Mu Omega Chapter #312 Installed

Brothers and Sisters,

It is my pleasure to announce the installation of the Mu Omega chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Huntingdon College. The installation of our 312th chapter occurred on February 27, 2011 with Board of Trustees Chair and Past National President , Michael Osborn serving as installing officer of 9 colonists and 2 honorary members. The Iota chapter served as the advising chapter and Craig McClure, Life Member from Eta Pi was the colony advisor. This is the 15th chapter installation of the biennium.

Brothers were in attendance from the Iota and Zeta Upsilon Chapters. Also in attendance for the installation ceremony were several guests from the Huntingdon Community as well as Sisters of the Huntingdon Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Special thanks also to those same sisters for hosting a reception following the installation. The new chapter has outstanding potential to do many great things for the Huntingdon Band Program and will be an asset to the Southeast District.

Please send congratulations to:

Chapter President- Kevin Smith,

Congratulations to these new brothers and all those involved.


Adam D. Cantley

Kappa Kappa Psi

National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

Gamma Omicron Chapter #87 re-installed

Brothers and Sisters,

It is my pleasure to announce the installation of the Gamma Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Otterbein University. The installation of our 87th chapter occurred on February 26, 2011 with President Derrick Mills serving as installing officer of 13 colonists and 5 honorary members. The Eta chapter served as the advising chapter and Tim Kalgreen, Life Member from Eta was the colony advisor. This is the 14th chapter installation of the biennium.

Brothers were in attendance from across the North Central District. Also in attendance were Tammi Rice, NCD President, Jason Morris, Past National Vice President for Student Affairs and past NCD Officers Chuck Cattrell and Eric Snowden. The new chapter is off to a great start with many projects accomplished, others in the works, and tremendous support from the brothers and sisters of the North Central District!

Please send congratulations to:

Chapter President- Joshua Reynolds-

Congratulations to these new brothers and all those involved.

Adam D. Cantley
Kappa Kappa Psi
National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

2009-2011 Chapter Leadership Finalists Announced

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:

It is a great privilege to announce the 2009-2011 Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Leadership Award recipients:

Delta – The University of Oklahoma
Nu – The University of Michigan

Omicron – West Virginia University

Pi – Auburn University

Psi – University of California, Los Angeles

Alpha Beta – Butler University

Alpha Tau – The University of Texas at Austin

Delta Iota – Florida A&M University

Epsilon Pi – Kansas State University

Zeta Beta – Howard Payne University

Zeta Epsilon – Michigan State University

Zeta Chi – University of South Carolina

Iota Zeta – North Carolina A&T State University

Iota Pi – California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo

Iota Omega – Iowa State University

Kappa Mu – The University of Georgia

Lambda Rho – Tennessee Tech University

Mu Kappa – Grand Valley State University

This list of eighteen outstanding chapters includes a mix of first time finalists and long time finalists. These chapters throughout the biennium has made outstanding contributions to their band programs and maintained an extraordinary level of commitment to the purposes and values of Kappa Kappa Psi. They certainly have met my challenge to “Dig Deep” towards college band and Kappa Kappa Psi excellence!

Each of these chapters will be asked to present more about their work this summer at National Convention during our Interactive Psi (iPsi) morning, and we encourage you to visit with all of these chapters while in Colorado Springs so you can get ideas for your own chapter and band program.

Each of these chapters is eligible for the William Scroggs Founders Trophy, awarded to one of these chapters as the outstanding chapter in the nation. I am excited for these chapters and their band programs, as this is a moment of celebration for hard work and dedication to college band by our Brothers.

Thanks to these chapters for their consistent high level of excellence throughout the biennium!



National President
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

National Officer Packets Due January 15

We have one EXTREMELY important deadline that is rapidly approaching. Any Brothers who are constitutionally eligible to run for the offices of National Vice President for Colonization and Membership, National Vice President for Programs and Board of Trustees must submit their complete candidate packets to National Headquarters by JANUARY 15th, 2011. I highly recommend that you look at the most recent edition of The PODIUM for further details. You can find this information on page 15.

I ask Brothers that are planning on running for these offices, can you kindly email me privately as I am continuing the planning for elections and various campaigning opportunities before and during convention. Those running for the office of National Vice President for Student Affairs do not fall under this requirement and can submit its candidate packets at convention. If you are thinking about or are planning to run for National VPSA please contact me also.

I also encourage anyone to forward this message to any Brothers who might not be on this listserve and could potentially be a great national officer. If you have any comments or questions let me know.

Derrick Mills

2010 Month of Musicianship


Are you still looking for something to do to celebrate the Month of Musicianship? Have you been trying to think of what you can do, but just really can’t come up with anything? Time is running out, but there is still so much that can be done!

I’m pleased to present another video segment to the Fraternity membership on KKPsi Live! This brief video focuses on some simple things you can do to celebrate the Month of Musicianship. I even share with you what a couple other chapters throughout the country have already done to show their love and appreciation to music and band.

You can find the video on the newly created Kappa Kappa Psi Youtube Channel at:

Remember, if you have something you would like to have answered or see a video on, send me and e-mail!


Jack Lee

Jack Lee

National Vice President for Student Affairs

Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

Kappa Kappa Psi Mourns the Passing of UMass DOB and DSMM Recipient George Parks

On September 16, 2010, the music community lost one of its great educators. George Parks received a B.S. from West Chester University where he served as drum major of the Golden Rams marching band and an M.M. from Northwestern University. He served as the Director of the Minuteman Marching Band “The Power and Class of New England” since 1977; a position he took up at the age of 24. Professor Parks’ bands have performed in two Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies, and at the New York Giants and New England Patriots Football Games. Under Parks’ direction, the Minuteman Marching Band won the Sudler Trophy for tradition of excellence in marching band in 1998.

Professor Parks was a former instructor and Drum Major for the DCA World Champion Reading Buccaneers Drum and Bugle Corps, and was awarded Outstanding Drum Major at eight DCA World Championships. He was the founder of the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy, and the co-founder of the Band Leadership Training seminars.

Recognized throughout the world, Parks has received numerous awards including: the University of Massachusetts Amherst Distinguished Teaching Award in 1989, named the Massachusetts Instrumental Conductors Association Conductor of the Year in 1991, inducted into the World Drum Corps Hall of Fame (1993), University of Massachusetts Chancellor’s Medal for Distinguished Service, inducted into the Bands of America Hall of Fame (2006) and the Kappa Kappa Psi Distinguished Service to Music Medal (2008). A tireless fund-raiser, Parks was the driving force behind the $5.7 million Minuteman Marching Band Building that is currently under construction. The new building is to be named in his honor.

When asked “What is the Power and Class of New England?” Parks replied, “It’s about standing for something that counts. It’s about building a group that is first and foremost, musical. It’s about teaching a group of men and women leadership.” It was this vision of his role in music education and the success of his students that is Professor Parks’ legacy.

Kappa Kappa Psi Mourns the Passing of DSMM Recipient Dr. William P. Foster

We are sad to report the death on August 28, 2010 of Dr. William P. Foster. Dr. Foster served as the director the Florida A&M Marching 100 from 1946 to 1998. During his tenure, Foster is credited with revolutionizing marching band techniques to showcase band pageantry; many of which have become standard techniques for high school and college bands. When Dr. Foster became Director of Bands at FAMU in 1946, the marching band consisted of 16 members. By 1950, the band boasted a membership of 100, and the Marching 100 was born. Under his direction, the Marching 100 made numerous television appearances and gained international acclaim.

At age 12, Foster began playing clarinet, and while in High School was appointed student director of the Sumner High School Orchestra in Kansas City, Kansas. He received his Bachelor of Music Education in 1941 from the University of Kansas, a Master of Arts in Music from Wayne State University in 1950, a Doctor of Education degree with a major in Music from Teachers College, Columbia University in 1955, and the honorary Doctor of Human Letters degree in 1998 from Florida A&M University. While attending Teachers College, Columbia University, Dr. Foster was a fellow of the Rosenwald General Education Board.

Dr. Foster has been inducted into the Florida Artists Hall of Fame, the National Association for Distinguished Band Conductors Hall of Fame, the Florida Music Educators Association Hall of Fame and the Afro-American Hall of Fame. He has also served as national presidents of the American Bandmasters Association (ABA), the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) and was appointed to the National Council on the Arts by former President Bill Clinton. CBDNA awarded Dr. Foster the CBDNA Lifetime Achievement award in December of 2009. In January 1973, he was awarded a Kappa Kappa Psi Distinguished Service to Music Medal in the field of Marching Band.

Past National President Jay Slaughter Passes Away

Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi:

We recently learned of the death on March 27, 2009 of Kappa Kappa Psi Past National President Jay Leon Slaughter, 84 of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Dr. Slaughter’s wife writes, “When we made the trip to the Norfolk convention (2003), he wasn’t well then, but he loved every minute of it visiting with the students.”

Dr. Slaughter served as National President from 1965-1967 at the 24th Biennial Convention held on the Texas Christian University campus in Fort Worth. Gunther Schuller presented his new composition for band, Study in Textures, and Keith Wilson and Sigurd Rascher appeared on the National Intercollegiate Band program with him as guest artists. Throughout his tenure, the Fraternity enjoyed a steady growth and an unprecedented acceptance in the professional and fraternal worlds of Music and Music Education.

He received a bachelor’s degree from Idaho State University, a master’s degree from the University of Utah and a doctorate from Indiana University in Music Education. He taught music at Ricks College for 18 years and then was in public relations for 18 years. He was awarded for outstanding musicianship at Idaho State University. At Ricks College, he received an appreciation award for the hall of fame board for his service. In 2002 he was awarded the Eliza R. Snow award.

If you would like to send a note of condolence the address is: Slaughter Family, 1400 Flacon Drive, Ammon, Idaho 83406

The Passing of Dr. Harry Begian

Harry Begian

Kappa Kappa Psi mourns the loss of Dr. Harry Begian.

Dr. Begian was an honorary member of of the Zeta Epsilon Chapter and also served as the conductor of the National Intercollegiate Band during the 1987 National Convention in Ann Arbor, MI.

His biography is provided below:

Dr. Harry Begian served as Director of Bands at University of Illinois from 1970 until his retirement in 1984. He began his reputation as an outstanding conductor/teacher at Detroit’s Cass Technical High School, where he developed one of the finest high school bands in the country. He then served as Director of Bands at Wayne State University and Director of Bands at Michigan State University before going to University of Illinois.

Dr. Begian’s musical training was in the public schools of Michigan, where he studied trumpet with Leonard Smith and flute with Larry Teal. He received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Wayne State University in Detroit, and earned his doctorate at University of Michigan–Ann Arbor.

A charter member of American School Band Directors Association, he was also Past-President of American Bandmasters Association, College Band Directors National Association, Omicron Delta Kappa, and an honorary member of Phi Beta Mu and Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association. His professional affiliations included memberships in Phi Mu Alpha and Phi Delta Kappa, and honorary memberships in Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.

Dr. Begian was a recipient of the NBA Citation of Excellence, ASBDA Edwin Franko Goldman Award, Notre Dame St. Cecelia Award, Grainger Medallion, was elected to the Academy of Wind and Percussion Arts, and was enshrined in the Hall of Fame of Distinguished Band Conductors. His more than 60 recorded performances with the University of Illinois Symphonic Bands comprise one of the largest and finest collections of recorded band performances in existence.

Dr. Begian passed away July 26, 2010

2010 District Leadership Conference

The 2010 Kappa Kappa Psi/ Tau Beta Sigma District Leadership Conference will begin on July 23-25 in Memphis, TN. This is a three day intense leadership training activity for district presidents and governors. Adam Cantley, National Vice President for Colonization and Membership will facilitate these meetings.