From the Desk of the National President: July 2024 Updates

Brothers – 

As we embrace the vibrant warmth of July, we find ourselves at the midpoint of our biennium—a period marked by significant growth and community strengthening. This milestone offers a reflective pause to celebrate the great work accomplished and to recognize the abundant opportunities that lie ahead. As Brothers, musicians, and leaders, we must continue to engage deeply with our mission and each other, ensuring that we seize every chance to advance our goals and enrich our collective journey.

I am thrilled to update you on our progress and upcoming initiatives. I encourage each of you to actively participate and reach out with any thoughts or questions you may have. Together, let’s ensure this month is filled with purposeful engagement and joyous moments of fraternity, musicianship, and joy!

Listserv Update

As part of our transition to OPUS, we have begun decommissioning our old listserv platform and integrating those mailing lists into OPUS. Unfortunately, due to the design of the old system, we were unable to migrate any unsubscribe requests. Going forward, at the bottom of each email from our new platform, you will have the option to unsubscribe from the list. You can also manage your subscriptions by visiting the Email Preferences Center through the “Update Subscription Preferences” link at the bottom of each email.


Update #1: One Year Down, Another Year Ahead

As we conclude our first year of the biennium and look towards the next, it’s essential to reflect on our achievements and the challenges we’ve encountered along the way. This past year, our fraternity started with a membership base of 3615 Active members, marking a 5.7% decrease from the previous year and falling short of our budgeted target of 4,000 Active members. This reduction in membership size has, as expected, led to a decrease in funding, necessitating some adjustments to our operating expenses.

Despite these challenges, we have initiated at least 1690 new Brothers (with 230 still pending paperwork updates) bringing us close to our goal for 2023-2024! While this number is below our target of 1,900 new members, the efforts and dedication displayed by our chapters in their recruitment and retention endeavors are commendable and truly appreciated. The financial implications of not meeting our recruitment targets have also prompted us to make careful adjustments to our budget. This ensures that we continue to be responsible and strategic with our funds, while still investing in our staff, students, expansion efforts, and partnerships.

Looking ahead to Year 2, we are optimistic about our potential for growth. Our goal is to see at least 4,000 members returning as Actives and to welcome at least 2,000 new Brothers into the Brotherhood. Achieving these targets will not only stabilize our funding but also strengthen our community and enhance the fraternal experience for all members.

As many of our members prepare to enter band camp in August, it is a crucial time for recruitment and retention. We invite everyone to actively participate in these efforts. To aid in this, please make use of our comprehensive recruitment resources available on our Strive for Five page. Here, you’ll find tools and strategies designed to help chapters achieve their recruitment goals and ensure a vibrant future for our fraternity!

Explore Our Recruitment Resources

Update #2: Month of Celebration Success

As we reflect on the success of our Month of Celebration, I am filled with gratitude for the overwhelming support shown by our community! Through our Five Dollar Friday campaign, we received over 45 gifts, collectively raising crucial funds that will significantly enhance our National Intercollegiate Band, bolster student scholarships, and support various national initiatives and chapter needs. This financial support is crucial, especially as we continue to navigate the economic challenges post-pandemic and rebuild stronger financial foundations for our Fraternity.

The past year has been one of careful fiscal management. The National Council has taken a conservative approach to our spending, cutting major expenses to ensure our Fraternity remains in a safer financial position amidst these turbulent times. Your contributions help us maintain this stability and refocus on marching forward with financial resilience. Now, more than ever, your support is vital to our ongoing success and stability.

A special shoutout to our donors for their incredible support during this campaign:

Aaron MooreKellee Massey-Ruhlman
Arupa Gopal-CampbellKelly Miller
Bert KingLance Coochyouma
Cade SkuseLinda Matney
Daniel MillerMalinda Matney
Debbie MorrisMatthew Clark
Ed SavoyMichael Trimm
Eric MorsonSarah Casias
Evan ThompsonStefan Sundin
Franklin Johnson-NorwoodSteven C. Nelson
Greg BoikeTim Greenwell
Isabella HernandezsireViet Nguyen
Jack & Jessica LeeVictoria Liu
Kalem GrahamDr. William Lake, Jr.

We are incredibly thankful and honored to be the beneficiary of their generous and gracious support. To learn more about Kappa Kappa Psi’s Lifetime Donors and to see the full list of those who have contributed, please check out pages 34-35 of the latest issue of The Podium.

Your gift, no matter the size, helps us strengthen our position and continue to offer the programs and support our chapters and students rely on. Every contribution moves us forward, ensuring the legacy and the vitality of Kappa Kappa Psi!

Support Kappa Kappa Psi Today

Update #3: CFR Summer Office Hours

We are thrilled to share that our new CFRs, Ari and Mason, are continuing our Summer Office Hours initiative to connect with chapters! Designed specifically to provide support during the quieter summer months, these office hours are an exceptional opportunity that we strongly encourage all Active members, especially our newer chapter officers, to take advantage of.

The CFR Summer Office Hours are not just a meeting; they are a chance to lay a robust foundation for the upcoming academic year. Whether you’re new to your role or looking to refine your chapter’s operations, Ari and Mason are here to cover essential topics that can dramatically enhance your preparedness and confidence. They will delve into crucial areas such as “Finding Your Why,” which helps clarify the purpose and driving forces behind your chapter’s activities. They can also assist with understanding and managing officer responsibilities, setting strategic goals, addressing interpersonal issues, and navigating the often complex national paperwork requirements.

Do not miss out on this incredible opportunity to strengthen your chapter’s operations and leadership. Make the most of the summer to prepare and start the next term with confidence and clarity.

Sign Up for CFR Summer Office Hours

Update #4: Summer Council Meetings & National Leadership Conference

July will be a busy month for us as we gear up for our annual Summer Council Meetings & National Leadership Conference, scheduled to take place from July 9 through July 14 in Stillwater, OK! This annual gathering is an important event where the National Council and Board of Trustees come together to evaluate our progress over the previous quarter, assess the current state of the Fraternity, and strategize for the upcoming quarter to ensure continued growth and productivity.

This year, we are particularly excited to return to Stillwater and be in person with our National Headquarters Staff. The staff has been exceptional, maintaining smooth operations at HQ despite the absence of an Executive Director. Their dedication and efficiency have been crucial in keeping our Fraternity’s administrative heart beating strongly! I’d like to share a heartfelt “thank you” to our entire staff!

The National Council meetings from July 9 to July 11 will focus on these evaluations and strategic discussions. Following these important meetings, we will transition into our National Leadership Conference (NLC) on the evening of July 11. Dr. Rorrer has been diligently preparing a comprehensive digital onboarding and training process for all district leadership teams. This preparation is designed to equip them with the tools and knowledge necessary for the upcoming academic year. During the NLC, District Governors and a student officer representative from each district will travel to Stillwater where they will collaborate with our National Leadership Team to develop a clear and actionable plan to engage and guide their respective districts. This collaborative effort will ensure that our leaders are well-prepared to support their chapters and foster a productive and enriching environment throughout the fraternity.

Given the importance of these strategic gatherings, we highly encourage each chapter to conduct their own visioning and strategy planning meeting during the summer months to prepare for the upcoming year. These meetings are crucial for setting goals, aligning with the Fraternity’s objectives, and ensuring a strong start to the academic year. If you need assistance with organizing or conducting these meetings, please do not hesitate to reach out to our CFRs or your district leadership team.

For those who have specific concerns or questions that you would like to address to the National Council, we welcome your input and are here to support you.

Contact the National Council


As I close out another newsletter and look towards the second half of this biennium, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our Brothers who have continuously shown incredible dedication and support. The journey we’ve embarked on together, especially in the wake of the challenges, has not been without its hurdles. Yet, through it all, the unwavering commitment of our volunteers, alumni, and students has been a beacon of hope and resilience.

The sacrifices and contributions of each member have been instrumental in stabilizing our fraternity during these uncertain times. Your efforts have ensured that we not only maintain but also build upon the legacy of Kappa Kappa Psi. It is during moments of reflection on our shared journey and our cherished Ritual that I am reminded why I continue in this role. The lesson of leaning on each other, and supporting one another through every challenge, resonates deeply and reinvigorates my commitment to our cause.

To every Brother I’ve had the honor of connecting with this past year, your enthusiasm and dedication make the weight of leadership worth bearing. Your actions inspire and drive us all to strive for excellence in every endeavor. As we step into the remainder of this year and beyond, let us carry forward the spirit of unity and dedication that defines us. Together, we will continue on #TheKappaKappaPsiJourney, fueled by our collective love for music and one another.

With Love and Appreciation,



Bang T. Co (He/Him/His/他)
National President & Ex-Officio Board of Trustees Member,
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity, Inc.

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Our Mission: Kappa Kappa Psi is a diverse fraternity dedicated to advancing college and university bands for the benefit of its members and society through: Meaningful musical experiences and enrichment, Transformational leadership development, Purposeful service to bands and support to band members, Lifelong fellowship and community.



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Posted in Fraternity News, Official Statements.