Gamma Chi Chapter ReInstalled

Brothers and Sisters,

It is my pleasure to announce the reinstallation of the Gamma Chi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Southern Mississippi. The installation of chapter #94 occurred at the University Baptist Church in Hattiesburg on May 11, 2013 with Past National President Michael Osborn serving as installing officer. The Beta Gamma (Louisiana State University) chapter served as the advising chapter, and Burt Daigle served as colony advisor.

The event was made possible by help from brothers from Lambda Xi (Southeastern Louisiana), Theta Lambda (University of Memphis), and Rho (Tulane University), and alumni Brother Tracy Bedgood, who is currently a DMA candidate at Southern Miss. Thanks to everyone who helped make this installation possible!

Congratulations to the new brothers of the Gamma Chi Chapter!

Christine Beason
Kappa Kappa Psi
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

Nu Epsilon (Chapter 317) Installed at Idaho State University


Please join me in welcoming our newest chapter, the Nu Epsilon Chapter of Idaho State University. Nu Epsilon was installed at 6:30 PM Mountain Time on the 11th of May, 2013. The founding father class was 18 strong. The first Nu Epsilon President is Jose Romero. The Chapter is advised by Sponsor Kevin York, the Associate Band Director of Idaho State University. The Director of Bands is Dr. Patrick Brooks.

The installation team was made up of 10 members of the Iota Kappa Chapter and national representative Adam Bates. Among the Iota Kappa brothers present were Erik Marrs (immediate past IK President and current Western District President), Arthur Aguilera (newly installed IK President), Alex McClean (Western District Vice President), and Jeannette McMillan (immediate past Western District President).

The installation was attended by 6 brothers of the Gamma Chapter, who drove 12 hours from Seattle in order to make the event!

Installation was followed by the Nu Epsilon Chapter hosting “Breakfast for Dinner” in the music building.

Adam Bates

Nu Delta (Chapter 316) Installed at McMurry University


It is my pleasure to announce the installation of the Nu Delta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at McMurry University in Abilene, Texas. The 316th chapter’s installation occurred at 3:00 PM, May 4th with National Vice President for Programs Jack Lee serving as the  installing officer for the colonists. The Zeta Beta chapter at Howard Payne University served as the advising chapter and past Northeast District President Jessica McAlarney Lee from the Eta Alpha chapter was the colony advisor.

There were a number guests attending including the McMurry Fine Arts Division Chair Dr. Mark Wilcox, National Alumni Historical and Development Coordinator Aaron Moore, Past Southwest District President Clinton Wieden, current Southwest District Vice President Allen Andrus, as well as many more brothers that represented the Zeta Beta, Alpha, Alpha Rho, Eta Alpha, and Delta Sigma chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi. The Nu Delta chapter is already off to a fantastic start with service, brotherhood, and other events planned.  Please welcome our newest brothers from the Nu Delta chapter!!


Jack Lee
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band  Fraternity

Founded in 1919 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Kappa Kappa Psi is the leading fraternity solely dedicated to supporting and developing college and university band programs. Kappa Kappa Psi has affiliation with over 210 college and university campuses across the United States of America. Guided by our values, mission and ritual, Kappa Kappa Psi is purposefully working towards our vision; With a dedicated spirit of unity and cooperation, we are unequivocally committed to become the world standard of excellence for band fraternal organizations. Collectively, Kappa Kappa Psi members are inspiring one another and all college band members to Strive for the Highest. 

2013 Elections Newsletter Now Available

The National Advisory Committee on Nominations is charged with evaluating potential candidates for the offices of National Vice President for Colonization and Membership; National Vice President for Programs; and Board of Trustees. This Committee will review all potential candidates who have submitted applications by January 15 of the convention year. They will assess the eligibility of all potential candidates consistent with section 3.203 and additional basic criteria determined by the Committee. The Committee shall prepare an election newsletter to be distributed at district conventions. The newsletter shall provide a general introduction of all eligible potential candidates for the above offices.

You may download a copy of the newsletter by clicking here

Notice for Applications for Alumni Association Board of Directors


The National Board of Trustees is seeking alumni to serve on the National Alumni Association Board of Directors (AABOD). The AABOD is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the various facets and initiatives of Kappa Kappa Psi’s alumni program and for driving a strategic vision of alumni involvement in the Fraternity at the national level. Any alumnus who has a keen interest in and commitment to KKPsi and its alumni program should provide a one-page letter and resume by April 15, 2013 (postmark deadline) highlighting her/his qualifications and ideas. Applications should address the following:

  • the professional skills, talents and expertise of the applicant;
  • suggestions for programs or programming for alumni;
  • ideas and thoughts relating to a strategic vision for KKPsi’s alumni program.

There are a limited number of positions, but we welcome letters from everyone interested in this opportunity to serve. If you are not an alumnus of KKPsi but know of an alumnus who would be an asset to our AABOD, please get in touch with them and encourage them to submit a letter.

Any questions can be addressed to Chris Haughee, Board of Trustees AABOD Liaison or Rod Chesnutt, Chair of the Board of Trustees.

Letters should be sent to both Chris and Rod. Electronic submission is permissible.


Chris Haughee , Trustee
Liaison, AABOD
5456 Summerland Hills Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33812
cell: 813-495-5304

Rod Chesnutt, Chair
Board of Trustees
9801 Blue Stone Circle
Fort Myers, FL 33913
office: 239-590-7188
office: 239-590-7188

Happy Founder’s Day 2012

Happy Founders Day 2012

Brothers and Friends of Kappa Kappa Psi,

Today we celebrate the founding of our fraternity. For 93 years and counting, Kappa Kappa Psi has been a part of college and university band programs. What started at Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College with 10 men and their college band director, now lives on over 210 campuses, powered by over 5900 college students, their university band directors, and alumni members around the globe.

Last year on this day, I challenged you to “come together and make your bands better” for the next year. Given our membership numbers, tremendous local projects, and other successes, I would venture to say many of you met this challenge. While I want to take this time to congratulate you all, our organization cannot be content with these achievements. In fact, to rest on these facts fly directly in the face of our motto to “Strive for the Highest.”

Many people leverage the word “tradition” in our organization to justify outdated and sometimes even harmful practices. This founder”s day, I challenge you to honestly look at the tradition our founders set. These were men who were not content with the status quo. They wanted, expected, and deserved more. They decided to challenge what “traditionally” happened on their campus and set a higher standard. With that in mind, the true “tradition” our founders set was not to be content with “the way it has always been done” and create a positive change. Nationally, we have met this challenge through expansion to new campuses, opening our membership to outstanding band members regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor, and through our work with our National Commissioning Project to move band literature forward with Tau Beta Sigma. All of this powers the one true passion of our founders: elevating our college bands.

Kappa Kappa Psi is in one of the strongest places it has ever been in its history. This is because of students, directors, alumni, and friends who stand up for the values of our organization and truly model excellence in our fraternity. I encourage you all to continue Striving for the Highest and celebrate today the way I believe our founders would have wanted – by challenging tradition with our values and mission in your mind and heart to elevate college bands.


Adam D. Cantley
Kappa Kappa Psi
National President

Frank Wickes Receives Boh Makovsky Award

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi,


The Bohumil Makovsky Memorial Award honors outstanding conductors in college and university bands, and was first presented in 1979.  As we all know, “Boh” was the Director of Bands and Head of the Music Department at Oklahoma State University from 1915 until 1945 and is considered to be “The Guiding Spirit of Kappa Kappa Psi.”  

I am proud to present the newest recipient of the Bohumil Makovsky Memorial Award, Professor Frank Wickes. 

Professor Wickes served as Director of Bands at Louisiana State University from 1980 to 2010. Wickes held the rank of full professor in the College of Music and Dramatic Arts. He received degrees from the University of Delaware and the University of Michigan.

In 1999 Wickes was honored at LSU with an endowed Alumni Professorship, and in 2000 received special recognition from the Chancellor for twenty years of distinguished dedication to LSU and his profession. In April of 1994 he was featured in the cover story of the Instrumentalist Magazine. Additional honors include the Phi Beta Mu National Bandmaster of the Year in 1998, the Presidency of the National Band Association (1988-1990), the Southern Division Presidency of CBDNA (1988-1990), and the Presidency of the American Bandmasters Association (1997-1998). In 2008 Wickes received the National Band Association’s highest honor, the AWAPA (Academy of Wind and Percussion Arts) Award for excellence and exceptional service to the band profession. In November of 2009 he was elected to the Louisiana Music Educators Hall of Fame, and in February 2010 he was inducted into the National Band Association Hall of Fame of Distinguished Band Conductors. In December of 2010 he received the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic Medal of Honor.

Professor Wickes is not a stranger to Kappa Kappa Psi.  Wickes received Kappa Kappa Psi’s Distinguished Service to Music Medal in 1996, and was the Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma National Intercollegiate Band Conductor.  National Executive Director Alan Bonner presented the award on the Louisiana State University Campus on September 29, 2012.


Please join me in celebrating Professor Wickes’ accomplishment!  If you have any questions, or you are interested in nominating an individual for this award please visit or feel free to contact National Vice President for Programs, Jack Lee.



Jack Lee

Jack Lee
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band  Fraternity

Founded in 1919 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Kappa Kappa Psi is the leading fraternity solely dedicated to supporting and developing college and university band programs. Kappa Kappa Psi has affiliation with over 210 college and university campuses across the United States of America. Guided by our values, mission and ritual, Kappa Kappa Psi is purposefully working towards our vision; With a dedicated spirit of unity and cooperation, we are unequivocally committed to become the world standard of excellence for band fraternal organizations. Collectively, Kappa Kappa Psi members are inspiring one another and all college band members to Strive for the Highest.

Kappa Kappa Psi Celebrates Month of Musicianship


It’s hard to believe that we are already starting the month of November.  November has a special meaning to each and everyone of us – the founding of our Fraternity!  This is a time to celebrate the great work of your chapter, the accomplishments of your college or university band, and the continued work of Kappa Kappa Psi.  Remember, November is also Kappa Kappa Psi’s Month of Musicianship!

I know that we have many great accomplishments we could celebrate that have already happened this year.  What are some of the plans you have in place for November the National Month of Musicianship?  Are you organizing a reading band?  Did you purchase one or more new pieces of music for your band’s library?  What about concert receptions?

For the past seven years we have celebrated November through what we do on a daily basis – upholding the mission, values, and purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi.  The success of this program falls back to YOU – the active membership!  Need some additional ideas of what you can do?  Check out how two other chapters have celebrated this month in the past with the stories below the signature block. You can also check out the video that I created two years ago as your National Vice President for Student Affairs by clicking here or copying and pasting the following URL:

Finally, make sure you submit how your chapter is celebrating November.  Email the details to me, and feel free to include pictures!  You never know when your information will be shared or highlighted in the next edition of the Podium!


Jack Lee
National Vice President for Programs
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band  Fraternity

Founded in 1919 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, Kappa Kappa Psi is the leading fraternity solely dedicated to supporting and developing college and university band programs. Kappa Kappa Psi has affiliation with over 210 college and university campuses across the United States of America. Guided by our values, mission and ritual, Kappa Kappa Psi is purposefully working towards our vision; With a dedicated spirit of unity and cooperation, we are unequivocally committed to become the world standard of excellence for band fraternal organizations. Collectively, Kappa Kappa Psi members are inspiring one another and all college band members to Strive for the Highest.

From Cheryl Pirard – Vice President of the Gamma Iota Chapter at the University of New Mexico

Our event was called “Kappa Kappa Psi: Mock Juries – In Honor of the National Month of Musicianship.”  The event took place on only one day, November 28, 2011. We had three “judges” that day that provided comment sheets for to give the performers after their performance. We were told that the event was a good idea; it helped them get a full performance in before juries. They also said it helped them get rid of some of their nervous jitters because they had an audience to play for. Lastly, the performers liked having “judges” and getting positive comments back to help them out.


From Alex Castro – Zeta Kappa Chapter at Texas A&M University-Commerce

The Zeta Kappa chapter organized a chapter recital to demonstrate their commitment to band and Kappa Kappa Psi.  The brothers of the chapter performed solos, duets, and quartets for everyone that attended.  Following the recital, the chapter came together for a group picture, and went to dinner together for fellowship

Kappa Kappa Psi Mourns the Passing of Wava Henry, Founder of Tau Beta Sigma

Brothers, Sisters, and Friends,

It is with a heavy heart that the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi mourns the loss of Wava Henry, Founder of Tau Beta Sigma. Our thoughts and support are with the family during this time. We want to thank them for sharing the gift that was Wava with our organization. She was a lifelong advocate for bands, a visionary leader for both Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi, and truly a friend to all members of both organizations.

Born March 14, 1920, Wava’s life paralleled that of Kappa Kappa Psi as a leader in the college band movement. Wava was an early voice for inclusion. Wava exerted her special leadership by ensuring that women were included in the college band movement, founding Tau Beta Sigma was just part of her legacy. In her role as a pioneering female band director in Texas, she educated women and men about music and about seizing an ideal and fighting for it. Both her accomplishments and her “get it done” attitude remain undimmed and have our Brotherhood’s admiration.

Our hearts are with all of our brothers and sisters in Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi. This is a time for us to bond together as organizations and remember the woman that helped pave the way for thousands of people to serve college bands through Tau Beta Sigma. As brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi we are committed to always “Strive for the Highest.” However, today we all are truly and sincerely with our sisters “For Greater Bands.”

For more information on Wava’s legacy and her story with Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi, please visit

Adam D. Cantley
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity
National President

Kappa Kappa Psi Mourns the Passing of Dr. Jim Croft

On September 6, 2012 Kappa Kappa Psi and the college band world lost teacher, friend, and advocate, Dr. James Croft. Dr. Croft was an honorary member of the Gamma Nu Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Florida State University.

Dr. Croft finished his Ph D. from the University of Oklahoma in 1970 and was hired as the director of band at the University of South Florida in 1972. After eigth years at USF he became the Director of Bands at Florida State University and remained there until his retirement in 2003. Dr. Croft’s high school program was selected as one of the groundbreaking Contemporary Music Project ensembles supported by the Music Educator’s National Conference and the Ford Foundation in the 1950’s. He also served as the president of the National Band Association and the College Band Directors National Association. He was also active in the forming of World Association of Symphonic Band Ensembles (WASBE) as a member of their board for 6 years. He was revered as a musician, composer, and clinician working with countless ensembles and composers. He truly was a legend in the college band arena.

For Kappa Kappa Psi, Dr. Croft conducted the National Intercollegiate Band in 1995 and received the Bohumil Makovsky Memorial Award that same year. Dr. Croft received the Distinguished Service to Music Medal during the 1997-1999 biennium, the highest honor Kappa Kappa Psi gives to an individual.

Dr. Croft served as an example, leader, and mentor for countless brothers and band directors across this country. He truly lived up to the high ideals of our fraternity. Our most sincere condolences are with his family and the Florida State University Community.