illinois. The Midwest Clinic is one of the largest professional conferences for bands, orchestra, and music education in the world. Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma will have a booth in the exhibit hall at the following times:

Wednesday, December 14- 10:00AM-5:00PM

Thursday, December 15- 9:00AM-5:00PM

Friday, December 16- 9:00AM-4:00PM

Various members of the national leadership will be in attendance including National President Adam Cantley, National Vice President for Colonization and Membership Christine Beason, National Vice President for Professional Relations Travis Cross, and members of our Board of Trustees. Also in attendance will be Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representatives, Zac Humphrey and Evan Thompson, and our Executive Director, Lt. Col. Alan Bonner.

Please stop by and say hello. We will be there to answer any questions and of course we will have the coveted Kappa Kappa Psi stickers for you to place on your name tag. We look forward to seeing our brothers, sisters, and friends in Chicago.

Ferris State University welcomes Kappa Kappa Psi back to campus

It is our distinct pleasure to announce the installation of the Delta Omega Chapter at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan. The installation took place on Sunday, 25 September 2011 on the FSU Campus and was attended by over 50 people including dozens of Brothers and alumni from around the North Central District, several NCD Officers, and Chapter Field Representative Evan Thompson. Chapters represented included Zeta Epsilon, Nu, Beta Rho, Gamma Pi, Delta Upsilon, Zeta Chi, Lambda Iota, Lambda Tau, Mu Delta, and Mu Kappa. Past National Presidents and members of the Board of Trustees Dr. Malinda Matney and Mr. Michael Osborn served as co-Installing Officers for Delta Omega.

Thanks to the Zeta Epsilon Chapter at Michigan State Univeresity for serving as the advising chapter for this colony as well as for performing the Third Degree for this event. Thanks also to Chris Haughee, Board of Trustees member, for his work as advising person for the colony.

Delta Omega is Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter # 120 and is the first chapter to be installed this biennium!

Charter Members of the chapter are as follows:

Eric Andrew Watson, President

Jason Peter Dunk

William Lester Harris

Daniel Jacob Hart

Drew Michael Heath

Pamela Sue Kurylowicz

Kyle James Edward Maneke

Logan Isaac May

Lawrence Matthew Ondrias

Alexandra Elizabeth Ortiz

Robert Calvin Reed

Robert Edwrd Ross


Harry Dempsey

Dr. David Eisler

Matt Moresi

Dr. Grant Snider

Dr. Dale Edward Skornia, Athletic Pep Band Director

Dr. Richard Scott Cohen, Director of Instrumental Concert Ensembles and Sponsor

Please join us in congratulating this outstanding addition to our National Fraternity!

Introducing the 2011 – 2013 National Council and Trustees elected at the 2011 National Convention in Colorado Springs, CO.

At the conclusion of the 2011 National Convention in Colorado Springs, CO, the National Delegation completed National Council and Board of Trustee Elections.  The following brothers were elected to office:

National Council


Adam Cantley, Omicron – National President


Christine Beason, Lambda Chi – National Vice President for Colonization and Membership


Jack Lee, Delta Sigma – National Vice President for Programs


Adam Bates, Gamma Xi – National Vice President for Student Affairs


Dr. Travis Cross, Eta Beta – National Vice President for Professional Relations

In addition, the following brothers will serve on the National Council as Ex-Officio non-voting members:


Derrick Mills, Eta – Immediate Past National President

Ed Savoy, Eta Alpha – Chair of the Alumni Advisory Committee

Board of Trustees


Dr. Malinda Matney, Nu – Board of Trustees Member


Michael Osborn, Zeta Epsilon – Board of Trustees Member

Delegate Forms Due June 1st/Proxy Forms Due July 5th

The chapter delegate form is due postmarked no later than June 1st and the chapter proxy form is due postmarked no later than July 5th, 2011. Both of these forms can be found in the forms section of the national convention website. If you have a problem meeting this deadline please contact your national headquarters at 405.372.2333 or email them at TODAY and let us know so that we can try and accomodate you.

The chapter delegate is the member from your chapter that will represent and speak for your chapter during national convention in all sessions and committee meetings. Fill out this form as a chapter designating who that member will be. Note: this must be an active member of your chapter who will be attending national convention. If no chapter member can attend please refer to the Letter of Proxy form above and also check with other resources to see if funding might be available for your chapter. Questions? Contact National Headquarters Staff and they will be happy to help!

The Letter of Proxy is a form that allows your chapter to designate who will sit as delegate for your chapter in case a member of your chapter is not present for the seating of delegates at convention. Fill out this form as a chapter and determine who best to represent your interests in the event one of your members cannot attend convention or isn’t present during business.

National Convention Hotel Reservation Due June 1st

Your national convention Hotel Reservation forms are due postmarked no later than June 1st, 2011.

This form is used to reserve your room at the special rate given to Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma members. Downloading, completing and sending in this form makes sure you get a room at the best rate possible for your stay at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Colorado Springs for convention.

**You may also use the special online site for our group rate by clicking here. It is a special site set up by the Crown Plaza for our convention dedicated to giving our members and convention attendees the best rates possible and guarantees your reservation through the hotel itself.**

2011 NIB Audition Deadline Approaching

If you would like to be a member of the 2011 NIB you should first check your schedule to see if you are able to be in Colorado Springs between July 17-19, 2011. Registration will be at noon on Sunday, July 17 followed by chair placement auditions. Complimentary housing will be provided on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 17, 18, and 19, 2011. Meals and transportation to and from Colorado Springs are not included.

You should begin now to prepare for your recorded audition. CDs are due to the National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma by, April 19, 2009 (postmarked). The selection process will be completed by mid-May and you will be notified soon thereafter.

Visit the NIB page on the National Convention website for more details and for the application form.