Student Advisory Committee November 2019 Report

Brothers –

Below you will find an outline of the Student Advisory Committee’s meeting on November 15, 2019. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

With much love,


—November SAC – Minutes 11/15/2019—

  • Attendance – please list your name and position below
      1. Bang Co – VPSA
      2. Jessica Lee – VPCM
      3. Hunter Murphy – WD President
      4. Oliver Kou – WD MaL
      5. Ema Alexander- NED President
      6. Ben Tuttle – NCD Sec/Treas
      7. Mali Glaister – MWD Sec/Treas
      8. Brianna McKinzie – SED President
      9. Jack Gornick – NCD VPM
      10. Jessica Needham – SED VPP
      1. Questions? – Seeing none
  • National Council Updates/Announcements
    1. Iota Nu (Jessica)
      • Western District was not on the email list
      • Ema did not receive this email either
      • Hunter saw the email but didn’t see the WD listserv on the recipient list
      • The DPs will receive any status change to a chapter within their district
      • Brianna did not receive the second clarification email
      • Jessica Needham: Brothers brought up a concern about the Facebook post being made; Brothers were being approached for interviews and had not received news yet. 
      • Posting of news on social media seen as “public lynching”
      • People were concerned about how the university “not knowing” about the closing of their chapter.
    2. Centennial Day (Jessica)
      • Nov. 27, 2019
      • Scroggs was moved to Stillwater, OK
      • Ceremony in the graveyard – live-streamed
      • Ceremony for Founders Day – live-streamed
    3. Month of Musicianship
    4. Chapter Summary Report
      • Alpha Alpha / Nevada / No money submitted  — Still waiting on University issued check
      • Alpha Tau / Texas / Signatures and late fees missing  — Waiting on signatures and late fees
      • Eta Pi / Northern Iowa / DOB approval, late fees, signatures   — Pending receipt of remaining fees, late fees, and signed summary page
      • Gamma Eta / New Mexico State / Need more money   — Pending receipt of remaining fees, late fees, and signed summary page
      • Iota Kappa / Boise State / Waiting on check from school to be processed  — Still waiting on University issued check
      • Iota Mu / Kentucky State / More money needed, and late fees  — Pending receipt of remaining fees and late fees
      • Mu Pi / Oregon / No money submitted  — Pending receipt of fees (late fees waived if submitted within few days of 1/11/19)
    5. Fall Activity Report
        • CA question to be changed – when? ASK AARON!!!
  • VPSA Updates
      1. Communications Team – Content Calendar
      2. VPSA Media – What is coming up?
        1. KKPsi TV
        2. VPSA chats: monthly
          1. Last month: Month of Musicianship Prep
          2. It’s on YouTube now!
          3. Upcoming: Self-care
        3. KKPsi Presents
          1. Have you listened?
          2. Alternating between member interviews and national updates
  • District Updates
      1. Upcoming Events
        1. MWD
          1. Fall District Day is next weekend
          2. Convention hotel contract was signed
        2. NED: 
          1. One on Ones still in progress
          2. Reaching out for FAR
          3. Month of Musicianship feature for NED
          4. Alumni Speaker Series
        3. NCD
          1. Russell attended Alpha Beta’s First Degree – 20 Brothers from other chapters were in attendance
          2. DLC – very successful; invited Greg Boike; 17 Brothers
          3. District Liaison program is starting up
          4. Online workshop on music
        4. SED
          1. Centennial Web Series on Sunday!! Please invite all of your chapters! 
          2. After the Web Series we will begin charts again 🙂
          3. We’re getting all set up for Winter Council
        5. SWD
          1. </3
        6. WD
          1. Had a great Pre-Con
          2. Gearing up for an informal event in January 
          3. Doing a cool fundraiser for MofM 
            1. Collective practice-a-thon
          4. States days hosts confirmed 
            1. Going to set dates soon 
          5. District programming 
            1. Snarky’s Challenge
      2. Upcoming Deadlines
        1. FAR – BEFORE DEC. 1ST
      3. Common Questions/Issues
        1. Updates on Inner Circle and Founder’s Circle?
        2. Travel money – where the money at???
  • SAC Topic #1: Visioning and Goal Setting (***SAVE FOR NEXT MEETING***)
  • SAC Topic #2: Convention Planning (***SAVE FOR NEXT MEETING***)
  • What can I and/or the National Council do to help you?
    1. Ask Aaron about email listservs

Student Advisory Committee October 2019 Report

Brothers –

Below you will find an outline of the Student Advisory Committee’s meeting on October 16, 2019. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

With much love,


—October SAC – Minutes 10/16/2019—

  • Attendance – please list your name and position below
    • Bang Co – VPSA
    • Evan Choy – NED VP
    • Will Johnston- NED MaL
    • Gillian Jinkins -SED VPM
    • Atia Aroonsakulwongse – SED Sec/Treas
    • Garret Gardenhire – SWD Pres
    • Andy Cifuentes – SWD MAL
    • Ema Alexander- NED President
    • Brianna McKinzie – SED President
    • Ashley Nowikowski – SWD Sec/Treas
    • Jordan Barnes – NED HAL
    • Jessica Needham – SED VPP
  • Review/Discuss Previous Minutes
    • Questions?
  • National Council Updates/Announcements
    • Working on finishing tasks from the past biennium  
    • Wanting to help educate brothers and band directors about hazing concerns
  • VPSA Updates
      1. Communications Team – Content Calendar
        1. Being Consistent & Proactive (i.e. Mental Health Day & Coming Out Day)
        2. If there’s things that we think is important, PLEASE let VPSA know so it can be added to the calendar.
        3. Goal: Send this calendar out to chapters so chapters have some start grounds for content.
      2. VPSA Media – What is coming up?
        1. KKPsi TV
          2. Again, let them know if there’s topics to cover (how to sign up for an email, for example)
        2. VPSA chats: monthly
          1. Last month was recruitment & membership ed
          2. It’s on YouTube now!
          3. Upcoming: Month of Musicianship Prep
        3. KKPsi Presents
          1. It’s baaaack. 
          2. It gets a student/Brother voice and story. Showcase the student level.
          3. Working to make it more consistent – Goal is two per month.
  • District Updates
      1. Upcoming Events
        1. MWD
          1. Convention site and date all going well
          2. Social media is going well. Snail mail has been a hit here!
        2. NED: 
          1. One on One meeting starting this week!
          2. We have a Convention Site and Date!
        3. NCD – none
        4. SED
          1. Online Centennial workshop series!! 
          2. Only 3/47 Chapters late for Chapter Personnel Reports
          3. We have a VPM!! Yay Gillian!
          4. Eta Eta Colony Dates! (10/20/19 1st, 11/3/19, 2nd, 11/24/19, 3rd)
        5. SWD
          1. We have a Convention Date!
          2. Began The Charge
          3. Assembling a Standing History and Traditions Committee
          4. Website changes are …. coming
        6. WD – none
      2. Upcoming Deadlines
        1. none!
      3. Common Questions/Issues
        1. VPMs with Membership Candidate Registration Forms being delayed from CPR?
          1. Chapters should be safe; the committee is aware of this though!
  • SAC Topic #1: Social Media Guidelines & Chapter Social Media Info Collection Form
      1. Give feedback on the guidelines
      2. Future brand ambassadors program to come
      3. Common issues to keep an eye on: being mindful of Secrets, incorrect usage of crest, not using correct colors, not using correct sizing for images
      4. Take screenshots so it can be added to a database for the future. 
      5. Chapter Mascots with Crest? (Bang is checking on this question)
      6. Being mindful too about chapter’s using university logos
      7. Snapchats/Instagram takeovers may need separate outlines
  • SAC Topic #2: Month of Musicianship
      1. Clarifying expectations and what to do
      2. Making a hashtag! 
        1. Districts – push the national hashtag, but you are HIGHLY encouraged to still create your own district hashtags too. (i.e. SWD’s #TheCharge)
      3. Template “Music/Band is ___ to me” – inviting a more emotional/vulnerable response
      4. VPSA Chat for this potential – what are chapters doing/what does it mean to you?
      5. Please reach out if you’re interested – questions to come for prep!
      6. Month of Musicianship Checklist (SED inspired suggestion?)
  • What can I and/or the National Council do to help you?
      1. Will nationals be releasing anything to celebrate the centennial? 
        1. A mini version of what was done at natcon for chapter centennials
        2. Looking for a ceremony or something to do for the National Centennial
      2. Updates on Founders Circle/Inner Circle
        1. Revisions being made on Inner Circle 
          1. should be released by the end of the year
        2. Founders Circle more updates around February
          1. Looking specifically keep secrets safe so where to put it 
        3. Students lovingly nudge.
  • Announcements – none
  • Celebrate WINs
    1. Ashley is going to be published!
    2. Jacob will be at a BOC regional staff member!
    3. Annual Audition workshop was a huge success from Gillian!
    4. Atia – Homecoming week, football team is partnering with the children’s hospital, adorable tradition!

Student Advisory Committee September 2019 Report

Brothers –

Below you will find an outline of what took place during the September Student Advisory Committee meeting on September 13, 2019. Ema Alexander of the NED took notes for the meeting. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can reach me at or the whole committee at

With much love,


—September SAC – Minutes 9/13/2019—

  • Introduction/Attendance
    • Midwest: Sam Faulkner – VPM, Jenn Taylor – Governor
    • North Central:  Russell House – President, Jack Gornick – VPM, Jenna Jansa – VPP, Ben Tuttle – Sec/Treas
    • Northeast: Ema Alexander – President, Evan Choy – VP, Will Johnston – MAL, Bill Welch – Governor
    • Southeast: Jessica Needham – VPP, Atia Aroonsakulwongse Sec/Treas
    • Southwest: Hannah Cheeseman – VPM 
    • Western:Hunter Murphy – President, Oliver Kou – MAL
  • District Updates
    • Midwest:
      • District Day (Nov. 23) at University of Nebraska – Omaha
    • North Central
      • Membership Retreat (Oct. 6)
      • Online workshops (virtual)
      • Google Classroom introduction
      • Book Club
    • Northeast
      • Online workshops (virtual)
      • Chapter One-on-Ones
      • New website
      • Standing committees
    • Southeast
      • DLC & MER in February
      • FocuSED Connections – Pen pal program for chapters
      • Reach for the Stars Program starting soon
    • Southwest
      • Histroy & Traditions Committee
      • Publications
      • The Charge – chapters post good examples of service and values
    • Western
      • VPM virtual workshops
      • Centennial
      • Snarky’s Challenge (monthly for chapters)
  • SAC Topic #1: District Communications Plan
    • How are you marketing district events and updates/news?
      • Midwest: Facebook Group, District Website (hopefully), Instagram, and Facebook Page
      • Northeast: Infographics, Flyers, emails, individual contact, officer specific FB groups, public FB and Instagram pages
      • North Central: Posts on District Facebook Page, our email list, Instagram, officer twitter pages
      • Southeast: Facebook group, SED Slack channel, district website
      • Southwest:
      • Western: FB Group but hopefully transitioning to our website, occasionally Twitter
    • What are you doing for follow-up?
      • Midwest:
      • Northeast: Messaging Presidents individually, emailing, repeat posts as big deadlines approach
      • North Central: Individually emailing chapter presidents, or eventually FB messaging/calling them for reports and stuff. Also we ask the Brothers to spread info through word of mouth at their chapters
      • Southeast: FB messaging brothers individually, tagging chapter FB pages, and some emailing
      • Southwest:
      • Western:
    • What are you using to measure your quality of communication methods/strategies?
      • Midwest:
      • Northeast: Made a google doc for contact information for chapter officers. Asked chapters to verify the information was correct by checking a box. This was a visual representation of which chapters are being reached and which chapters are not receiving information.
      • North Central: Have a spreadsheet of chapters with their submission status for forms, but not much in the way of promoting events
      • Southeast: Made a spreadsheet and note which chapters I reached out to, how I reached out, and who I specifically communicated with if relevant. Then noting who has followed through and who needs another reminder
      • Southwest:
      • Western:
    • What does “successful communication” look like in your district?
      • Midwest:
      • Northeast: When brothers interact with posts tagging other brothers which helps us to reach all our followers but additionally brothers who do not follow us. High completion of forms and chapter polls indicate communication is being received well
      • North Central: Brothers showing up to events whether in person or digitally depending on the event and having brothers contribute to our online initiatives
      • Southeast: Communicating messages on several platforms: FB, Insta, Slack, and email
      • Southwest:
      • Western:
    • What are some successful practices?
      • Midwest:
      • Northeast: We post a graphic as deadlines approach that has every chapter and a series of 4 gray bars. We change the bars to green 1 at a time for being, submitted to sponsor, sponsor approved, DOB approved-pending collection of fees, completed. The updated graphics are posted weekly. Often, a brother will see their chapter has 0 gray bars and it promotes an accountability system where they will then personally check with those in the chapter responsible for submitting forms and thus more chapters are filling out forms earlier than the deadline.
      • North Central: Using a promotional schedule so Brothers on the council know when to post on social media (and on which platform) to ensure a regular stream of information
      • Southeast: Using Canva graphics for deadlines
      • Southwest:
      • Western:
    • What are some of your communication goals?
      • Midwest:
      • Northeast: Build relations with chapters and presidents who routinely struggle to respond to district events and district officers
      • North Central: Reach chapters that aren’t at most district events and get to know at least one person in every chapter of the District personally
      • Southeast: Increasing interactions with chapters on social media, continuing to utilize the SM calendar as a council to pre-plan as much as possible so that we aren’t over posting, and Get as much communication through slack as possible
      • Southwest:
      • Western:
  • National Council Updates
    • Deadlines:
      • Chapter Personnel Report (Semester): September 30
      • Chapter Personnel Report (Quarter): October 15
    • We had our first National Council meeting on September 12.
  • VPSA Updates
    • 100-Day Plan
      • Established the Communications Team members
      • Created content calendar
      • KKPsi TV – created Chapter Personnel Report walkthrough video with Ema
      • VPSA Chat (September 24) – recruitment and membership education
      • KKPsi Presents – first episode to be released in October
  • Celebrate WINs
    • Western
      • Parliamentarian, dissolving joint constitution into a handbook
    • Southeast
      • Almost have a VPM
    • Northeast
      • Almost have a convention site